ShadovarnTelekinesis - Rework?
Every time I verb and press this spell, I feel a sudden and instant sense of regret. Regret that I did not buy the giant purple dildo master. That instead I went for the rippling force since it was more subtle and fit the aesthetic better.

Let me tell you, the spell is not good. It needs more than just a buff, it should probably be reworked. Outside of having dash spells or jab, this thing will never reliably land. Even if you manage to land it, the damage is pitiful and it supposedly slaps on a confuse effect. I wouldn't know as I rarely see it land. Even then, examples of it hitting that do get shown? The damage is pitiful, the range narrow and it is slow. 

It is actually a worse cascade. Look at the stats. Its cooldown is slightly longer and it is the master for gravity. I think TK should not be a wave spell but something that complements the rest of gravity like a lot of masters tend to do.

Either that or give us TKv2.

The question of what it could be turned into is a hard one. I am sure people are tired of another root or effect that just locks people down. There are enough slows and I think another knock back would drive people mad. Which is why if we're going by what it was intended to be, then we should really go deep on TK.

Make it Force Choke. Let it apply some kind of debuff like what gbomb applies as a homing. Maybe something like the old pull spell to yank the opponent closer and then crush their neck with psychic powers. Maybe still leave in the visual effect of TK since I actually like that.
This man said Force Choke. I'm all in. I will throw my money into this, so I can rp a sith lord.
Validate my Sith roleplay.

EDIT: but also i actually like tk as-is if it were just a little better in some way
i hit it consistently enough to occasionally go 'poggers!'
i have never gotten to play w/ a good master apparently but i enjoy the thrill of landing tk. it makes me feel good
i watched gravity mages literally do 40% with a single TK by hitting it.

just stop missing your tks or hitting the sides, it's literally impossible to escape if you properly land it
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
that may have been before it lost 1.5 spell damage per tick

also before gravity stopped being a braindead cc tree you could chain off of with caster on autopilot.

u can't just make these general claims and expect them to be blanket truths jumpy, you can just walk out after one tick in general, it's worse than most basic beams
(03-07-2021, 07:38 AM)Jumpy Wrote: i watched gravity mages literally do 40% with a single TK by hitting it.

just stop missing your tks or hitting the sides, it's literally impossible to escape if you properly land it

Maybe once upon a time it hit that hard but it doesn't any more.
Literally just tested it and it was hitting 7-10k at close range/point blank. And that was on a target standing completely still to take each and every hit. And it appears to lose a tick every tile or two tiles. Moving around lets you avoid half the damage pretty consistently without trying.

'Just stop missing' is hard when the spell is fairly slow, forcing you to have to throw it at point blank and use a dash strike or a TP effect. And even then, it isn't like cosmic or energy beam that'll drag you the full duration because it doesn't apply a stun but a drag effect.
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