This is probably gonna be a hair bit controversial but here we goooooo.

The current iteration of Adversity is a really, really bad spell. Like, so bad, I'd call it a bait spell. There's virtually no way to use it well in the intended, offensive way.

'But stackable infinite power!'

Yeah but it's not free, so number time friends. Brace yourself. In order to make 50 power equivalent to the 3000 HP loss, you need to do a whopping 60 spell damage. That's... That's a high number, and while achievable under certain scenarios, I want to remind you that this is the baseline -just to trade evenly-. Even landing a point blank beam will usually result in a net loss of HP.

'But you can just CC lock' - Still need to deal 60 spell damage to break even, also, everyone else can CC lock too. It's not restricted to mutants.

'But you can meme and one-shot!' - Only if you bring yourself down to 1 HP, by which time your Adversity is likely already expiring.

And I want you guys to realize that 60 spell damage requirement is under best case scenario. This does not include if your opponent decides to do something as simple as... Block. Or lord help you, Mist Form, Shadow Form, Chronos, Ribcage, Deflecting Palm...

Fact of the matter is, using it is just killing yourself 9 times out of 10, and it could probably use some love. To compare it to another spell, Invigorate was netting me like, +38 power on Amanita with the same duration, GCDE, without a mana cost. Did we mention it has a mana cost? That means you can't even really do the memey Adversity Stack into Ghost Rip that they're designed to do.

I'd honestly say lower the HP cost and remove the mana cost, and Mutants might suicide a bit less. It shouldn't be as hard to trade positive with it as it is, at the very least.
Being unable to use a gimmick doesn't make it bad. The health drawback of Adversity is the exact same that angel wings gave to demiangels and it was a buff considered overpowered. It all comes down to how you use it. Ten seconds is plenty of time to unleash 60md worth of damage. For example you could press adversity and then press sonar cacophony and with that single spell you're literally back to being break even. All it takes is for people to realize you're not meant to spam adversity all fight long; you're meant to weight its cost/reward with how much you believe you can land.

Treat it like invigorate and it'll be better. Combine it with caster or ifrit. Use spells that can't miss. Use an aura that gives AP in order to make that boost even better.

I'd take baiting out a mistform at the cost of 3000 health anytime, even if I didn't get an extra 50 power that would last longer than the mistform.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Again, even without spamming it, you generally suffer a net loss each time you use it. 10 seconds is barely enough time to pump out 60 spell damage, and that's only assuming your opponent just stands there and takes it. The fact is, in order to actually profit off it, you have to aim for 80-90 spell damage dealt out in a 10 second period, which would probably get your build nerfed to the ground even under normal circumstances.

Do you really think no mutant has used Caster? Do you really think not a single one has used spells that don't miss, or gone ifrit melee, or used some form of sustain? Like, damn, believe it or not we do have some good verbers down in the Mire. Day 1 mutant advise is literally not to buy the racials because they're traps.

Don't use Agartha's nonsense to balance E3.

And more to the point, you're MEANT to spam it. The entire idea of the spell is to rip off like 18K HP at once and profit off it, but the fact is, there's too many things holding it back to do so. IT'S NOT meant to be treated like Invigorate, that's NOT the point of it.
Landing 1 energy beam under 50% health is enough to make up for the health drain.
A single use of cacophony is also enough to make up for the health drain.
A single energy burst under 50% health will make up for the health drain even if not a single tick crits.

The only thing holding you back from using the skill properly are the limits you put on it yourself.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
i've only ever seen the rip good against somebody phantom striking or trying to close the gap in niche situations

it's more utility than what it's meant to be
[Image: kaliadorcha.png] 
(04-09-2021, 02:24 PM)Jumpy Wrote: Landing 1 energy beam under 50% health is enough to make up for the health drain.
A single use of cacophony is also enough to make up for the health drain.
A single energy burst under 50% health will make up for the health drain even if not a single tick crits.

The only thing holding you back from using the skill properly are the limits you put on it yourself.

Uh what. No. That's not how those spells work at all.

Energy Beam doesn't get a bonus under 50% anymore, and hasn't since like E1.
Energy Burst goes up to like, 36 spell damage or something.

Even cannons only do like, 30 spell damage these days.

Math ain't adding up. Unless you're trying to factor in Energy Aura's bonus AP, which, doesn't count towards Adversity.

Also, Energy mutants are laughably the -worst- of the mutants. Trust me, we've seen a dozen of em. It doesn't work.
(04-09-2021, 02:31 PM)Delirium Wrote:
(04-09-2021, 02:24 PM)Jumpy Wrote: Landing 1 energy beam under 50% health is enough to make up for the health drain.
A single use of cacophony is also enough to make up for the health drain.
A single energy burst under 50% health will make up for the health drain even if not a single tick crits.

The only thing holding you back from using the skill properly are the limits you put on it yourself.

Uh what. No. That's not how those spells work at all.

Energy Beam doesn't get a bonus under 50% anymore, and hasn't since like E1.
Energy Burst goes up to like, 36 spell damage or something.

Even cannons only do like, 30 spell damage these days.

Math ain't adding up. Unless you're trying to factor in Energy Aura's bonus AP, which, doesn't count towards Adversity.

Also, Energy mutants are laughably the -worst- of the mutants. Trust me, we've seen a dozen of em. It doesn't work.

As an Energy Beam user.
Yes it does.

Cannons can do 35.
also ebeam does extra damage under 50%, they readded that a month ago, or something.
[Image: kaliadorcha.png] 
Pretty sure Adversity benefits from AP. When I was messing around with it, I remember getting 55 from each use with a 10% aura.
(04-09-2021, 02:35 PM)Shadovarn Wrote: Pretty sure Adversity benefits from AP. When I was messing around with it, I remember getting 55 from each use with a 10% aura.

Issue is it's not really 'AP' and more flat percent power, at least last I used Energy Shroud. So unless it actually functions as AP now (or whatever acronym it goes by these days), Energy Shroud itself wouldn't work. Could be wrong there, since it seems Energy Tree had a touch up that I wasn't aware of.
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