Mutant Appearance
(04-27-2021, 11:16 PM)Sandshark Wrote: It'd be nice to have something cosmetic to choose from like ogres get different color choices. Maybe a vendor that sells horns, wings, or whatever else. Or free cosmetic toggles to give you the gorilla arms or some other thing (glowing eyes? some weird aura graphic?).

This is simply why I a-helped to have my Goblin Mungo become a lesser yokai sprite, until I was beaten by a teenager and logged off and haven't played him since.
I'd preffer to have the tag reinforced rather than a sprite differential, due to the fact that the mutant description also says that humans can become mutants through long time exposure, experiments etc. Basically; each mutant is too 'unique' to generalize in a sprite form imo.
(04-28-2021, 12:18 AM)Xiga Wrote: I'd preffer to have the tag reinforced rather than a sprite differential, due to the fact that the mutant description also says that humans can become mutants through long time exposure, experiments etc. Basically; each mutant is too 'unique' to generalize in a sprite form imo.

It's already required that your mutant have physical mutations visible in their description. I only suggested sprite choices because I thought this post was about it being hard to tell based on their ingame appearance.

See the mutant rules here.
I got my horns on Serenity! But yes, a lot of mutants do look a bit plain. Maybe add a mutant shop NPC somewhere that we can pick up a few cheap sprites?

Cuz like, even us in the Shadowmire have trouble telling if the newbie who's popped up is a mutant or human >.>
Quote:It's already required that your mutant have physical mutations visible in their description. I only suggested sprite choices because I thought this post was about it being hard to tell based on their ingame appearance.

See the mutant rules here. @sandshark

I'm well aware of that it must be a physical trait and that it must be in the description.

But one mutant could have horns while the other has a giant leg

One could be purple while another one is mostly normal with three tongues and nails for hair.

Certain traits can be hidden under clothes like a mouth for a stomach, I dont know, people are creative.

So I'm saying that if "all mutants" get the e"LARGE ARM" sprite then it doesn't fit IC either.

Easiest IMO is to auto tag mutants with the [MUTANT] tag in the mini profile and on their profile. Perhaps, here's a wild idea; Make the circle around them when you select a character purple??
I think just requiring mutants to clarify in their descs that they're mutants is the easiest way. They're all decently powerful occultists with mutations that can be hidden, yes, but should be pretty apparent. You don't get the mutant tag because you're missing a toe.

It's very odd to have them able to idle in cities and say 'no it's fine I put a shirt on, my mutation is hidden on my chest where it can't ever be checked!"
ok serious response:

there's no reason why mutants dont have funny mutant cosmetics in the shop so they can have fucked up resident evil arms and hilariously stupid edgy accessories of all descriptions
If you see a mutant idling in a city though, please report them. Not ok. Like we're not even allowed to enter them, let alone just sit there.

It's good to see that we're all kinda in agreement though that they need some sort of identifier. Be it the mutant tag or spriting.
ok but the issue is when we can't tell if someone is a mutant, and when we ahelp they're offline and the issue is quickly forgotten
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Mutants think I’m a mutant, but I’m not.. maybe it’s because I’m always AFK in their area’s.. maybe it’s because they don’t have a way to identify their brethren. Who knows ‘\(~_~)/‘
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