Mutant Appearance
Simply put, I think Mutants should be made easier to identify from OOC perspective.
It is said that at the glance of an eye, you are supposed to realize a Mutant isn't a human, but I have seen a couple of them without any sort of characteristic from sprites, or even some sort of tag saying they are a Mutant in the description and such, only for me to see them using adversity or ghost rip all of a sudden.

Oscuri had green leylines.
Neries had those horns.
Mutants should have something too.

[Image: ban_than.gif]
god i agree
im tired of seeing people idle in cities only to learn that they were mutants or something else
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
[Image: UuwCdNB.png]

make mutants this
Mutants that don't appear visibly mutant from a first glance should have the [mutant] tagline... Otherwise, I can't help but worry the race was picked to play as a monster race, and more as a higher starting rpl with benefits.

Something to make them more visibly mutants, which will allow you to pinpoint those who hide the fact they are mutant (knowingly or not)?

Would be a blessing.
ive seen people have **[MUTANT]** in their description and people not notice and its really funny
(04-27-2021, 10:57 PM)Username850 Wrote: [Image: UuwCdNB.png]

make mutants this

I can't believe macaco race has been confirmed
(04-27-2021, 11:04 PM)ferrettamer Wrote: ive seen people have **[MUTANT]** in their description and people not notice and its really funny

I agree, it's funny. But the opposite is annoying.
You check it, there is nothing saying 'Hello am mutant yeehaw' so you end up RPing them as human.

EDIT: I can't believe 'u w u' becomes yehaaw when you type it.
(04-27-2021, 11:09 PM)LiefDeltora Wrote:
(04-27-2021, 11:04 PM)ferrettamer Wrote: ive seen people have **[MUTANT]** in their description and people not notice and its really funny

I agree, it's funny. But the opposite is annoying.
You check it, there is nothing saying 'Hello am mutant yeehaw' so you end up RPing them as human.

EDIT: I can't believe 'u w u' becomes yehaaw when you type it.

I'm calling you a liar, yeehaw

Edit: Oh damn, it actually works.
It'd be nice to have something cosmetic to choose from like ogres get different color choices. Maybe a vendor that sells horns, wings, or whatever else. Or free cosmetic toggles to give you the gorilla arms or some other thing (glowing eyes? some weird aura graphic?).
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