Additional Specializations
It's been a while now so it should no longer be meta to list the specializations, especially with the spellcost sheet.

Right now, these are the base trees and their specializations:

Fire: 2
Earth: 6
Water: 3
Air: 2
Holy/Cosmic: 1
Occult/Illusion: 1

This means that unless you're Earth, you have one effective specialization you can go for for most trees (i do not respect sound nor plasma)
(ice/blood are ok)

Earth on the other hand had all very good trees except for sand which 'okay'. It's okay.

A few more specializations will make a few of these trees not feel so tied down by spellcosts and dipping!
The fact that occult, the dedicated tree for antagonists, has nothing going for it and no real purpose outside of now being tagged for witchcraft stuff is sad. I remember a time when holy and occult comboed off every tree, hm. . .

Still, while people are being pessimistic about it as ever I have heard mostly complains about a decent chunk of the various sub-trees, so I think I'd like to see what we have now tidied up and rounded first. Expanding some of them would be nice, too; right now you can pretty successfully just being an ice or blood mage given how fat their tree is, which is also thematically appropriate. You can't solo it with p much any of earth's specializations, but it makes sense to mingle with crystal, sand and metal, use the whole ground-buffalo and all. It makes a little less sense where bones come into play with all your mud, while nature could really use an alternative entry base tree like spirit or something so people aren't locked into a specific archetype. (As seen currently by the Druids!)

Nevermind the quality of the tree themselves, of course. A simple solution to rounding out a decent number of these trees would be axing the hidden system, or at least downgrading a fair few abilities. While some hiddens are cute and flavorful and you can define a character with them, as they should, a fair few just look like a spell on your hotbar to me and restricting them at all, let alone effectively one per character, does nothing but gut the tree. Take for instance the one off hiddens in small trees like bone and magma, or that nearly half of ice is made up of hiddens.

That's too much! Nature and cosmic's are examples of cute and good ones, as both nestle your character into a certain theme you can base yourself around. It's very aesthetic. Stuff like holy's, though, are just taking away some neat tricks you could be doing and hurts the tree overall, especially now that combo stuff isn't a thing.
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