QoL Changes for Events/Event Forums
I fail to see how direct RPP rewards are a bad idea.

You can get RPP just sitting on a bench having chats with people, there is no bonus or incentive to actually engaging in some manner of plotline or danger. Contributing to people wanting to go out and do just that, if in a closed loop scenario like an event, should be rewarded for everyone, including the event runner. Especially the runner, even.

RPP checks require effort and prose, same as events. Why would you not? Certain people get buffed and swole by doing a bunch? ... So what?

If you want to make it simple, just have every event give two or three, depending, checks. Flat checks, press button give that PC a check. At higher RPL that's (probably I am not familiar with 200+-ers) decimal points, not flat numbers. At lower it scales to be appropriate. Whoo.
Because someone did events for a few months, stockpiled points, started a new character, and got to rpl 200 immediately.

Or, like I said, I gained 40 rpl in a single day. You're getting STRONG without actually existing to other people. It throws things off a lot, especially if you use that rpl to be an antag.
Giving AP for the time/rp provided through the event would make more sense than direct RPP. It still rewards DMs for the RP that they provide, but doesn't become something that people over 200 "farm" for easy checks that would otherwise take ages.
Personal AP mods could also work in the same sense.
Again, the easiest solution would be to just re-add Good/Excellent/Bad mods back into the game, and provide Good/Excellent mods to DMs for a certain number of checks whenever they do an event.

That being said, I still believe rewarding RPP (That cannot be stockpiled) would be fine, if the first choice isn't available. I mean, getting RPL 200 in spires wasn't incredibly hard.
I think people aren't taking in the benefit and the time consumption that goes into Planning, Getting approved and Running a successful event.
Which on a good day is 6 hours or more.

And people are using examples of extremely bad behavior using your DM checks to increase a character to 200 RPL shouldn't be allowed at all. It should be complementary to the character you're actually playing.

There should be some type of reward, Maybe a x2 mod of AP or a bonus mod for a few days. As someone who has very much Enjoyed DMing and wants to get back involved with it i feel like doing so would only make my current character get left in the dust. People are already hitting 200+ having someone earn a few extra checks 1-5 at most isn't going to power game the system.

And now that more people are getting 200+ more events need to be ran otherwise things become very boring since Events can lead into world events and other fun interactions. But DMs should be rewarded for their time and the RP that they're missing out on. Flat RP or otherwise.
I generally agree, although I can see how a lot of this would mean more admin/mod oversight needed, which a lot of the game seems set up to avoid.
And I am mostly on the side of giving some sort of reward to GMs that put in a lot of effort, because the players who participate in the events are getting both AP for talking/acting in them and potential dev logs. I can see how some people could abuse it without a lot of oversight though, which would probably require an admin going over logs, which again is a lot of time investment for them.
I don't mind DM incentives, however RPP isn't the way to go.

As Peep said, you should mostly be rewarded RPP for actually playing your character. Not... Running something completely unrelated to your character.

I guess having a DM role back in discord might be nice, so they can feel special. However, DMs are mostly volunteers (Who we appreciate a lot..!) And your aim should be to help others with their goals/furthering their story, not running events strictly for the rewards.

Also, it's doubtful we're adding good/bad mods back into the game.
I think Kale and I discussed these. I came up with a few ideas.

30 Day Subscription - 3 DMP
Illusion, Energy, Gravity, Time Spell tree - 3 DMP
75% Rebirth - 5 DMP
If you earn 7 DMP or more, you get Gold Patron.

If they re-add Good mods or whatever, could probably stick a

[x] Amount of Good Checks - 3 DMP

or something
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(12-16-2019, 06:02 AM)Milly Wrote: I think Kale and I discussed these. I came up with a few ideas.

30 Day Subscription - 3 DMP
Illusion, Energy, Gravity, Time Spell tree - 3 DMP
75% Rebirth - 5 DMP
If you earn 7 DMP or more, you get Gold Patron.

If they re-add Good mods or whatever, could probably stick a

[x] Amount of Good Checks - 3 DMP

or something
The other ones are fine, but this one is OOC in IC. How are you going to explain your character suddenly knowing Time Magic when the focus on builds being very IC and higher magics like this needing to be apped for/developed when you got it for doing an event that had nothing to do with that character?  This goes into the same issue of RPP being a problem. Good checks I would also argue are an issue because it, still, makes your current character more powerful because you did something not related to the character OOC.
See, I agree with the Rebirth business, and potentially using DM points to unlock non-hidden spell trees also sounds like a good idea. (Meta Trees, Elemental specs, just not special trees such as light/cosmic/occult).

Heck, I personally would love to get back into trying to DM again, however, due to my extremely strict time frame, I can't legitimately excuse putting any time towards giving it another go, simply because- if I did, my character would make almost no progress, and I can't really picture being enough of a 'Good Samaritan' to stall my own RP entirely.

But yeah, give DMs some sort of reward, it doesn't have to be RPP-based, but assuming all DMs must be unrewarded volunteers is just going to kill off 75% of all future events pushed forward by the playerbase, at this rate. I'm sure most people don't do DMing solely for the rewards, but I can definitely picture them being more willing to spend the time helping someone else, if they aren't punished for helping out.

Also, seriously- I think we do need those Event sub-forums. It would really help streamline the Event Plan Approval/Available Event process. At least, more than the cluttered mess it is now.
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