QoL Changes for Events/Event Forums
So, I was told not too long ago that evidently Chronicles does not give any rewards to DMs for helping people out by DMing, unlike back in spires where DMing for an event would reward the DM with a 1RPP reward for the time they provided.

I feel like DMs should be rewarded for the efforts they put into their events, it's a bit disappointing that they're given nothing for spending so much time to provide someone else a wonderful experience through their event.


Also, minor Quality of Life changes, the Event Forum should have a Completed/Cancelled Event Sub-forum to clear up the the Event Forum of completed/Cancelled Event Threads that won't be taking place anymore.

It'd also probably help out if DMs had a Non-readable forum to submit Event Plans for events they're DMing, so the Head Admins can just go through those and Approve/Deny them, rather than relying on having to use private messaging through Discord and hoping someone can spare the time to scour through the event plan and approve/deny them. (On that subject, sub-forums for cancelled/approved event plans would also probably help organize that non-readable forum as well. Kinda' like with our app forums.)

Events are a pretty fun part of this game, and while not every event is a glimmering spectacle, we currently have 40 Submitted Events in the Events Thread, of which, a total of 9 had reserved a DM for them. Out of those 9, I'm not even certain how many were actually able to be run. We could use some TLC on the system, is all.
Yes, please.

Even with a DM for my Event, the lack of reward for them to expend all that time and energy really makes it less an attraction for them to even do.

Still haven't been run this mission for the Faith because of extreme difficulty in attempting to get Event Ideas approved apparently.
the problem is what do you give dms?? RPP was hilarious and fucked, I got like 200 rpl from that shit over 3 characters, and some other people did way worse.

I guess you could sorta fix it by increasing how much you get, but only being able to do it once a week or idk. It's still not a great idea.
Easy solution? Provide an RPP reward up to 200. Post-200, provide some other type of reward, or a fractional RPP reward. As it is, the average event takes 3-5 hours. I can easily get a 150-200 rpp check with two hours of constant RP, if neither side is slow.

Could always have the post 200 RP rewards be something like contribution points, get enough, can get a special reward or summat. Like a lump of arcanium or something for their character.
I am wholly against non-rp things giving rp rewards.

I do not want someone to walk out of the forest at 200 rpl with multiple high end items without ever Rping that character.

It's perfectly safe.
They deserve something.
Peep 'Puff' Topia Wrote:...
So, why would you be against a player having an RPL 200 powerhouse with powerful items they earned through providing a great quantity of events to other players. (Last I checked, RPL awards are traditionally 1 RPP per event.).

Compared to say, someone constantly spam-rping Casual RP in the park and then suddenly walking out as an RPL 200 powerhouse with a set of Mythril equipment, because their T1 arcanist buddy made them it?

The time invested in creating events already serves as a soft-cap to prevent the doomsday outcome you suggested from happening. It'd only give players more incentive to actually contributing as a DM for others. As the system is right now, it's essentially assuming someone will be cool with wasting valuable RP/Dev time on their own character, only to provide someone else valuable RP/Dev out of purely the charity of their own heart.

DMs should be given fitting rewards, nothing too amazing, but they shouldn't be punished for helping others.
They're at least interacting with the world at large.

Though if you want my actual truth, bring bad bad mods.

In fact, bring back manual checking.

But that's not the topic at hand.
Peep 'Puff' Topia Wrote:...

I mean, if we had good/bad mods, I'd also agree to just giving DMS Good/excellent mods for a certain number of checks as rewards for doing events for others. It'd be a good way to reward them without having to worry about a lack of RP from the character.

Also, yeah. I miss Manual checks, they rewarded good RP moreso than the casual spam we get nowadays, but I understand why they are no longer a thing. I'm sure the staff would shoot themselves mere days after our 200 Pop server would have to start being checked manually for RP. It'd be misery.
Yeah. Direct RPP Rewards are a bad idea. Spires proved it. If Mods were a thing that'd perhaps not be so bad since you'd still have to interact with the world to make use of them.

(I went from like 140-180 with one big batch of dm points. I think???)

En and I averaged, what, 3-5 events a week? What could DMs get that wouldnt't allow us to surpass everyone else. That's the big question right now, not IF they should get rewards.

I personally wanted MATERIALS or MONEY but it still is a super slippery slope.
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