spawning in doesn't make someone any less of a vet, cmon we know this.
Imagine quitting because you lost a RPB
Can we talk about the combination of these specs?
A lot of specs are cancerous. Earth/Nature/Illusion, or Nature/Illusion/Most Specs make me want to fucking die. This is the early point of the game, where a lot of balancing will be done. Quitting because one guy beat you isn't good.
imagine making a thread asking to nerf all three at the same time and making that brief and poor of a case for it, having only one danger fight you lost as evidence

don't expect anyone to take you seriously

Quote:"Why? Can this please be looked at for the sake of other players?"

Also implying you have any interest in the enjoyment of others while you were sitting out there, hiding under trees, trying to gank RPL 160s?

hmmhmmmmmhmhm i don't know about that one


(also they didn't have blind you're tripping)
we should also talk about how you hide behind trees waiting 4 low rpl players to show up so u can gank them, knowing the new 1v1 rules play into your favor
[Image: haha.jpg]
waiting behind trees is something the syndicate does. now if you've proof of that then take it to another part of the forum and report it, otherwise? if you don't have anything to say on this discussion to talk about the trees then don't post anything at all.
[Image: R7FXBgA.png]
[Image: loading-reimu.gif]
>Hiding behind trees is something the Syndicate does.

No the fuck it isn't, where did you get that? I don't like the Syndicate IC and have fought them many, many times. Not once have they stepped out from behind a tree.

You attacking low RPL players, after hiding behind a tree, and quitting due to the fact you lost demonstrates that you're exactly the kind of player they don't want on this game. Oop, spilled my tea...
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