reaRework Beam Animation Lock
As of now, when you fire something like cosmic/energy/time/water beam, you're locked until it ends. 

If you miss, not only is it supremely punishing that you missed your high damage skill, you're locked in place until it finishes, unable to do anything else while you are forced to watch your hubris. Because of their length, this is usually enough time for someone to close the gap on you and chunk most of your health. 

The wiggly chains of metal allow you to move after use if you don't hit them, so I'd like to suggest that the older beams are updated to allow you to do the same, especially with the rise of melee and close quarters combat.
Considering how powerful one of these beams are should they connect, I imagine that being rooted in place and open up to taking damage due to a miss is what helps balance them. You should be mindful of your positioning as well as your opponents when using one so that you have the greatest chance of connecting.
N****s will actually shoot the beam move out of the animation and use more skills. That ain’t what u want chief.
If you miss a move that is meant to be high risk, high reward like the beam, you should be ready to face the consequences. There are moves that aren't meant to be safe on miss, who give high value if they land. The beam is one of them.
why not just nerf metal beam to be more in line with everything else
I mean, the gimmick of metal was always, roots/stuns/CC with some modest damage.

If other beams allowed you to move while you casted them, then they'd be obnoxiously broken. Imagine the original Crushing Iron spell, where a well-placed chain could lead into a combo that dealt half your opponent's health in damage?

Now Imagine every single beam has that synergy, it'd be ludicrous.

Also, the metal beams have already been nerfed severely from their original positions, they're in a good place. Especially given one roots you, your opponent and deals about the damage of a regular beam. (Means, you're open to being skillshotted back.) While the other one does the damage equivalent of a basic projectile skillshot (Think, Mana Ripple), but lets you follow up with a combo.
this is literally basic risk/reward. come on. memes.
Beams are perfectly fine as they are. Waterbeams, novarays, etc... they all chunk the living god out of people. You better suffer if you miss.
[Image: GLORIOUS_GIF.gif]
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