three..Who? --And Talia Vanreth
[Image: taliaemp.png?width=468&height=468]
 [Image: taliaemp2.png?width=371&height=468]
Leader of the Eclipse Coven, Caporegime to the Docro Family, and Master of the Occult.

These are all titles collected by your mother in her lifetime. After betraying Osrona to harbor a relationship with the heretical side of her family tree, the Vanreths, the young Gardios woman distinguished herself as a practitioner of Witchcraft and of the Dark Arts, mastering her craft with the aid of the Docro Family, among others.

You are a spawn born not out of love, but out of your mother's desire for an inheritor to the Vanreth name. As such, you are no stranger to all manner of occult and macabre concepts, though your formal education has been withheld until you come of age. Regardless, your entire upbringing has focused on nurturing curiosity beyond restriction. Laws and morals are barriers for the tame.

In recent years, your humble life has become a degree more extravagant. You have access to the Gilded Estate and the Docro Manor, and if you play your cards right, are spoiled by your very rich step-grandfather, Johannes pyr Docro.

[Image: aftosemp.png?width=576&height=468]

 Your fleshcrafting father. He was simply the means to an end for your mother to acquire a child. Their relationship is no more than work parters, perhaps friends. Perhaps you can ask your mother more about him-- this is very much true for one child; another had the Teraphim's interest, though not of paternal love, rather one that could aid the work he seeks to finish.

 For much of your youth, your father is absent, absorbed in his own personal interest, studies and the likes at one point completely disappearing without saying much only to return in recent times, however little has changed. You're no stranger to heinous crafts, often aiding your father in whatever odd project came to mind, as you grow you've taken it upon yourself to experiment on your own, fleshcrafting taking your interest.

  • Two spawning in 1882 AC.
  • Both of your parents are Fleshcrafters, you have access to such teachings.
  • Your mother is the leader of the Eclipse Coven, you have access to not only Witchcraft, but the Coven itself.
  • You are free to pursue any magic you'd like.
  • You can spawn as Human or Felinae, though subtle features of your Gardios heritage will be present regardless. ( sharp nails, starry eyes, etc. )
  • Green Hair
  • You carry Vanreth and Gardios blood. You will take the Vanreth surname.

If you are interested in playing a child apply here!
Thanks for applying, those who did!

The child has been chosen. Apologies to those who were interested but not selected  :c
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