Spell Balance Suggestions
Make Earthbomb more unique/niche than just a weaker fireball. It feels really lacking to hit considering it has the same scaling as fireball without the 50% of 4 sd burn. I know it knocks back but the 5 tile distance doesn't really do much. The distance is easily recovered during the cast time of earth bomb if they're close and it doesn't matter if they're far.

Maybe make it a higher cd, higher damage variant or chance to apply mud rather than knocking back. Maybe a range difference or scaling depending on distance travelled (not sure if that's possible) It just feels like a boring carbon copy of fireball now.

Yes, the last one was super op and boring but at least it was different. Idk having the same basic spell in the public trees just seems lame to me. Earth is pretty unexciting to play considering most of your stuff is easy to land with lowered damage to compensate for that. A skill that fucks somebody up if you manage to land it feels just feels good.

Also fireball is lame which is why earth bomb is lame. Make them both unlame pls
Spell: Metal Lance
Suggestion: It's classified as a beam, but it's actually a skillshot. It doesn't draw in like cosmic/water/energy/etc beams, and it's sort of insanely hard to hit. Sure, it applies a slow when hit by it, but unless you have a really CC heavy build that's already locked someone into a slow or a stun (which, if you're a pure mage, is unlikely), you just get to watch your opponent sax away while you throw a spear. They're supposed to be three tile, but I've seen someone just walk along the side of it after it's been fired. I'm not sure if just the tip is three tile? But, it feels like Lance is not super worth it, especially when it's an opener and 30rpp. I understand that openers are intended to be expensive and not the best skill that the tree offers, but it's so lacklustre I'm sure many people have reconsidered going metal.
Air Tome
It has been said a thousand times but it still holds true base air tree is incredibly weak compared to any other base tree. Quite honestly I'm not sure what can fix it but I think it needs some major buffs or revamps. Heres what I would do.

Hurricane- Add back this skill, Increase the tick rate so they have something to work with I'd even say make it stronger and add it as an Intermediate.

Flurry- Increase the damage of the dot by a good amount, And how long the slow lasts so more combos can be made,  Wind has no other homings or reliable damage and it leans on flurry a lot and for the 15 RPP it could do more in this current meta

Twister- The damage it deals is laughable not to mention its quite easy to avoid.

Lightning Tome
Lightning can either be really strong or really weak depending on whos using it, I suggested a few things but what's most lacking from this tree is reliable CCs. Compared to the others.
 Restraining Bolts - Reskin of HS bolt of old, Increase the slow duration, Reduce the cooldown, keep the damage tic the same. I think it was 2 dmg at the end of Spire and strikes 3-4 times? Just this addition will give lightning some room to play around and while there will always be a skill curve to this it won't be oppressive compared to the other trees. I'd highly recommend this as a basic spell

Sparkbomb- A spammable homing spell akin to earthbomb/bubbles honestly this is if you can't beat em join them the prior mentioned spells are extremely strong and lightning and air all have high cd spells that are usually close-ranged. Increase damage by a little bit and reduce the cooldown to a manageable degree. 

Cloudburst- Goes without saying adding this would give lightning a greater edge. I think it would deserve Intermediate to Master tier and the only thing I could say could be improved is that if it is Master tier increase the duration and range by a moderate amount

Lightning embodiment-
Its an utter joke, and extremely easy to avoid in practice, The best use this has is mobility outside of combat, With more CCs however this becomes a threat, and both Air and Lightning lack this thus I'd recommend replacing this for one of the other spells I mentioned
Spell: Clone
Suggestion: Probably give it a bit more HP. It seems to be destroyed fairly easily now, and with the CD of 30 seconds if it gets completely slaughtered I have to wait a half a minute to be able to bring it back up. The damage is fine where it is.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Spell: Rockslide

Suggestion: Remove the pointblank double tick it has, so it stops doing nearly 10k damage to people. It hurts
Ice feels like it's been horribly hutted. You guys went a bit overboard and I understand throwerswas busted before, but either they were bugged or the nerf hit a little TOO hard. Maybe it needs +1 spell power on the ice thrower (fuck the fire thrower, ice is a way biggest investment and apped for), and ice needs some kind of something. It just doesn't feel strong anymore-- and don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say it neeeds to be as strong as it was before, but it kinda feels like it was castrated.

Spell: Ice Flurry
Suggestion: Add +1 spell power to this one

That or let the frost debuff last a bit longer maybe?
Or since its so much weaker take away some CD from it?
Spell: Lightning Javelin.
Suggestion: The hitbox is way too small. Not only is it literally one tile, but sometimes you'll be on top of it instead of directly in front, and you won't be hit or dragged at all. Costs 15RPP, the cooldown is 28s, but absolutely not worth it when compared to the damage and the rate in which it can actually be usable (1/14 times, when the enemy is completely immobilized)
Spell: Earth Tree-- These spikes do insane damage. It feels low CD, it ticks multiple times and can crit like a real bitch. Feels overtuned. Not to mention they have a ton of range for all that damage too. I don't know the names of the spells to pinpoint them exactly. Glad the boulder got turned linear, but the AoE's, wooh boy they can hurt.
Spell: Unarmed - Jab: Reduce Tiles used to 3-4, put a 2 second Root to give the tree something of an effective combo starter.

Spell: Cosmic - Meteor Dash: Make GCDE so that it can better be used in line into a combo.

Spell: Cosmic - Invigorate & Nova Ray, Separate Usage. Energy Beam is far better than this currently due to the effective 2 buttons you need to press to get Beam to work. Reduce Damage by 1 point without Invigorate Activated.
general suggestion to remove the .5 second pause when casting spells

suggestions regarding riptide
despairing tendrils: too expensive for basically an alternative bloodwhip (weaker considering whip can bleed)
rings of malice: sucks ... damage low, very telegraphed, short range, huge cost
dour javelin: its fine ... its pathfinding is bad though
umbretarn aura: the lifesteal chance on this is so pathetically low that this is basically just a reskinned essence aura, and is the foremost in need of buffs
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