Spell Balance Suggestions
(05-12-2020, 07:19 PM)drea Wrote: Spell: Nova Ray

Suggestion: A damage boost ... It currently has 4 spell damage and literally every other spell that I have is 6+ ... since it's a skill shot, hitting it should be more rewarding than hitting the free, two tile wider mana ripple


Nova ray has insane damage at the cost of high skill ceiling. It's difficult to consistently land it against anything other than Armed Melee.

But when it does hit, it can decide entire round, especially if you hit it up close (the damage goes through the roof). Damage boost is the last thing it needs. 

I'm not even sure whether it needs changes. It's high skill, high damage beam that is difficult to hit (unless you're vs Armed Melee) - but when it hits, it decides entire RPB round. I'm pretty sure it's intended to be that way.
(05-12-2020, 07:34 PM)Dreamspeaker Wrote:
(05-12-2020, 07:19 PM)drea Wrote: Spell: Nova Ray

Suggestion: A damage boost ... It currently has 4 spell damage and literally every other spell that I have is 6+ ... since it's a skill shot, hitting it should be more rewarding than hitting the free, two tile wider mana ripple


Nova ray has insane damage at the cost of high skill ceiling. It's difficult to consistently land it against anything other than Armed Melee.

But when it does hit, it can decide entire round, especially if you hit it up close (the damage goes through the roof). Damage boost is the last thing it needs. 

I'm not even sure whether it needs changes. It's high skill, high damage beam that is difficult to hit (unless you're vs Armed Melee) - but when it hits, it decides entire RPB round. I'm pretty sure it's intended to be that way.

Not to mention every other beam is sorta the same. The energy beam is 3.5 but when under 50% it does insane damage. I agree with Bog's post. High-risk High reward when trying to land. What most people will tell you is "Get good and land it." But Nova Ray is a beam and that is how beams work. 4 Spell damage a tick over like 10+ ticks. A full-beam can remove 20% of someone's health. Not to mention when it's paired with invigorate.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
Can we talk about time-beam being wacky doh? But I guess it comes with having the highest damage...

P.S. Fix time-beam.
(05-13-2020, 01:39 AM)Laemor Wrote: Can we talk about time-beam being wacky doh? But I guess it comes with having the highest damage...

P.S. Fix time-beam.

i've seen time beam snap into little pieces and fling off diagonally, in two different directions. the stun and magnet don't seem to work consistently either but that might be salt brain talking
i miss mouse so much
[Image: unknown.png]
nerf smog but make it (more) usable
it doesn't need to do that much damage
it also doesn't need to cost 30 mana
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
[Image: e6661ac20f7cb18382a8aabb44323843.png]

add drakanite scales to that...
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
the cooldowns on eviscerate and shadowwalk are so low that i'm genuinely debating hitting a mana amnesia and taking my hidden rpp fund and just dropping them into a dip for them both because that tree is better then every hidden i could get

and while that'd be very powerful

it's probably not healthy
Hard hirting 6 sec immunity. Think its a bit too overtuned.
Without giving specific numbers...

Life Drain used to be a good, reliable nuke with a tiny heal on a low cooldown. It was probably Occult's best spell, but it wasn't particularly overwhelming in it's power.

The damage has been nerfed by 1 MD and the cooldown has increased by 33%.

It effectively has gone from a .6 efficiency nuke (POW/CD) to a .4 efficiency nuke, putting it well below almost every other homing in the game.

I'm honestly more confused then anything, truth be told. It was good, but it wasn't obscene. It was the only base occult spell that made you feel good for going into the tree.

Maybe a slight increase of CD was needed, but not...this.
(05-16-2020, 01:51 PM)Peep 'Puff' Topia Wrote: Without giving specific numbers...

Life Drain used to be a good, reliable nuke with a tiny heal on a low cooldown. It was probably Occult's best spell, but it wasn't particularly overwhelming in it's power.

The damage has been nerfed by 1 MD and the cooldown has increased by 33%.

It effectively has gone from a .6 efficiency nuke (POW/CD) to a .4 efficiency nuke, putting it well below almost every other homing in the game.

I'm honestly more confused then anything, truth be told. It was good, but it wasn't obscene. It was the only base occult spell that made you feel good for going into the tree.

Maybe a slight increase of CD was needed, but not...this.

Is this math done with the heal in mind, as you'd have to take into account the fact that the spell does damage, and heals the user for the effective damage it does. Not to mention it's a homing, so you can never miss it.
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