Spell Balance Suggestions
This isn't an official balance complaint, but more of a warning:

Be careful when adding 8+ spell trees to existing base magic trees. It is fairly cheap to go Wind / Lightning / Poison and getting a very full bar.

Remember that while openers are expensive, most of the following spells are not. This means that by limiting the amount of openers you need to go into, you are getting very efficient RPP spending.

That combo may not be terribly good (it may also be insane idk) but it's a warning bcuz if we did the same thing to earth or fire we might see a lot of cheap, powerful builds that just go earth/nature/new tree or fire / magma / new tree, having a complete bar at 160~ and 40 rpp for hiddens.

The RPP economy influences more then you think!!
Spell: Literally most poison spells

Suggestion: Lower the mana usage, even acid spray chunks 50% to 70% of your mana, using 2-3 poison spells will oom you instantly considering almost all of them uses 30+++ mana except the opener and aura (I think?)

Here is me using only 3 spells from the tree...
[Image: unknown.png]

edit: my stupid brain just saw jumpy's post about this so forgive me
When your house's door does not have any interiors connected to it:

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqB1uoDTdKM]
Spell: Deadly Bloom
Suggestion: It's Free Ranged Damage, Free AOE Damage, Free CC(since spores slow), Can Spawn Three. I think it quite literally being a turret that gives you everything, is kinda bad. It's likely one of the biggest issues with Nature, in my opinion. It make's camping and protecting easier with its AOE damage. It's constant harassment from spores which in turn slowly, means it's very hard to combat.

I think that you either decide what you want it to be. Is it damage or is it CC. Because right now, it's a little too much. Despite this, I really do love fighting the spell, it just doesn't really seem to have a negative.
Spell: Bleeds / Poison Status Effects.
Suggestion: I usually try to keep my suggestions away from my build, as I don't want to come across asking for buffs. Because honestly, I don't think I need them personally. My biggest concern here, is just how the status effects are really oddly balanced in comparison to one another.

Poison: Deals 1 damage every 1.5s. Every 10 tiles moved, the next step is randomized. 0.5s of Blind applied when the target is first poisoned (cooldown of 15s).

Bleed: 0.5 damage every 1s.

The poison status effect seems overtuned. I understand the damage difference and how that's arguably fine, however a blind and a step randomizer, seems awfully uneeded. Not to mention how many more ways they have to apply poison in comparison. (Every spell in their tree applies poison)

Just from the status effects alone, think this needs looked at.
Bubble Bullets:

10 RPP, 15 Attunement = 25 total
15s CD, damage 8

Holy / Dark Orb:

30 RPP
16 CD, damage 8

Blast of Decay:

30 RPP
14 CD, damage 6
Has a CC effect

I think it's a bit weird that the most exclusive version of this spell (Holy/Dark Orb) are objectively worse then two very trivial to pick up versions. It's weird. For a magic that is supposed to be restricted and 'powerful' icly, it has the worst of the 'many balls' genre of spells.
btw I wasnt being sassy.
Make Mind Flay and Darkness 10 range... Please...
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
(05-04-2020, 12:44 AM)Peep \Puff Wrote: Curse / Life Drain

All other 'homing' spells got their range updated to 10~ in the conversion of E2 to E3, but these still have their old E1 ranges of 8/9.

A touch up to 10 would be a nice QOL for them as for right now it feels quite short.

make life drain, curse and soul drain 10 range please

(this is serious, please)
(05-10-2020, 04:18 AM)Dimmie Dunce Wrote: btw I wasnt being sassy.
Make Mind Flay and Darkness 10 range... Please...
Spell: Ice Spike Barrage

Suggestion: Make it move the same speed as other skillshots of the same type (fireball/scarlet darts), people can literally walk backwards and not get touched.
Spell: Nova Ray

Suggestion: A damage boost ... It currently has 4 spell damage and literally every other spell that I have is 6+ ... since it's a skill shot, hitting it should be more rewarding than hitting the free, two tile wider mana ripple
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