Spell Balance Suggestions
(05-16-2020, 10:28 PM)Left Brain Wrote: 10% ap and a 3 second dr shield kinda ass for an aura anyway.

Every other aura in the game provides more stats towards raw damage/defense anyhow. There'd be no point to use the aura if the CD on the shield goes up.

edit: nerf that aura bruv, think i wont buy camo?

[Image: 674488040504295424.png]
I'm sorry but most of us aren't sand/metal, we can't afford to waste that much CC to keep you still while doing no damage with it.

Might be a personal problem though, I'm in 4 trees and only have one slow.
I thought this was a topic to suggest spell adjustments, not a topic to tell each person that passes that they have no right for an opinion because X skill in their build is good.

Every tree has something that makes it good.
Yes, even you, Sand.

Shadow is strong because it carries utility along synergy with high agility build (hello shadow claw every 2 spell).
Riptide is strong because it synergizes with water and blood very well.
Crystal is strong because of the sheer amount of game-changing effects shards provide.

I could go on and on to talk about how each tree has something great.
Some auras are so strong they're straight up better than hiddens (hi crystal and blood).

Assessing balance based off what you're playing will more often than not result with a bit of bias. If not a lot.

Not everyone is good at game balance and it's alright to accept that. Understanding numbers to an extent and trying to build the perfect build isn't why we have variety and different effects.
It's alright to give your opinion, but becoming the living representation of a Dunning-Kruger graph is unpleasant for everyone at best.
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Spell: Rock Wall

Suggestion: Lower the mana cost please, it costs 60 mana to cast... I get that it's a good homing and all, but even spells like Soul Drain/Illusion Flurry don't cost nearly that much.

Don't mind me, just putting this here, hehe.

Spell: Plasma Shroud

Suggestion: Give me my fucking DR mana back. Please, look at this number. (Ignore the 200.) [Image: a1d76a7ea6cf69466b2f49feb1302c97.png] It's horrible to look at, justice for plasma!!
plasma -mcap is a relic from spires when mcap was actually -mana and should be fixed as a result
combat style: thief

suggestion: get rid of the invul, but keep the boost of speed.
reduce cd or increase duration. alternate fix: make it so it shares a cd with all other invulns
in addendum: could also give it something of a cleanse with the speed boost and make it 30 second cd
In truth, the best 'fix' to all invulns is to treat them like shields.

You cannot have more then 1 invuln. Be it Thief Stance, Mist Form, Magma Barrier, Shadowwalk, or the Sandy J/O Zone.

You may have one, and one only.
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