Spell Balance Suggestions
Rings of malice is fine, tendrils suck, slightly increase the lifesteal chance on the aura
(12-15-2019, 03:04 AM)Cherury Wrote: Spell: Unarmed - Jab: Reduce Tiles used to 3-4, put a 2 second Root to give the tree something of an effective combo starter.

are you crazy?
(12-17-2019, 04:07 PM)Gab Wrote:
(12-15-2019, 03:04 AM)Cherury Wrote: Spell: Unarmed - Jab: Reduce Tiles used to 3-4, put a 2 second Root to give the tree something of an effective combo starter.

are you crazy?

(12-15-2019, 12:37 AM)Jetniss Wrote: Ice feels like it's been horribly hutted. You guys went a bit overboard and I understand throwerswas busted before, but either they were bugged or the nerf hit a little TOO hard. Maybe it needs +1 spell power on the ice thrower (fuck the fire thrower, ice is a way biggest investment and apped for), and ice needs some kind of something. It just doesn't feel strong anymore-- and don't get me wrong, I don't mean to say it neeeds to be as strong as it was before, but it kinda feels like it was castrated.

Spell: Ice Flurry
Suggestion: Add +1 spell power to this one

That or let the frost debuff last a bit longer maybe?
Or since its so much weaker take away some CD from it?

This +1
Reduce the spell of flameslide and GFW to 15. Intermediates are 15, why let them be 20? :/
Theoretically this could be a bug but it's not my spell.

Barrier of Sand tics an extreme amount of times. I was literally brought from 45% to 5% in one casting of the ability with no -DR.
Spell: Crystal Wall

Suggestion: Make it like earth spikes, an outward damage instead of the whole wall just showing up at once- As well as make it a one tile for the player in the middle of it, given that if you're close people just dodge it by staying inside of it which is kind of.. iffy.

Spell: Crystal Shardshot

Suggestion: Given the lack of spells and the cost of attunement to just go into trees, I would assume that shardshot should have a lower cooldown. Perhaps around 4-5 instead of intial 9-10.
Spell: Unarmed - Jab

Increase CD by 2-3 seconds, lower Blink radius to 3 to take into consideration the two-tile step forward done automatically by the attack. Failed Blink could have higher risks associated with it by very briefly rooting the user.
Spell: Energy Burst
Suggestion: Raise the ticks that it gives by like 1 or back to 4 spell damage a tick. I fail to see it do much even below 50% health. It's called Energy Burst but fails at doing its name.

Spell: Energy Shroud.
Suggestion: 20 Power and 10% AP AFTER 50% health. This is still lacking a bit. Essence shroud gives power based on RPL I think or just 16 power and constantly gives 10% AP. Essence shroud doesn't NEED a nerf. That is not what this suggestion is for. EDIT: Forgot to add an actual suggestion, derp.

I think instead of 20 power and 10% AP AFTER 50% health which is literally nothing. An increase in power. Somewhere around the lines of 30. If it's specialized magic it shouldn't have the same power or around the same power as this auto auras or basic spell auras like fire. Keep the AP AFTER 50% health. Or:

> 20 Power At Base. AFTER 50% Health, 10% AP AND an increase in power to about 30 or doubling its power to 40(?). 30 sounds reasonable at base like the previous suggestion or as a boost after 50% health since this whole tree's "main" focus is getting a boost after 50% health. It should be more rewarding.

I hope this gets acknowledged. :pensive:
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
Essence shroud doesn't give power and AP my friend, just +10% to your power. So 160 power = +16, 200 power = +20
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