ChanceBug Reports
Fizzy pops are missing from the alchemist craftables.
[Image: NvWBFDJ.png]
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
iron body makes kaor sprite invisible still
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: The apartments at 777,944,7 (Fel Garden) and 777,958,7 (Final Frontier) walls aren't properly blocked so text is going through them. Every time someone white texts or roleplays the overhead text shows up in the darkness and highlights the character for those in the other apartment.
How to reproduce: Just stand at one of the coordinates, and have another person in the other apartment and type. Their overhead text will appear.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): N/A
(10-27-2023, 04:33 AM)uncatastrophic Wrote: Private battle teleports are extremely delayed often, often showing up a decent way into an active round.
this one is happening so badly sometimes that it says the battle is no longer letting you teleport
(10-30-2023, 08:54 AM)Myradin Wrote: Describe the issue: The apartments at 777,944,7 (Fel Garden) and 777,958,7 (Final Frontier) walls aren't properly blocked so text is going through them. Every time someone white texts or roleplays the overhead text shows up in the darkness and highlights the character for those in the other apartment.
How to reproduce: Just stand at one of the coordinates, and have another person in the other apartment and type. Their overhead text will appear.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): N/A
this happens for a lot of apartments and buildings not just these two
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: If a character, who is not privated, uses a think emote and you right click them to see their last post, it shows that emote in a gray text.
How to reproduce: Be any character that uses a think emote within the last 30 minutes, unprivate, and have someone right click on you (assuming it is the last post you made in whites). It will show up.
Any relevant media:
[Image: image.png?ex=6554282d&is=6541b32d&hm=9d2...2b9bd5c40&]
I'm sure this has been reported, but anyways.. bringing light back to it if so.
[Image: sab_arnet_eivor_hina.png?ex=6573e121&is=...be15bebf9&]
(10-16-2023, 10:07 PM)CrystikRage Wrote: If you log out wearing a disguise, when you log back in it will act as though the disguise is not equipped despite it being equipped in the slot. Taking it off and re-equipping it works but this is absolutely going to burn some disguises if people are around wherever you logged out at.

Still an issue. Please fix, I beg. I've almost had my disguise burned a few of times because of this.
Describe the issue: Masterwork Bug.

How to reproduce: Use Masterwork on an item. It will not upgrade the item with proper stats. This requires admins to give it the proper value. (I think masterwork works properly on weapons but it doesn't on any other slot, IE, armor, or cloak, or legs, etc).

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): [Image: 491b49f89a7b6311a07fc82df1d5ce41.png] ---- > [Image: 5b3b5cdb65bc6c50bf608030cca0bd33.png]

Describe the issue: Artisan & Masterwork Bug.

How to reproduce: Use Masterwork [Image: 640bc62bb37a8f12c662148418203865.png]
on an Artisan item. It will not upgrade the item to Masterwork.
This requires admins to nerf it back down to pre-Artisan stats, then remove the Artisan tag, then the player to reapply Masterwork tag.

Unsure if this can be fixed code-wise but was told to report. This would also be the case for Grandmaster I assume.

Describe the issue: Letter Bug.

How to reproduce: Send a letter.

Now, there's a few ways this messes up. The first is when you send a letter and then log off in the five minute window, or DC. The letter deletes itself.
Another way is if you send a letter to an offline person and then they log in during the letter delay.

There's probably a few more bugs but basically, doing anything remotely weird during the five minute window bugs it.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): No, because there's no message, it doesn't work.
Issue: Buying Shadow Dive locks out Spiral Bomb (but not the other way around)
Describe the issue: Metaphysical power isn't applying to Illusion spells. Applies fine to Time spells though.
How to reproduce: Just give yourself +10 meta on a staff, attack something, unequip, attack something, compare.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): N/A
I can buy Armed spells without the opener?
[Image: qXDJOsT.png]
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
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