VibeEntertainmentIt's time we get to work. Elzara, Line up!
[Image: I7Hua2H.png]

The Elzara

Training Regimens will begin and all information regarding their time and locations will be made here by any of the current acting officials.

Commander Rhys Velfalen

                                                                                Captain Orlisarte Elythine              Captain Suzuka                Captain Kvothe Umera

"Today is a fine day to get started an any. So all those seeking to test themself are free to join us during a Training Regimen that will begin soon. I expect those interested to make themselves known. If you seek to join the ranks of the Elzara, speak with Commander Rhys, or Captain Kvothe or Captain Orlisarte and myself about recruitment. Show us if you're ready for what's ahead. We're expecting you."

- Captain, Suzuka

LOCATION: 522,807,1

This will be one of many that will be pushed to keep everyone on their toes, also provide a good bit of RP and activity for this wishing to participate. If you have any questions about time alterations please contact who is hosting it OOC'LY via discord.
For this session specifically, contact VibeEntertainment#3428, that is all thank you! Hope to see you there.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Update: This Excludes Captain(???) Kvothe, while they are under the effects of Red Psychosis. That is all.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: MgSeyU8.png]

 11/2: 6PM EST 
LOCATION: 522,807,1 (Same as Before)

This will be one of many that will be pushed to keep everyone on their toes, also provide a good bit of RP and activity for this wishing to participate. If you have any questions about time alterations please contact who is hosting it OOC'LY via discord.
For this session specifically, contact VibeEntertainment#3428, that is all thank you! Hope to see you there.

I will be the instructor of this session once more.
(Expect to have fun and a new military drill I plan to do.)

Game on Gamers.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: rwD58yA.gif]

"You have fought alongside one another for a time to know that training is nothing compared to the real thing. I will now be giving you of the Elzara a genuine experience of the real conflicts you'll experience when we step out there on the field from this moment forward. Those of you just now beginning will still undergo previous training methods. However expect to be tested. Because once you're out there? Do you feel like our enemies will be merciful?"


- Captain Suzuka

 11/6: 6PM EST 
LOCATION: 522,807,1

This will be one of many that will be pushed to keep everyone on their toes, also provide a good bit of RP and activity for this wishing to participate. If you have any questions about time alterations please contact who is hosting it OOC'LY via discord.
For this session specifically, contact VibeEntertainment#3428, that is all thank you! Hope to see you there.

(Expect to have fun. Public open battle to allies will be implemented for this.)[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
As the memorial concludes, it's time to begin anew.

Position Changes within the Elzara are as follows.

Suzuka, remains as the Commander of the Elzara

Tiber, will now be a Captain of the Elzara

Murky Sun, will be another new Captain of the Elzara

Desmor Serrett has been promoted to Officer at the age of Fifteen

Aurelius Avarion has been promoted to Officer alongside him.

A new batch of recruits has enlisted as well. If you seek to do so as well, speak with Commander Suzuka in person or, one of the Captain's of the Elzara.

: 6PM EST 
LOCATION: 522,807,1

This will be one of many that will be pushed to keep everyone on their toes, also provide a good bit of RP and activity for this wishing to participate. If you have any questions about time alterations please contact who is hosting it OOC'LY via discord.
For this session specifically, contact VibeEntertainment#3428, that is all thank you! Hope to see you there.

(Expect to have fun. Public open battle to allies will be implemented for this. Refer to a prior training session. An EC makes a returned appearance!)

[Image: dWCjX4X.png][Image: SwES7N6.gif]
Due to OOC circumstances, it will be cancelled. Sorry for the inconvenience.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
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