ChanceBug Reports
You use the Incognito Toggle.

*Murderous damage indicator not being fully show, but life bar working fine.
*Muderous doing damage from any direciton (on purpose?)*
*You can use follow up as the spell that "starts the chain" after his gcd triggers. (thought you could cast freely fom close but was a misperception)
*Unarmed gcde spells not working properly with follow up, almost like still need the 2 seconds gcd to work?
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Describe the issue: The new gear slots remove the stats of items within them upon relog...

How to reproduce:
- Equip a set of gear into the fancy new slots.
- Relog.
- Remove the gear from the extra slots.
- Take note of your stats having been negated by the value of your equipment.
- Relogging with the equipment not being worn fixes this.

Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): No pics because I don't want to share my stats Sad
You need flying kick to learn flying kick.

[Image: image.png]
*None animal is producing the farm items after the updade, chicken eggs or cow milk, prob related to the hapyness and food cycles bugged.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Most of the above should be fixed now (minus ranching which needs more looking into). Will update in a bit.
Calcium Coil does 0 spell damage on movement ticks. Mind I have 351 pow.
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Might have been missed but Invigorate's charge is currently stackable.

Steps to reproduce:
Grab invigorate
Set it to a key
Mash it 3-4 times
Hold the button down as intended
Watch your charge rate decide to go 900MPH

The timing is a little bit finnicky on it but try it out at different tempos and you'll eventually reproduce it. I'd OBS it but I am feeling lazy
Having a shield slot item equipped on relog makes it duplicate still.

Also if you have an item in another slot (i.e: Hands!) when you equip it it completely disappears. It doesn't stay in your inventory (probably should?), and so you have no way to unequip it unless you equip another item in the SAME slot. This does not happen with the Crown slot.

Also the Summon Master still can be summoned outside of a RPB and remains indefinitely.
Am uncertain if it goes away properly in a RPB.

Melodic Repose seems to be hitting and missing again, too. Sometimes it will confuse an opponent for approximately a second and does no damage. Other times, it doesn't do that. Once in a blue moon it'll do a single tick of damage.

The True Face spell inflicts an injury of 365 OOC days on the target, and the injury it inflicts is healable (it should not be)

Produce Magibane takes 1000 energy and not 750.

Lower Hide's energy drain :3c:
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
The wind Drakanite half shift overlay is displaced
[Image: Vc4XoJ4.png]

[Image: sxdyP2l.png]
[Image: image.png]
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