ChanceBug Reports
unsure if this is only happening in my own lot or if it's a more widespread problem, but props appear to be doubling up upon reboot, meaning there's two of the same prop on top of each other every time the game resets. it's simple enough to fix manually but I figured i should report it anyhow.

how it should look:

how it looks every reboot:

i only really noticed it because of the torches beneath the braziers looking funny.
Bug: Equipping a weapon while you already have one equipped, with a full inventory, will completely wipe the old one. It will lose all enchantments/spell gems, even the crafter will be vaporized.

How to reproduce: Equip a weapon with a full inventory and watch the old one get vaporized. I didn't realize this occurred and got owned

edit; it looks like it keeps descriptions, just nothing else.

double edit; It looks like trying to unequip anything from one of your slots with a full inventory completely breaks whatever item you're trying to pull out.
I'm beginning to suspect that compost bins might be having trouble being successfully saved by the server upon reset, instead of (or at least in addition to) just being consistently stolen from, here's why:

Step 1: Log on the day of the update, make a compost bin, try putting stuff in.

Step 2: Realize you have to do this one by one, put just three things in before deciding you have other things to do besides put junk into a bin one by one.

Step 3: Later find time to put more stuff in, actually have the process start.

Step 4: Log on the next day, compost's gone, realize that dang, these can get burgled.

Step 5: Repeat the process until you realize it's odd that the compost keeps getting "burgled" back down to three units when you've been leaving multiples of ten in the bin, and one of those "burglings" happened to take place in a very short time frame that also happened to contain a server reset within it.
Describe the issue: Fairies currently only have a -5 discount to both ether and metaphysics attunement (energy and illusion.) It's supposed to be -10, (free) rather than -5. An admin informed me this was unintended, and directed me to make a bug post about it to have it resolved.

How to reproduce: Be a fairy, look at your ether and metaphys attunement discounts.
Describe the issue: Melodic Repose still isn't registering damage/confuse on targets half the time it's used ontop of them or when they walk into it.

How to reproduce: Use Melodic Repose. Pray that it works.

[Image: Rx6rtV.gif]
Describe the issue: Cosmic limit break isn't giving 15% Ap at max charge

How to reproduce: charge invigorate, see your stats staying the same.
(07-14-2023, 10:06 PM)BLOX Wrote:
(07-14-2023, 09:03 PM)BLOX Wrote: Disarm can permanently bug your power if you relog or DC before picking up your weapon.

The weapon that is disarmed is also invisible sometimes. (the marker on it should be large and obvious anyway)

[Image: image.png]

additionally: i relogged and equipped my weapon again, if everything resets on relog it shouldnt consider me disarmed (also the moron who bugged me did it before the rpb was properly set so the prop went invisible i think)

hey so uh you can spam disarm after sending someone an RPB and the weapons just won't appear
it's bugged as shit and you can't equip a weapon, once you inevitably relog you're just fucked and have perma -power
but your weapon comes back. it stacks infinitely. blackouts don't work either

[Image: image.png]

this is still a problem, saw it happen again recently. i have no idea why disarm effects the base pow instead of applying a debuff (which always gets reset when you log in/out)
Will be looking into the above soon.

Also for tracking purposes, these are our current prioritized issues/bugs. (Keep bug reports coming though, I am testing everything/making a note of any confirmed bugs

- change foraging to use ResourceNode
- cows cannot be milked, coops eggs cannot be collected. maybe other command issues?
- adjust starlit halo to the new graphic (start, loop, end)
- players spawn in naked/without their starter clothes equipped
- follow up 'fake casts' even when out of range (you can spam it to hit 0 mp)
- arcanium watering can is 1x1 rather than 3x3
- compost bin doesn't save between reboots
- some overdrive effects aren't set properly
- melodic respose's fix did not get the desired results
(07-19-2023, 07:02 AM)Spitfire Wrote: Describe the issue: Cosmic limit break isn't giving 15% Ap at max charge

How to reproduce: charge invigorate, see your stats staying the same.

Tested, works fine for me.

To test I cast spells on a Crellus and saw the damage numbers increase.

What you probably mean is that it isn't updating the stat page correctly, which may be the case but the AP is certainly applying.
Describe the issue: Blood Pall aura gives 15 md not 25, despite the desc saying otherwise.
Aura. Draw essence from your body to act as a protective coating, and facilitate the casting of blood magic spells. +10 vit/+25 MD, +10% Power while target bleeds.

How to reproduce: buy the aura and use it.

[Image: QWtLlwK.png]
[Image: Cy3lC5g.png]
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