ChanceBug Reports
the potions that provide heal ticks are called "Rejuvination Potion" instead of "Rejuvenation Potion"
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
RiftManipulation "Delte Location" no work
big broke
pls fix
(07-31-2023, 10:35 AM)Moonlight Wrote: Describe the issue: Was asked to report it, but unsure what the bug is exactly. Randomly when I log in an equipped Item from my inventory disappears. There's no log of me dropping them, and as far as I'm aware people can't take items without capping you. The issue seems to be just isolated to me but suppose it's logged now in-case anyone else experiences it. So far I've lost two weapons, and now an Arcanium Amulet.
How to reproduce: I'm not sure how to replicate it as it's not consistent and doesn't occur every-time I relog so it's difficult to note when and how it happens. I'll have to take screen shots before I log out or something.
Any relevant media (images, gifs/video, etc): Screen-shot of randomly missing Amulet.

[Image: 0197b55e31739384d9478b759b605b0c.png]

I had something like this happen to me before. I relogged and my sword was missing, it wasn't equipped or anything like that and I hadn't noticed it until about five minutes later when I returned to the square and someone mentioned it having been dropped in LOOC. Not sure what the cause was either.
Cows happyness is reset with each reboot.
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.
Umh so my batkins wings are bugged. They don't overlay properly they see to come out of my side.thefirst admin tried his best but he couldnt fix it he suggest I ticket so someone else could try, the second recommended that I make a bug report.they seem to come from my side
So the think verb is just dead right now. Attempting to do so will just make it come up as a regular say.
should be fixed tomorrow, ty. probably messed up in a github merge
Dragon horns and other features (wind dragon body parts) are still misaligned.
Please put in the fix so that I can kill demons in style.
Holyflame Aura converts some fire spells to holy damage, but not others. Please normalize this, so that all damage types are either fire or holy damage.

Fireball? Fire damage
Fire Stream? Fire Damage
Blazing Wave? Holy Damage
Flame Slide? Fire Damage unless you move diagonally and then the first tick is holy damage
Great Fire Wave? Holy damage
Sear? Fire Damage
Lion Fire Barrage? Fire Damage
Firestorm? Fire damage.
Please fix spirit mend in rpbs! When you use spirit mend your summon is incredibly slow! They walk like 50-75% slower then a walk. Maybe move 3 tiles during spirit mend. Theres no threat leaving the opp to freely camp your body and time a huge cannon to your face. 

How to reproduce? Summon a skarn enter an rpb and use spirit mend. You can try toggling run walk but it does nothing to help.
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