Poll: Should most Tomes remain app-only?
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Yes, I think the current method is fine
21 18.42%
No, I'd like to see most tomes become available in the Tome Broker
93 81.58%
Total 114 vote(s) 100%
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Just tossing my voice in that deving for my spec was probably the biggest RP incentive to go finding people to interact with starting out. I probably would have had no idea how to break into the RP and start talking to people if I hadn't done that, and it provided a few contacts to keep RPing with afterwards.

I think Deving for specs is a lot easier than people give it credit for, but in a way that promotes RP in a healthy way. All you really need to do it feels like, is make your scenes involve interacting and RPing with other players. On one hand, this is a pretty low bar, but it also creates a very basic incentive to just go make RP with people on both ends. It reinforces the basic intent of the game.
Different factions having access to certain kinds of magic was an idea floated around early on, and I'm sad it wasn't implemented. People end up going to the Church hoping to learn comic and holy magic and they're really not capable of teaching it aside from helping with dev. Giving factions easier access to their thematic schools and just waiting a bit for more mentors to pop up seems like a better option than completely ditching the original idea with tomes. They do end up making even basic spell trees feel unique and more personal to the character, and opening it up like before will likely ruin that.

Actually, fuck it, I'm going to app for mentor right now.
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