ChanceState of Meranthe
[Image: 0a13fb93134b71c6dd95301cb48c4d5c.png]
"In a new era of exploration and change, the Final Frontier leads the way for innovation and progress. Now, we aim to push further past the planet and into the stars, the uncharted Outer Realms and The Great Beyond." - Director Akroma P. Kasca

[] With the looming chaos that has begun to spawl around with the rise and fall of The Goddess of Discord, dThe formation of the Western Front has been initiated. The Autonomous Factions of the West dedicated to protecting the sanctity of the west include the following. The Final Frontier, Serenity Dune, Londo, and the new faction, Arcadia
[] The completion of the Valkyrie's Ascent has finally graced the realm. The an Official Showcase of the Vessel's capabilities, mechanics and a leisure trip has been announced! All leaders of the country are encouraged to join the Final Frontier on the First Voyage once the preparations have concluded. Contact Director Akroma  (Rajiyah P. Kasca) if you have interest in joining the expedition.
[]The influx of Synthetics Magi in the Frontier, the ascension of Azalea Aubreen as the Primordial of Harmony: Inheritor of Aschea's Will, the healing of Solias, Tree of Hope, and the expansion of the Frontier into a Kingdom Level Faction has seen the numbers of the Frontier increase exponentially! Unit: A-oAI2-A (Colloquially known as Double A) has formed the Vulture Squadron and will act as Head of the Final Frontier's militia Force in addition to a force to aid The Western Front. Training sessions by Double A will be hosted soon!
[] The Frontier will continue to have a Zero tolerance cross Faction Combat Law. So long as you're present in the Frontier as guests, no combat between factions will take place. The Frontier is a place of peace and innovation that will not be sullied by political standing and misgivings. 

[] With patrols moving forward near Mt. Panovis...Gluttony's Maw has been made the primary target for acquisition.


Londo - Western Front

Serenity Dune - Western Front

Arcadia - Western Front

Port Fortuna - Friendly

Delphina - Amicable

Ten's Citadel - Amicable

Dragon's Nest - Impartial

Prospera - Impartial

Gloomlight Grove/Unreality - Amicable

Martyr's Vigil - Amicable

Viridian Grove - Impartial

Xuefeng - Amicable

We like everyone!


except them...

The Fel and Allies to the Fel

[Image: LSNmtDi.png]
2109 AC

Quote:"The word of the just still went disregarded; A spoiled child found herself cornered, much like the demons she seeks to save from our most holy retribution.

You held the future of mankind against us. We will not be blackmailed."

The statement of current deeds proceeds not long after the announcement of war. An update to all that occurs within the walls of the Citadel, as one would likely expect with the current turning of events.

  • Na'ria was reported to be seen within the walls of Gloomlight; The defensive attitude of the city is taken as further offense and unwillingness to honor their own oaths.
  • The soldiers of Aegis find themselves directed towards the central portion of the continent.
  • Progress towards the Tower continues apace; The lack of its presence within their borders, according to the leadership, show them nothing but the fear it has - Despite it being a hurdle, forcing the combined forces of Aegis and Xuefeng to craft their own weapon to fight the being.
  • Dal'thala's standing with Aegis fell after their troops' removal from the front, following a discussion about the consequences of Gloomlight's harboring of the Archon.
  • The threat of new witches and their coven has not gone unnoticed. We have eradicated one fel empire, and we will eradicate a blooming colony.

Quote:He has sounded forth the trumpet
That shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men
Before His judgment seat;
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him!
Be jubilant, my feet;
Our God is marching on.

- Asperan Chant, circa 2003


Xuefeng - Allied
Delphina - Friendly
Londo - Friendly
Goldlight Order - Friendly
Final Frontier - Friendly
Gloomlight Grove - Overdue Consequence
Forces of Fel -Eradicated
Rest of Meranthe -Protectors
[Image: Fky6ssr.png]
[Image: 1ba53c6889203256d256852ecc0d1b2d.png]
It is the natural order of things to be destroyed. A storm may strike with no warning, causing immense destruction and death in it's wake.
Mankind, in many ways, shares this principal.
Arcadia has, for the first time in it's history, seen disaster.
Violence erupted in the early evening, screams, and explosions from the eastern portion of the settlement.

[Image: 166d618b2cdad6cb998748285b1db182.png]
There had been a conflict, a quarrel. This escalated further than anyone may have predicted, and the scale of the explosion was incredible. Nigh on an eighth of Arcadia, obliterated, destroyed by an incredible demon. A Great White Wolf of titanic size, and of unimaginable strength devastated the town. Stalwart in the face of danger, stubborn in the face of death, a small retinue of Arcadians and Prosperans managed to force back the beast... for now.
[Image: 7e5da98f71a0af577b137d1f0f964d46.png]
Though yet there was loss, members of Resident Iaoel's flock were killed mercilessly by the Great White Wolf, slaughtered brutally in the cross-fire.

[Image: 12f3e029f8fadd981ce68303d2a80bab.png]
Restoration work has begun. The craters being back-filled, and roadway being re-compacted and re-paved. This is expected to take a few weeks.
Prior to completion of the repairs, a funerary service, in line with Arcadian traditions, is to be held in honor of the members of the flock who fought bravely against The Great White Wolf. Those who may be friendly with Arcadians are welcome to participate.

Not all news is grim, however, and Arcadia continues to grow, expand, and enjoy the company of those who visit, be it for trade, work, or simple conversation.
Arcadia has few formalized relations at this time. Listed below are the general sentiments of Arcadia towards settlements it has had some contact with. The settlements listed below may or may not even be aware of Arcadia's existence on a formalized city to city level. IC events, as always, will dictate future relations.
Fel Forces - Forbidden
Dragon's Nest - Positive
Gloomlight Grove - Positive
Xuefeng - Positive
Prospera - Apprehensive
Londo - Positive
The Crescent Fortress,
an Atrellya Stronghold (2110AC)
Population: Demon Wolves (30), Lesser Demons (400), Moonfallen (15)

[Image: 0PJI9FU.png]


We are not so unlike. Your countrymen worship the Spirit-King Enarr and his accomplices; we follow the Demon King, for he is the greatest among our kind. Your kingdoms.. how many of them there are.. often wage war for glory and conquest, and to uplift their ideals, a history soaked in blood no matter how you might try to dress it up. We often do the same.

Our difference lies only in our origins and how it defines us. We are Demons: Manifestations of the True Magic, the Deep Powers of the World. Our long lives are spent in personal advancement; we learn, evolve, and adapt when faced with any adversity, a relentless pursuit that has lifted Atrellya as a haven for our kind. You fear us as personifications of strength, what you are truly afraid of, for you know that your role is at risk as the inheritors of Eternia so long as we are present within it.

Your biggest advantage over our kind and why you have yet to succumb to extinction is the one thing we lack. Your familial bonds and your preference of operating within a society; the communities you form, friendships and beyond. Love. It is something we've learned to despise. It is not out of envy, but merely a difference in the fabric that makes us what we are.

But we are not foolish enough to ignore how this vulnerability has made you an organized threat. It is why we allow discourse with your kind in the first place, and the role of the Moonfallen Coven in liaising with your warlords and kings. Should you- yes you, a simple human- wish to pledge yourself to Atrellya, and study the greatest secrets of all that there is, then the Coven will judge your potential. Those that stand in our way will serve as sustenance and slaves. Those that join us might explore the depths of magic itself.

- Ilysander, the White Wolf Demon Sage

The banners of Atrellya has been raised on a small southern isle, the Serpent, Wolf, Spider, and Dragon present on a fortress  built into the depths of the cliffside. A nefarious barrier spell perfected by the famed Mirage Witch over sixty-hundred years ago veils the Crescent Fortress, immediately cast in joint union by the witches and warlock on their arrival. The intricacies of this veil is currently unknown, but the isle is connected to the mainland by an invisible bridge, hidden from the eye; demon wolves are often seen walking on water in their entry and exit from the fortress, so it is no hidden secret, foreign defenses aside. (350,380,1)

Some research gleans insight into the recent histories by the scribes of Meranthe. It's rumored that the Demon King was once but a humble warrior in the armies of Mordred the Perfect, making him almost two millennia in age. His form is said to by that of a three-headed Abyssal Dragon, and the Demon Clans of Atrellya were unified under him roughly two centuries ago. The nature of this great demon is particularly reclusive, a collector of treasure and knowledge. The known Demon Sages are Ilysander the White Wolf, Yalmavanta the Foreteller, and...

The weak are quickly weeded out. The Demon Wolf Metreides was cannibalized by Lykon; the Demon Wolf Stalker was cannibalized by Ingolf. The Magical Beast Panda was eaten by Xaevor. The Magi Rosaria Silvanas and Kastus are currently being held captives within the dungeons of the Crescent Fortress; their fate is presently unknown.

Sahlizra the hyena's Trial of Fang and Claw has concluded. Several Demons that excelled have since been elevated in rank, though there is likely more to come.

➤It's not long before the Guild Associations of Meranthe recognize the potential consequences for the country. All Demon Wolves have been deemed a B-Level threat individually, noted for their adaptability and ability to quickly climb in strength and technique the superior the opponent. The Demon Sage Ilysander has been marked S-Level, 'potential doomsday scenario'. Caution, adventurers. 

An open audience is soon to be held. All are invited in to engage in some manner of dialogue, but there are no guarantees of safety. While the primary purpose is to witness anyone bold enough to enter the lair, it will also serve as a gathering. Confidentiality is likely guaranteed; the outcomes of the audience, if any, will not be announced in any public fashion. A Sabbath is also due. 

[Image: adde7a92eb.png?ex=6608e67a&is=65f6717a&h...height=250]
2110 AC

Quote:"I've discovered a path not anticipated, but one I now embrace with zeal. Leading wasn't my foreseen journey, yet I've chosen to forge ahead boldly."
- The Astrologian, Queen Llevara Mikos
(circa 2107)

[Image: HY3bstx.png]

For Stability: Diarchy

[[Image: 5650427.png]] As Llevara rose to the title of successor to Asher Kasca, the decision was made to convert the governmental structure to a diarchy with the intention of either modernization of the government system for later generations as the population increases or a jointly appointed successor to Llevara Mikos.

The Path Forward: Identity
[[Image: 5650427.png]] As the Western Front develops, so does Londo. In a push to create a cultural identity for Londo in her time of ruling, Queen Llevara has taken the mantel of spear-heading a massive undertaking for Londo. The Unnamed Project, early in its conception, has begun to gain some traction in partnering with Frontier. Advertisements are released throughout Meranthe. A call to researchers alike. Efforts to establish itself as nation in marriage of religious and scientific exploration.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Galaen and Maestran faiths continue to be represented within the confines of Londo. Rumors arise of upcoming festivals to be established during Summer and Winter months; more to come as the organization remains to be expanded upon.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] The establishment of the Western Academy. More information to come.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] In passing travels, rumors spread of Londo actively seeking fresh talent in citizenship.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] A participant of the Western Front.

Recognition: Shooting Stars

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Margot Mikos has demonstrated outstanding resourcefulness and talents as a dualcrafter. In turn, the decision of promoting them to Head of Research and Development for Londo has been afforded.
[[Image: 5650427.png]] Christophore Garijn has demonstrated fierce dedication to the Unnamed nation-wide project. In turn, rights to trade were afforded and promotion to Head of Agriculture for Londo was offered and subsequently declined.
[[Image: 5650427.png]] Fantasy P. Kasca has stood as a pillar of defense for Londo in recent activities regarding the wolves. An acknowledge that will not be forgotten and credited in her future.
[[Image: 5650427.png]] Levi Skystrider has been promoted due to their efforts.

Gloomlight: Neutral
Aegis: Friendly
Xuefeng: Friendly
Goldlight: Friendly
The Traverse: Request for Dialogue
Arcadia: Western Front
Serenity: Western Front
Delphina: Neutral
Fel-Force & Allies: Antagonistic
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"Our Vigil continues,
So that the Grace of Hope may keep marching on.
A benevolent ideal of His Light, right or wrong.
If right, to be kept right,
If wrong, to be set right.

Our truth continues ever onward.
His Light shines forevermore.
The Order marches on."

  • With the conclusion of a trial from the Northern Citadel of Aegis, The Order and its moral Tribunal issue a public declaration of their own stance on the topic. A firm rejection due to exclusion, regardless of who amongst those invited was the most vocal on it.
  • The Kingdom of Fortune continues its allied integration into the domains of the Goldlight Order, as its newest, and first, Protectorate.  Long may its Sovereign and Protector reign, under the benevolent guidance and support of the Order.
  • A Call for Judgement, upon the "guilty accused" of Prospera was issued, and resolved without an open conflict ever reaching a battlefield, even if a show of force was involved, a city surrendered without a single army clashing, yet, there is little celebration done for this victory. A hollow undertone to it.
    The ever-watching gaze of the Pylaen Tribunal remains.

  • The Tribunal of the Everyman marches on, its very actions intertwined with The Order as its moral arbitrator, alongside the ideals of The Order itself.
    The Hope spread by those of the Tribunal welcomes not just the Hopeful of Pylae, but seemingly those in need of the care of Caius, for the departed, the beloved and the grieving, and even the faithful of Chireus may be redirected to the Free Wings of The Order, and its Knight-Captain, The First Ranger and Nephilim of Chireus.
  • The Castle-Village of Martyrs´ Vigil has seen a vast construction effort done to expand its streets, to truly be called a Castle-City now. And with it, the wall over the Shadowlands expands, and the residential district sees new renovations
  • The Unbridled Militant Wing of The Order continues to expand, with new promotions granted to maintain the chain of command, after the retirement of the War-Captain, and new volunteers always sought to fill the ranks.

  • Trade vessels bearing the crest of The Order have been seen leaving the waters of its domain, heading westward before returning later in the year. Some even say they go as far as the Bay of Tears, along the coastal regions of Stromberg and Elysia.

Ten's Citadel/Aegis: A Pity. But at times I wonder if you have a point.
Gloomlight Grove: An Oath, remembered. But disappointing.

Kingdom of Fortune:
Protectorate Domain

The Realm of Delphina: Anti-Fel Alliance
Londo: Anti-Fel Alliance

Prospera: You have shown your true nature, we know what you are now.

Xuefeng: Respectable.
The Final Frontier: Acceptable
Arcadia: Unknown variable, but Quaint

The rest of Meranthe: Neutral.
The Fel: Legions of the Arch-Enemy
Aen: The Grace of Hope is Queen and King.
[Image: b7513490d884c2c3f957fe34fa5b5545.png]
Quote:"We are not your enemies."

"We never were."

"Perhaps I am a naive fool, to have allowed this choice. But if that is the case, a naive fool is who I desire to be-- for my heart sang in defiance of this. May this be the end of it. May we proceed with peace and equanimity."

The Bastion stands, having faced down the combined might of Aegis and Xuefeng together. In a telling battle, both Sabathiel Caewynn and Eivor Ualdirsson were captured in their attempts to arrest and kill the redeemed Imperfect, Na'Ria. Sabathiel died in the fields outside of Gloomlight, after upholding his oaths and honor, and refusing an offer of surrender from former Oracle Lirael Equisol. His name has been recorded, amidst the annals of Gloomlight's archives, as a true hero of Athelios-- one who fought until the bitter end for what he believed in, even if it was in opposition to the Holy State of Aphros. Some question the Oracle's decision to do this. Her response is that she's a remarkably sentimental woman, and that she sees no reason to spit on the grave of a man who was destined for far, far more.

Though it is perhaps a shocking outcome, Eivor Ualdirsson and his wife, Hina Lam, were seen leaving Unreality and returning to the Ten's Citadel, alive. This decision was made by their captor, Na'Ria, knowing full well the threat they pose to her continued life-- the Oracle has requested that her peoples' respect this choice, as in the end, it was her life they came for, and her hands that their own fell unto.
His Holy Oracle Ysayl dul Vique requests that the people of the Tens and Xuefeng look upon the events of the war-- The nonmagi dead, the tragic loss of a warrior of the Pantheon, and seek to avoid it in the future. It is her single, impassioned plea to them.

That we must not cannibalize ourselves while the forces of darkness regroup and recuperate.

  • Following the abduction of Sanfey, by the Atrellyan forces during the War of Gloomlight Grove, the Oracle has asked those who are able-bodied to come together and prepare a strike to retrieve her-- or, if worst comes to worst, her affects.
  • A Nethradin has reportedly been sighted being fought by a group of irregulars, many of whom descended from the Bastion, amidst a battlefield purpose-forged amidst the depths of Unreality. By all accounts, the fight was a grand success, and the monstrosity has been pushed back to its lair to await final destruction by Loramelian, the one most affected by it.
  • The Oracle has equally announced her attentions to revitalize Asperan worship amidst the Grove, as a central tenet of the theocratic state she upholds. Those interested in the faith may approach Proteus Equisol, Renfae, or Ezra, as they each are the heads of their respective churches amidst the holy Trinity.
  • Balthasar Equisol has made clear that he intends to host a sermon the word of Chireus, amidst the hallowed halls of one of Gloomlight's finest churches. With the Oracle's blessing, any who desire to hear the word of the Wanderer are free to come and attend.
  • Proteus Equisol has reportedly been seen working on a project, amidst the depths of Unreality-- The Twilight Star, to light the day in that distant realm, that those who dwell in the realm of Talguth may once again see the sun rise.
  • Phaedra Equisol continues to preach the religion of Nought-- of the Exalted-in-Waiting and the depths of Unreality. Those who seek to master this metaphysical landscape are welcome to attend her rituals and sermons in turn.
  • The Oracle has announced her plans for the newfound territory of Prospera-- It will be governed by Melos Equisol, a dutiful adherent of the faith who is charged with ensuring that its' history is never repeated, and that the progress it has made does not go to waste. In equal part, she has charged Ezra with ensuring that the settlement remains free of the covens that once infested it-- and she has given him the full authority necessary to kill any he may find dwelling within the depths of its' Undercity.
  • Under the guidance of the Redeemed, the Archon, Na'Ria, continues her works to bolster her strange yet peaceful faith of the Grand Design. Most of what she does is done in secrecy, still, but the boons of the Divine have slowly, carefully shifted into the public perception. Chief among these boons, the cleansing of further demons into amicable forms, and metals beyond one's dreams.


Goldlight Order: An Oath, Upheld
Prospera: Under New Management
Traverse: Old Friends, in New Places
Serenity: A Respectful Nod, From One to Another
Londo: The Hope For a United Future
Delphina: Acknowledgement of a Divergent Path
Final Frontier: Reverence to the Inheritor of Harmony
Arcadia: Acknowledgement of a Gentle Life Desired
Aegis: A Final Attempt At Peace
Xuefeng: The Memory of a Friendship, Its Embers Not Yet Dead
Atrellya: Unchanging Monsters, Deserving Only Death
The Fel: The Servants of Despair, Living Still

[Image: vQX3LUK.png]

2112 AC

Quote:"Her Expanse above, it calls."
- The Astrologian, Queen Llevara Mikos
(circa 2110)

[Image: HY3bstx.png]

For Stability: Monarchy?!

[[Image: 5650427.png]] In efforts to centralize and progress efforts about the nation, Queen Llevara has taken up the mantle as the sole ruler of Londo. Pushing for continued progress in scientific, religious, and social ventures.

The Path Forward: Identity
[[Image: 5650427.png]Advertisements are released throughout Meranthe. A call to researchers alike. Efforts to establish itself as nation in marriage of religious and scientific exploration still appear in local taverns on the road and in major cities.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Project Satellite is in full swing. In recent years, the massive scaffolding stands tall as framework for the colossal structure began in 2111.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Galaen and Maestran faiths continue to be represented within the confines of Londo. Construction of Londo's Theater has been completed with decorations remaining. Soon, advertisements would reach Meranthe's artistic bubble in having a venue to showcase their talents!  

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Markings for the constructions of a castle are present within Londo, additionally the outlines for expanding Londo's borders Eastward!

[[Image: 5650427.png]] In passing travels, rumors spread of Londo actively seeking fresh talent in citizenship. Fresh faces have started to appear in Londo!

Recognition: Shooting Stars

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Christophore Garijn, an invaluable citizen of Londo in his efforts of stockpiling resources for Project Satellite. His Farmer's Market within Londo's wall is home to exceptional prices!

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Frivida Valmonte, a recent addition to Londo and the new Manager of Londo's Theater.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Lexi Equisol, Juno's successor in overseeing Londo's Clinic.


Goldlight Order: Neutral, Communications Needed
Prospera: Neutral, Communications Needed
Serenity: Western Front Allied
Final Frontier: Western Front Allied
Arcadia: Western Front Allied
Traverse: Open to Dialogue
Delphina: Friendly
Aegis: Friendly
Xuefeng: Friendly
Atrellya: Death Awaits

The Fel: Death Awaits
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2112 AC

'To become Greater than our Past.'
'To protect what is ours.'
'To raise wings that fly higher than all.'
After four years of its official inauguration, Dragon's Nest seemed to be reorganizing and renewing some of its structure, new things were revealed and with that, measures were taken. The number of Drakanites entering and leaving the island, such as the number of rituals and festivals seems to increase, the activities of the island never truly ceasing.

New activities happen, and with the start of a new year, changes are made:
  • A large sermon under the Divines seemed to be made, as well, with the Herald keeping the invite for all Interested in their heritage and the Draconis Chromatica to visit the Dragon's Nest.
  • With the opening of the Temple, a new military group seems to be created, the 'Cardinals', warriors that fight under a Divine, and any member of the Dragon's Nest is invited to try and join, they seem to be commanded by Leonard Dawnseeker.

  • The repairs at the island seem to finally come to an end, the pits and caves created by the previous war seeming to be reformed into a fighting Arena for the youth and soldiers.

  • The pools of Void are still around, however, contained, and the process of cleansing seems to start, slow but steady.

  • The people of Dragon's Nest seem to be working towards a difficult trip. Rumors say that the Drakans are looking for a way to get into Hel itself.

  • It's declared that Vokel Dawnseeker Is stepping down from any roles of leadership, becoming simply a citizen of Dragon's Nest, protected under the Herald's Wing, as plans to free the Drakan completely begin to take action, now, more publicly.
  • Members of the Western Front are seen entering and leaving the Dragon's Nest, and the local Drakan as well, visit the front. Some kind of organization is starting.


The Western Front. - In Friendly Terms.
The Rest of Meranthe - Neutral.
The Fel and related - Not Allowed.

The Dragon's Nest is open to discuss the relationship between Nations.
[Image: martyrsvigil.png]
"I never wanted it to come to this.
I never wanted to be in these shoes,
how massive they are to fill.
But I will fight on.

For his sake.
... this place truly hosts the perfect name."


  • A great man vanishes in the night. The Knight-Commander, Garret Richter, is eerily absent. What is left are but remnants of what linger, yet the grief-apparent gives way to new leadership; Shevaun, former First Ranger of the Free Wings, now stands as the new Knight-Commander, and is oft seen speaking with a far more arduous fervor, an inherent fire in her throat.
  • Prospera properly falls, capitulating to annexation, and is now hosted by Aphrosian sources. It seems in the recent years that this has ended the looming threat of war yet to erupt, though what remains of the beguiling City-State of Progress's namesake will be discovered in due time.
  • Despite the relative silence along the Martyr's Vigil, movements are seen at the dead of night. Soldiers are, more often than not, trained by force by the new Knight-Commander, and are often overwhelmed.
  • The Tribunal of the Everyman is left without leadership. Though the faithful of Pylae's will may surely rise again, the lands are absent of Hope's touch from His most venerated, and newest Martyr. It is unclear if this will extend to the burgeoning faith of Caius, or the glimmering light of Chireus.
  • Missives are sent to extant leaders after the battle between the Gloomlight Grove and the Ten's Citadel. The verdict, and attitude, towards them-- is that of profound, frustrated anger. Yet, there is something more to focus on. A common goal.
  • The Unbridled Militant Wing of The Order gains almost all of the focus in these coming times. Something is being prepared, and all hands-on-deck-- in terms of sheer violent proficiency-- are needed for this endeavor.
  • Extant trade is upkept; material and supplies come from outside the lands, though in decreased efficiency. This is seen as a task delegated to the Kingdom of Fortune, whilst the Goldlight Order focuses on more terrestrial bothers.

Kingdom of Fortune: 
The rest of Meranthe: NOT ON MY RADAR OR I DON'T CARE

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