ChanceState of Meranthe
[Image: martyrsvigil.png]

"Looks like the waters are calming a bit.
Almost lost myself for a bit. It happens!
What matters is I’m still here. We all are.
For everyone else’s sake, we will hold."

  • Restructuring in the leadership of the Goldlight Order seems to be imminent. Though the Knight-Commander remains in fair standing, especially after the final push of the assault against the Crescent Fortress, Shevaun has started to step back. Rumors abound of why this is the case, though it was clear from the beginning that she never intended to bear the burden of leadership on her own.

  • Not too terribly long after the sudden withdrawal of support towards the Gloomlight Grove is it announced that Martyrs’ Vigil is shuttering its doors for most of the outside world. Bordering on near-hostility or neutral-animosity at best, most are unwelcome within the Vigil without proper reasonings—though this is largely directed at extant leaders attempting to meddle in affairs not their own rather than passerby. The sole exceptions to this are, unsurprisingly, the Kingdom of Fortune, its protected vassal, and the Realm of Delphina, primarily due to the history shared between prominent figures and general well-wishes. Also unsurprisingly, the Gloomlight Grove are particularly distrusted, especially after the death of the prior Commander, Ezra, and after continued political pressure strained and splintered their relationship.
  • Traveling faces and new recruits are starting to populate the walls of the Vigil once more. Promising new blood and prominent combatants alike have been noted to dwell in its lands, and the population has started to gently increase.
  • It’s noted that Shevaun has been acting differently again. Whether it’s due to some twisted catharsis or because of some genuine care, it’s unknown; the Knight-Commander’s more dire features have been replaced with some great amount of her mental faculties restored. Talks of having her placed on medical leave have all been silenced.
  • Hands are working upon many different projects, from those requiring scrutiny from other nations’ intermediaries to more faith-based exploits. Those following Chireus, Caius, and Pylae may find themselves in great care— braced by the wings of Bravery, Love, and Hope.
  • A joint effort between the Kingdom of Fortune and the Martyrs’ Vigil has them each looking seawards. For what purpose is currently unclear.

Gloomlight Grove: Show me more progress, or stay away.
Kingdom of Fortune: As one we stand.
The Realm of Delphina: Keep in touch!
The rest of Meranthe: Business terms only. Don’t bother otherwise.
Skarnfel/Penumbra/Repose: A disappointing scourge.
Atrellya: A threat worth exterminating.

Aen: Stay quiet.
[Image: w7w6cvx5oby.png]

2118 AC

War, and war, and war again. After its defeat of Aegis and Xuefeng's armies, Gloomlight enjoyed only a brief period of peace before Atrellya's arrival forced it to muster once more - this time in partnership with the Crusader-State rather than opposition. With the Crescent Isle in ruins, the Grove is focusing on cementing their strengths as both one of Meranthe's foremost martial powers and a leader in magical research designed to improve the lot of all peoples of the world.

  • Ongoing battle continues, most notably with the distributed remnants of Atrellya; multiple large skirmishes between Gloomlight and Atrellyans have occurred recently right on the Grove's doorstep.

  • In the wake of losses on the battlefield, including the brave sacrifice of the widely-beloved and mourned Commander Ezra, ranks have shifted considerably. Erebus Bargiel is the current Commander, with Loramelian serving as Umbra Captain and Falke Bargiel as Acting Astra Captain.

  • The Bastion is RECRUITING. All those who wish to honor Athelios' will and fight against the forces of witchcraft, diablerie, and necromancy are welcome. Recruits can look forward to training and mentorship in combat, aid in providing any necessary alchemical elixirs or equipment, and housing within Gloomlight or the Twilight City. Contact Erebus Bargiel, Loramelian, or Falke Bargiel to join today.

  • The Ordo Inexorabilis Nullus, under Knight Tenacity de la Croix, invites recruits who wish to study and preserve the art of nullification while serving Athelios and the Pantheon as a whole. 


Many projects are flourishing at Gloomlight, especially in the realms of the medical, psionic, and spiritual:
  • Alchemists and magitech experts are invited to work with Head of Research Ksceniya C. Montelione in a project to help extend the lives and improve the health of Meranthe's many non-magi.

  • Those who suffer from curses are encouraged to come to Gloomlight for treatment, as Squishy the slime is looking to master a method to turn curses into useful magical materials.

  • Seanius and Knight Erisanne vil Lamurre are making excellent progress on the construction of a manmade cobalthine grove. They seek nature-affiliated magi to help nourish the grove and companions who may be willing and able to support a journey in search of obtaining healthy larvae for the project. Contact Seanius if interested.

  • Loramelian is still in search of an apprentice who may one day wield the Staurogram Key and continue his work of freeing witches from their contracts. All metaphysical mages with a commitment to healing and helping others are encouraged to apply. Though only one individual can inherit the Staurogram Key, lessons in Wayfinding, medicine, spiritmancy, and potentially arcane magic will be offered to all accepted candidates.

  • Efforts are underway to develop countermeasures to the darker arts. Anyone interested in working to combat necromancy is encouraged to contact Loramelian, and anyone interested in combating witchcraft should contact Fauste.


  • Knight Tenacity de la Croix and Mei'Ria are offering their services to any individuals who seek magical contract binding, for any purpose from business to marriage.  In addition, Mei'Ria offers truth magic for those seeking to discern veracity in situations where it may be questioned.

  • Talguth, the Exalted Spirit of Thought and Freedom, is willing to take students interested in metaphysics, psionics, and esoteric studies. Interested parties may inquire in Unreality.


Gloomlight desires peace with all who reject the forces of darkness. Overtures toward alliance and collaboration are always welcome, and more may soon follow. 

Prospera: Our partner in innovation and progress.
The Traverse: On land, at sea, we fight together.
Arcadia: A brave people that live by their values.
Londo: Respect and friendship; may they linger.
Goldlight Order: Allies once, and hopefully again.
Serenity: A pleasant neutrality, and open to more.
Ten's Citadel: A cautious peace, built on evil's backs.
The Realm of Delphina: Perhaps the first shoots of spring after long winter?
Xuefeng: Questions, and perhaps concerns.
The Frontier: Time yet to mend what has begun to fray.
Drakonia: A wayward disappointment.
Fel: Those who will not be saved must be destroyed.
Atrellya: To the last of you.
[Image: vQX3LUK.png]

2119 AC

Quote:"Onward to a new generation."
- The Astrologian, Queen Llevara Mikos
(circa 2119 )

[Image: HY3bstx.png]

The Path Forward: Next Generation

[[Image: 5650427.png]] As the Queen reaches the next stage of her young age, she makes it known that she is stepping down from the position of 'Queen'. With it, she leaves it to the next generation to follow her in deciding the body of government and future systems to accommodate the pulse of Londo. To this effect, she has elected both Asterin P. Kasca and Fantasy P. Kasca as her successors to shape Londo. 

The Path Forward: Ongoings
[[Image: 5650427.png]] With the transfer of power, vassalizing and previous contractual agreements from Llevara's administration are still in effect per the written documentations.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Project Satellite is still ongoing as the once Queen focuses her time . The framework construction complete, it moves onto the installments of component pieces.  The once Queen now having time to fulling commit to her projects with attention undivided. The massive scaffolding stands tall as framework for the colossal structure began in 2111.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] Galaen and Maestran faiths continue to be represented within the confines of Londo. Construction of Londo's Theater has been completed with concerts and events held since its opening. To the artists out in Meranthe, there always exists a venue to showcase such talents.

[[Image: 5650427.png]] In passing travels, rumors spread of Londo actively seeking fresh talent in citizenship. Fresh faces have started to appear in Londo! As well as a new generation of soldiers [RPL 180 Emporium Placeholder].


Goldlight Order: Neutral, Communications Needed
Prospera: Neutral, Communications Needed
Gloomlight: Neutral. Non-Aggression Pact.

Serenity: Western Front Allied
Final Frontier: Western Front Allied
Arcadia: To be Determined
Traverse: Open to Dialogue
Delphina: Friendly
Aegis: Friendly
Xuefeng: Friendly
Atrellya: Death Awaits

The Fel: Death Awaits
[Image: 53535315.png]
It's been already a decade since the last grand-scale announcement made by the Desert's Kingdom, Serenity. During this time, a significant number of people have migrated into the kingdom, joining the army, assisting with research, and making continuous breakthroughs without any signs of stagnation. Life in this kingdom follows a proper cycle. Spirits are happy, and life is constantly protected, one way or another. Followed by grand techonological advancements. Some of these advancements were more noticeable than others, leading to general prosperity throughout the nation. The well-being of animals across the kingdom made it evident that life was thriving. A gentle breeze continued to sweep through the entire kingdom, creating a peaceful environment. The Kingdoms focus on internal stability and respect for its neighbors self determination keep things quiet.

Followed by this there was seems to be few set of additional law got into play enforced by the desire of the king; 

Quote:[By the will of the populace the King has declared magics of Fel origin banned within Serenity. Most notably Occultism, derived from Demons and cursed upon Mankind to twist the practitioner and corrupt their wills. Fleshcrafting, derived from Necromancy and the first step upon the skullroad to damnantion. These both are tools of enslavement, twisting the practioners to darkness. While it is still possible to visit the kingdom despite being a occultist with it's current limitations. One only can use it for the purpose of self-defense.]

[Those that willing to construct a place of their own must first have a talk with the higher ups. Mostly the king itself to determine it's spot and general architecture.]

[Image: Cizgi.png]

[Image: 5353531556.png]
-With the arrival of the Gozen Clan to Serenity its food stores have been overfilled and its militia bolstered by the Clan's Magi. Though, it is not just fresh blood which they have brought to bear in the aiding of the Silvanas Clan but also a new philosophy. The Twins, a way of living life in accordance with the natural cycle of creation. There is also a push from the Gozen Clan to welcome in and protect injured and weak mystical fauna. They are even now seeking donations to construct a proper menagerie to house and care for these beings. Scholars or those with wisdom on mystical fauna are asked to share their findings with Lauritz Gozen. As he seeks to expand his knowledge

-Since the last announcement concerning the general militia of Serenity, many changes have been made to accommodate the influx of people finding a home in the kingdom. One of the first changes was the renaming of the former 'Sandstorm Vanguard' to 'Dune Vanguard.' This was followed by revisions to its ranking structure and updates to the information about its general culture and the rewards given to those who advance. 
These changes provided many new members of the militia with the opportunity to prove their capabilities as hunters. Some notable names to keep in mind are:

Lauritz Gozen 


Kai Ashikaga

Lore Mooney 

Shatter Géar-Adharc

Masako Gozen

Each promoted into the rank of Sentinel and now on path to receive their first markings as hunters.It's rumored there will be High Sentinel trials announced by the King and Wardens soon enough. There are of course still many hunters in training expecting to receive their first promotion soon.

-After years of preparation, Serenity's Tower Expedition Squad finally had the opportunity to explore the tower thoroughly. During this expedition, the group made a significant breakthrough in the history of tower exploration. They discovered the 'Negative Floors,' an underground section of the tower that extends indefinitely. This marked the beginning of a new era for the Expedition Squad and granted the kingdom access to a previously unexplored field. 

-A bit known new perhaps, with the retirement of the former Warden Merlin Silvanas. Oshun becomes the second ever Warden of the militia followed by the promotion of Lokhos Silver years later as the third Warden. Both may follow their responsibilities well and lead the Dune Vanguard into further greatness.

-Kings almost thirty years old project and research seems to be finally entered is final phase. Upon reaching such phase one of the things that was quite obvious to notice was the happy presence of the animals. Life around Serenity becomes a lot more lively.

-One of the recent developments in Serenity has led to an increased number of goblins within the kingdom. Shatter Géar-Adharc and Crackle Óir-Gaire expressed their desire to create a proper home for goblins. With the king's support and guidance, Serenity has become a place where goblins can grow safely under proper teachings. Initially, the king wanted Shatter to be the main representative for these activities, but she preferred Crackle to take the lead while she acted as an advisor. Together, they aim to gather more goblins under the kingdom's flag.

[Image: Cizgi.png]
[Image: 531513513135.png]
Western Front.
Western Front.
Western Front.
"What the fuck are you doing?"
"A bit more better compare to before. Clearly can be better." 
"Not interested. It can stay within the grounds of neutrality not more or less."
"Good enough." 
"Good enough."

[Image: W1YX7Zs.png]

In light of recent occurrences, the Proto Institute puts out a formal announcement regarding their political standing. It is sent through a broad spectrum of transceivers, as well as the announcement systems within the Proto Institute.

Quote:"A brighter future awaits us all. There is progress daily in the city, and now under new leadership, we shall leap years forward."
- Katryovno Dryden

Bullet points the announcement goes through are as follows.
  • Katryovno Dryden is established as the Director for the Proto Institute, with Unit Raven serving as the Commander.
  • The Ares Unit is elevated to the status of official elite force, with a military readiness and equipment act being pushed alongside. Contact your nearest officer for assistance.
  • The Dryden Industries have not only grown in its numbers, but they seem to be actively pursuing different projects. Smoke has been sighted in the skies, coming from a factory that nears completion.
  • With the advancements of Arcadia's war front, the Final Frontier takes a definitive stance.
  • A majority of the Final Frontier's relationships seem to be on the uptick as of recently, with additional integration to the economies of other nations and talks of sea trade routes to Aegis.
  • Along with that, the Final Frontier opens its gates to the members of the Runic Order! To aid in the mutual pursuit of knowledge along with the Dryden Industries.

Western Front - United
Dal'thala - Neutral
Aegis - Good
Xuefeng - Good
Prospera - In 50 years, you will be where we were 50 years ago.
Gloomlight Grove - Prohibited Entrance


2121AC - Eight Years into the Yuhiko Period.

The village of Xuefeng has risen, fell, and risen again, as their populace went into panic the day of a rare defeat during the Joint offense of Aegis, and Xuefeng. Miyuhiko as a youth rose to the occasion, pushing away some, and inspiring others as they began to take on the burden of responsibility due to the Shogun's absence. Times were harsh, but with the help of the wonderful Qiu Zaiqiang, Fengjixan settlers, and the mighty Magical beast Yaggrin they've managed to sustain a healthy village.

- With his valiant efforts Ou Ken has risen to the rank of Hatamoto graduating from Samurai and earning his sect glory for the coming centuries. He now leads an army of proud Bushi, Goshi, and Gokenin warriors.

- Xuefeng is being ran by Lord Regent Miyuhiko Shinjitsu, and their right hand and advisor Qiu Zaiqiang. The Shogun while absent, still retains his power if he ever wishes to challenge the Regent, but as it stands the Regent's word is final.

- The spiritual activity has been growing in the city, rumors say that the bell that once called upon malicious spectral horrors has been rung again. No one is sure, save for those that remain in office, strangely enough the citizens appear to be fine. The shrine within the lands seems to be the source of all of this commotion. It is advised that you do not enter without permission from the Regent themselves.

- Citizens have mixed feelings with the amount of magical creature activity that has only seemed to rise as Miyuhiko took over. Some are worried as now, abominations, and failed experiments seem to be sneaking out into the world. Just what are those people researching there? Sources say that the Regent is trying to develop biological weapons of mass destruction. More patrotic folk champion this idea, and have even begun offering magicial beast fragments, cores, demon bodies, or even their own all for this strange research.

- Cultivation is at an all time high, as the Fengjixan settlers have fully cemented their stay. The Uncles Qian Jie, and Xiao Long hold unfathomable knowledge and can be contacted for more insight on the practice of Cultivation. Senior Huang is still unable to be heard as their dao is on a level undocumented.

- The laws of the occult have been slightly altered, the magic can be displayed within the walls of Xuefeng so long as you are registered. Non native occultists will be immediately collared upon entry without the proper registration. See: Qiu Zaiqiang for more details. The Lord Regent values their peace of mind, and if you disrupt the peace the ultimate price is paid in full.

- Worship of the Rain and Thunder Dragon Shenlong has taken a more organized form under Qiu Zaiqiang, those willing to learn about this sect are encouraged to reach out to him. Rumors say that there is a sermon to be held soon.

- Travelers are to arrive soon, bringing forth more religions and activity to Xuefeng, stay tuned!


Aegis: Many have earned favor with the Lord Regent - Friendly

Gloomlight: Many do not hold any favor with the Lord Regent, save for a few - For important matters send the right person

Londo: Many have earned favor - Friendly

Dalthala: The Lumin King, and Heir earned respect - Neutral, leaning towards friendly

Prospera: Unknown

The Traverse: The Lord Regent is not a fan - Be weary

The Frontier: Some have earned favor - Friendly

Dragon Nest: Cherished Individuals reside - Friendly

Aracdia: Mixed feelings - Varied from person to person

Fel: Is your soul your own? - The answer to that question determines the relation
[Image: colette.png]
[Image: LSNmtDi.png]

 2121 AC

"A trial you wailed for... a trial you now witness.

The abominations before you—they are for whom you bled, the cause for which you suffered, and the scourge you harbored, for whom you fell.

Behold the harvest of your charge."

The meadows of the west lay scorched and ignited beneath the pyres of Northern march, yet it is Aegis that stands triumphant, with warriors of azure and gold invading Arcadia in ever-greater numbers, culminating in the utter and complete subjugation of the city. The words spread akin to wildfire, whispering both of the outcome and the events that unfolded in its wake.

  • The artificial creations, Caelizia and Pyrmetius, were seized in the wake of the assault and brought before the Exarch in its immediate aftermath, to be judged and trialed in the presence of both Aegis and Arcadia alike. Deemed to bear the taint of undeath and chaos by the Illuminated Chancellor, the pair was sentenced to death and executed forthwith.
  • The city of Arcadia has been vassalized by the Empire of Aegis, with troops stationed along its every perimeter and corner. The Nephilim of Pylae, Iaoel Ealtew, was stripped of all power and influence within the ranks; whereas Phosphene and her cohorts have been declared outlaws, banished from the settlement and hunted alike. A governance is announced to be instituted in the weeks and months to follow, with the establishment of new wardens under Aegis' rule. The Exarch assures the preservation of Arcadia's identity and urges the faithful and the citizens to remain, for those who fought for a fractured city shall continue to do so as it mends, yet the choice remains their own.
  • With the establishment of Katryovno Dryden as the Director of the Proto Institute, and the united military effort of the Citadel and Frontier, the distant alliances only strengthen further.
  • Amidst the triumphs of battle and their own feats, Haoran Lam and Lion W. Folhammar have been anointed as Sentinels of Aegis, serving directly under its commander.
  • The militia stands bolstered, a stark contrast to the desolation left in the wake of the Gloomlight assault, with warriors enlisting in greater numbers and a more structured worship of Ymir and Enarr emerging in recent times. The Empire of Aegis only extends its influence, ever expanding.

[Image: etXaxgd.png]


Arcadia - Vassal

Xuefeng - Friendly

Final Frontier - Friendly

Kingdom of Serenity - Favorable

Delphina - Uncertain

Gloomlight Grove - Strained

Goldlight Order - Poor

Fel - Purge

Rest of Meranthe - Protectors
[Image: vQX3LUK.png]

Quote:"Years have now passed by, as new motions are made within Londo under new leadership between Asterin and myself. It's culture, alongside practices of giving back to those whom seek to learn. Whether it be Wayfinding, Medical Practice or even the methods to achieving Holy Magic. To work towards not just the focus of one city, but all those who wish to be heard, now can be."

- Fantasy P. Kasca

"May the world be forever painted in your light."

- Asterin P. Kasca

Constant passersby of Londo can attest to the changes within the city. Workers ensured the boundary expansion to allow new citizens to reside there whether it be housing or apartment rooms. Talks and ongoings to learning Wayfinding, Medical Practice, and the religious focus of Mestra and the free invitation to those of other Faiths to preach and share their own within the safety of Londo's walls.  Even then, following this... it's to come in time that a Festival and more will take place in the coming years.

  • A Mestran sermon is to take place in the coming year.

  • Following the aforementioned, those seeking to join in Mestran worship are advised to speak with Asterin P. Kasca.

  • The first annual Maple Festival will be held in the coming years to encourage all Faith's as well as special events during. Stay tuned for the announced date in accordance.

  • As of this announcement, Seryn P. Kasca has been appointed the Commander of the Guardians. Rising as Londo's Military Head thereafter. Reliving Fantasy P. Kasca of their prior duty, effective immediately.

  • Alongside this change, a joint Training Regimen will take place with invitations to, Dune Vanguard, The Elzara, The Ashigaru, Aegis, The Ares Unit. All with the purpose of comradery and improvement upon the field of combat.

  • Londo's Military the Guardians is actively recruiting to it's ranks and pushing forward to establish proper movements.

  • Wayfinding Lessons as well as Advanced Wayfinding Teachings, Medical Lessons, and soon to be Holy Magic Lessons will also take place throughout the coming year and years. Send missive to Fantasy P. Kasca for any of such topics.

  • Londo is actively seeking to either mend, or change relations with the other settlements of Meranthe. Specifically, Xuefeng given prior talks. Delphina, Citadel given active visits, Goldenlight given prior talks.


Serenity: Western Front

Final Frontier: Western Front

Arcadia: To be discussed.

Xuefeng: Friendly, discussing more.

Delphina: Friendly, wanting to discuss.

Gloomlight: To be discussed.

Goldenlight: Friendly, discussing more.

Prospera: ???

The Traverse: Friendly?

Kingdom of Fortune: Friendly???

Dragon Nest: To be discussed.

Fel: To be culled.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
[Image: arcadiapic.png]
"Even through the berth of a harsh season, we must keep sowing- spring by spring, that we may find our bountiful harvest at the end of a long road."
Year 2121 AC
☀ After a tiresome battle lead by the Ten's Citadel to extinguish suspected practitioners of the Fel arts within the small village of Arcadia, the Empire of Aegis has officially claimed Arcadia as a Vassal state. Pending a brief meeting, the Wishgranter Mitra Prithvi has been named as the new Senator Primus, which he has since renamed to Keeper of Arcadia, and given reins to oversee the land as needed.

Quote:"While our former Senator Primus William, and our former Shepherd Iaoel grew this land as their own, one may find that each season can bring a good and bad harvest; while we can only try and prune the sickness that plagues our land, sometimes a new set of hands is needed to help deal with a blight. While the Ten's Citadel is thanked for their service, we are grateful that they've chosen to let our land remain as is so long as those affiliated do not return. While I have tried to stray from becoming a line in the records of Arcadia, it's only become increasingly more not to lift a finger; and with the grace of the Exarch and Lord Commander, I now stand among you as Senator Primus ...

... though that title feels too stiff, so I will now refer to it as Keeper, and give the rest of you cute titles! For now, we'll try to keep business as usual, and try to find our way back onto the path of Hope as Pylae intended; sometimes, a light is so blinding that one can lose sight of their goal. It's why I've learned to dance to the beat of Harmony itself to ensure my path is always righteous...

.... aha! Hope to see you all there."

☀ To that end, the Keeper announces sweeping reformations; all Council members are requested to seek an audience with their new Keeper to discuss their role going forward!

☀ Mitra announces the following; those who are interested in learning the Harmonic Arts, which includes, but is not limited to; Holy Magic, The Healing Arts, Azalean, Caius, and Pylean Faith, The Art of Wayfinding, Harmony Magic and more are welcome to seek an audience with the Keeper as well; for the Half-Djinni is a cultivator of dreams, and would move the world to fulfill the desires of the worthy. Necromancy, WitchcraftChaos Magic and the Undead are unwelcome arts within the state of Arcadia; Occultism is not banned, but requested to be used in private.

The Citadel has no intent to assimilate the culture of Arcadia into that of their own; such was made clear in the Keeper's meeting with their leadership; Mitra, however, has intent to return it to a vaunted land of the Wolken, where those may find reprieve from the horrors of the land; Arcadia will once more be a place to rest one's head, find the Joy of life once more, and listen to the song of Harmony.

☀ Arcadia formally announces intent to align themselves with the alliance of the Western Front, and invites the leaders of all other nations to write to him, or come meet in person if needed to discuss the mending of relations, what can be provided, and what can be sought to foster good relation!

☀ Mitra extends an open invitation to all who may feel lost within the world, and those who may need inspiration, so long as their intentions are pure. This does not extend to those who subscribe to the Fel arts, nor those who worship Azrael, the concept of Discord and Chaos in full, or the Demon King of Atrellya. 

☀ And finally, the new Keeper regretfully announces the formal exile of Iaoel Ealtew and Phosphene on suspicion of Fel Arts; by extension, those associated with the latter are unwelcome within the Settlement; there is no specific list of names, though such should be clear. 

The following are tentative to change giving pending reformations, a change in leadership, and a minor reflection of the Empire of Aegis; if you want to be on this list for the next one, it's recommended you get in touch with the Keeper.
Ten's Citadel - Lordship

Xuefeng - Friendly

Final Frontier - Friendly

Londo - Friendly

Delphina - Uncertain

Gloomlight Grove - Uncertain

Goldlight Order - Uncertain

Fel - Purge!!

bedivere || discord: cornelius.treat
[Image: 6yxkcwpg2m7.png]


In the past few years, Londo has undergone drastic renovations from visual improvements to its resting areas to the direct additions of the Maple Academy and the Guardian's Headquarters. The Londo military is also seeking more recruits! It also allows new residents a safe place to pursue learning behind Londo's walls. In addition to positions being filled within the city, tri-annual Maple Fests will be taking place to allow the more creative flows of unique individuals to be showcased. As well as a re-opening of the Londo Theater to be used for various events in coming years. Alongside this, The Wolves Den Tavern will also be open to anyone who seeks a place of relaxation. Following that, the Londo Library owned by Dunsman is open for business with books and the like for people to read.

With more to come as well!

Guardian's Tower

[Image: 6yxkcwpgl67.jpg][Image: wye3cqvgvg4.jpg]

The Wolves Den Tavern

[Image: e4gdcj3m3j4.jpg][Image: g4z9czq9qk7.jpg]

Londo's Library

[Image: my8xc5aqaj4.jpg][Image: 345xc2a8al7.jpg]

The Maple Academy

[Image: k46acplgvq7.jpg]
Margot Mikos, will now be the Head of Research within Londo.

Lexi Equisol, was and still will be the Head of Medical within Londo followed by Juniper Lunas.

Alexander Durant, was promoted to Guardian for his diligence in his duties and aid in nearly all of Londo's recent affairs.

Teachers and other staff for the Academy are still being hired! Reach out to Fantasy P. Kasca for inquiries.

Two dormitories will be made for Maple Academy. The Galaean Dorm and The Mestran Dorm in the coming years!

More training regiments will be hosted by Seryn P. Kasca to more actively get those ready for the trials ahead.

Asterin P. Kasca and Dunsman S. Viridi are planning another Maple Fest in the coming years.

Liam P. Kasca for their efforts in the field has been promoted to Defender.



Serenity: Western Front

Final Frontier: Western Front

Arcadia: Western Front

Xuefeng: Friendly, wanting to discuss.

Citadel: Friendly

Delphina: Friendlywanting to discuss.

Gloomlight: Allied

Goldenlight: Friendly

Prospera: Friendly

The Traverse: Friendly

Kingdom of Fortune: Friendly

Dragon Nest/Drakonia: Western Front

Midpoint: Neutral/Friendly

Fel: To be culled. Ongoing.

Azrealites/Undead: To be dealt with. Ongoing.[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
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