DreamspeakerRules on Settlement Building
(08-11-2022, 09:36 PM)Enginseer-42 Wrote: The IC of conflict is legitimately great and I'm looking forward to certain projects it's brought about, but it is a tad bizarre given both other nations have ICly been guarding the mines since the kerfuffle over Nerdlords Pronouncement and following accords.

Now, I'm all for a good ol' fashioned mine-war. But I feel like allowing them to just waltz miles away from their territory and starting a settlement in a guarded region would require some kind of involvement from the people guarding it. Because right now it feels like Delphinia is a ghost who slips in and claims stuff but isn't there to actually man the battlements. Meanwhile the Huskarls and Knights have had a manned presence at the mines almost since day 1 which is what started the kerfuffle to begin with.

The map, for reference to those not of the exploring bent.

[Image: Maps4Bog.png]

that isn't even where it is bro what are you doing
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(08-11-2022, 09:38 PM)Milly Wrote:
(08-11-2022, 09:36 PM)Enginseer-42 Wrote: The IC of conflict is legitimately great and I'm looking forward to certain projects it's brought about, but it is a tad bizarre given both other nations have ICly been guarding the mines since the kerfuffle over Nerdlords Pronouncement and following accords.

Now, I'm all for a good ol' fashioned mine-war. But I feel like allowing them to just waltz miles away from their territory and starting a settlement in a guarded region would require some kind of involvement from the people guarding it. Because right now it feels like Delphinia is a ghost who slips in and claims stuff but isn't there to actually man the battlements. Meanwhile the Huskarls and Knights have had a manned presence at the mines almost since day 1 which is what started the kerfuffle to begin with.

The map, for reference to those not of the exploring bent.

that isn't even where it is bro what are you doing

Haven't seen the settlement, going by Bog's description and confirmation of where it is. Besides, that's kind of the least of the issues mentioned.
Still gonna toll the mines for any bug I see.
(08-11-2022, 09:33 PM)ratqueen Wrote: as for placement, the settlement is intentionally central (not next to anyone's capital; lines below drawn from each nation's respective capital region's exits) and very purposefully put near a major resource (the mines); that's icly and it's doing what it's supposed to do ic, which is piss people off and grant delphina the (stealable) advantage of owning the mines's resources

[Map cut]

that said, it's also icly for aphros or vdalion to get really mad and and siege it to try and either raze it or alternatively claim it and its resources for themselves (free 150k settlement paid only in blood), and i look forward to that

if it were built in aphros' or vdalion's actual region that would be an issue, but atm its mostly just an ic issue that can and is being dealt with ic

That definitely doesn't look one screen away from Aphros, as Bog claimed. If that really is where it's been put (keeping in mind that I have the memory of a goldfish because I'm still memorising this map and everything on it), the problem swings the other way - why should Aphros have the ability to raze the town as if it were a 'neutral' town if it's that far away? Indeed, honestly, that doesn't even seem that far from Delphina.

I think we might be missing something here.
Here, I hope this helps.
[Image: unknown.png]
[Image: corpoggo.png]
[Image: unknown.png?width=561&height=569]

If you don't know where it is, then you shouldn't assume it's placement. Also this was the entire point of the thread, so.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
the settlement is 615, 622.

north of aphros is, 696, 516.

it isn't a screen away, but it's too close. it is entirely an ic situation.
It's because the map is dummy thicc but only 4'11 :flushed:
(08-11-2022, 09:44 PM)Mallow Wrote: the settlement is 615, 622.

north of aphros is, 696, 516.

it isn't a screen away, but it's too close. it is entirely an ic situation.

Is it an IC situation when it came about by using OOC mechanics to ignore IC? Also, map on page 1 corrected.
Can we feed Meranthe some protein, it's going down like Mal
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