DreamspeakerRules on Settlement Building
did you just say making settlements is using an ooc mechanic?
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
don't worry. i'll take care of the mine town.

it'll be in ruins soon enough.
Realistically I don't think you should be able to build in a region once it's been clearly stated that there's going to be a war for it.
As the dude who is more or less responsible for the latest and greatest mine war arc, it's surreal going to sleep, seeing a tower pop up, ICly telling them to tear it down and that there will be war, and the next day it's an entire city.

It's very clearly contested territory and I think there should be a delay period or a required declaration of a settlement being constructed if it's within a certain range of other cities.
Hard to measure that in a non-arbitrary way though.
(08-11-2022, 09:23 PM)Touc Wrote: Or you could just delete the settlement and refund half (or none of) the coin used to claim it. Realistically, skirmishers from Aphros - NPC or not - would have just destroyed the settlement as it was being built. There's absolutely no way that they would let a settlement be established literally directly outside the (IC) largest nation. It's simply not possible.
No one needs to waste their time with a razing when the settlement would have been destroyed in the first place regardless. All this is going to do is:
1. End a few unlucky bugs and Aphrosians' stories literally a single year through the game if cap rolls happen - being captured by a bug is as good as death, and there's no doubt that the Aphrosians are going to return that favour.
2. Cause an unsatisfying conclusion because there's no loot to be had or victory to be gained - it's just destroying something that shouldn't be there in the first place.

And, EVEN IF Delphina/the bugs win the right to stay there - no matter how unlikely that is thanks to Aphros' power and their verbers - what then? The settlement will still be right outside of Aphros' front door like an eyesore. It'll still be the first thing you enter as soon as you leave Aphros from the northern side. It may as well just be a war camp more than anything.

To me, the fairest options would be either deleting the settlement with a refund or otherwise pushing it somewhere else.

I agree with this. Maybe not completely, because as ratqueen stated in the post below this one it's in a central location in comparison to everything else, but the "the construction would've been interrupted" part is true. Like. Very obviously it would've been razed to the ground the moment it was noticed lmao, seeing how close it is to such a disputed territory

I- honestly don't really like this building system in that regards. Shit is literally just built overnight; it's weird oocly even if icly it took a while. I'm probably getting downvoted for this, but, maybe make the buildings take at least some ooc days to build, so other nations can act on it if something like this happens? Doesn't even need to be mechanically, just- stating it'll be built and shit, in case for settlements that are so close to a disputed area like the mines.

I'd love to be proved wrong tho.
link baiano reborn
[Image: 2OMczG8.jpg]

(its actually pretty close to the center of the map, in all fairness. its a good point to start building raids on and actively have conflict in the game, imo. getting extremely angry on an ooc level when the settlement itself is easily avoidable and we have BOATS now seems silly. resolve it IC. we probably do need rules for this sort of thing though but i feel like its in that gray area that no matter what you do its always gonna have a few areas of "well... but this...")

(i'm actually against the rules for thsi sort of thing as long as it makes people angry)
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
(08-11-2022, 09:47 PM)Milly Wrote: did you just say making settlements is using an ooc mechanic?

I believe that what was said refers to the idea that there's very few mechanical or stated protections on where a settlement can be placed to prevent things like this from happening and is more based on common sense.

For instance, someone could rock up outside of Delphina's crystal mines and build a little house and say 'I own these mines now and have cap advantage in and around them' despite the fact that the mines are *literally directly outside of Delphina and are part of their territory*. That would be abusing the settlement-building mechanic for OOC advantage.

Maybe I've got it wrong or I'm just not making sense, but I think that's about right.
[Image: ugMsQb7.png]

Hey now, the exoskeleton racial is working fine!
(08-11-2022, 09:51 PM)chance Wrote: [Image: ugMsQb7.png]

Hey now, the exoskeleton racial is working fine!

where is my master level racial chance
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
Wait until you're level 200 like everyone else, maybe?

(Don't talk about the giants)
where's my signature. 'Bug Spray, instantly cuts a bugs health in half, permanent debuff.'
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