(10-12-2022, 11:57 AM)Harm Wrote: dumb shit

It is not, idiot. Mine is the best, swallow it already.
You all have bad ideas.

I pose the following solution to the lightspeed menace.

You cast lightspeed and for 1-3s your character flashes white several times, -then- it's cast. Picture it like a short charge.

If you block it you are a skilled verber. (Lmao)

If you fail to block in that window, you have a massive skill issue and should cope and seethe. 

Behold, good idea.

Edit : Lmao someone posted this exact concept. Suppose I should read the thread before shitposting. Truly it is I with the skill issue.
That just sounds like piercing strike with extra steps

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
Literally just have lightspeed put the user on a one second GCD.
(10-12-2022, 12:28 PM)StarMann Wrote: That just sounds like piercing strike with extra steps

(10-12-2022, 12:34 PM)Cotillion Wrote: Literally just have lightspeed put the user on a one second GCD.

Put it on a 1s CD it's functionally useless. It's an anti-kiting tool. If you can't punish them for running like a bitch, there's no point in picking up the spell. That 1s is enough time to dash away and cuck your !!sick!! 100% original combo.

As for Rob's remark, it literally is. (Edit : Except you can still walk around when it's """charging""".)

Strong homing spells should have counterplay.

We have like 4 whips or some shit. Enough AoEs that are all just copy-paste versions.

Not every spell needs to be groundbreaking and original. Some spells can be similar in form and function and the game is still better off for it.
I don't know, it's like people want the spell to have counter-play.. But will then jump up in arms the moment that there's counterplay and shout that the spell is useless now.

buff melee
[Image: b6bWoga.png]
(10-12-2022, 07:33 AM)Teemo Wrote:
(10-12-2022, 05:48 AM)VibeEntertainment Wrote: As was said in the original post, kiters and kite based builds are equally as bad as "Lightspeed" stun combo users.

Kiters effectively and effeciently can out perform Armed/Unarmed/Mage(Non-Kite/Non-Lightspeed) builds consistently.

Because they avoid, damage as long as you're doing it correctly and not getting baited by strafing or clear bait tactics.

Lightspeed with it's current range is OKAY.

The issue is as Bog said, is that it's commonly being used with Whips or Pyroclasm. Adding some CD on the use of stuns/roots or whatever to make it so people don't lose 30-40% HP is all fair and good, but when you land that combo and sit back and wait for it again, it's predictable and there are a CRAP ton of options to avoid such a predictable thing.

Saving Warcry Active
Phantom Strike
Evicserate(However it's spelled)
Shockwave (Any of it's varients)
Even drags. (You can quite literally do a skill like Cascade to anyone who Lightspeeds on you EVERY single time they do it and guess what?)

Now you're conditioning them to wait till you use your other skills. I fought someone who is using Lightspeed+ Water Whip into and Tidal and everytime they LS'ed they got punished to the point they stopped using it and tried walking up to me to whip beam.

Lightspeed right now is okay, landing it into whatever combo is a thing sucks, yes. Losing 30-40% HP is pretty wild.

But this boils down to build difference now. You can still beat anyone who's using such a build/cheese. Whether it's harder for you to accomplish or not is solely up to how you verb and what you have in your kit to deal with it IMO.

You can't react to Lightspeed with Warcry, Eviscerate or Shockwave. The only reason Phantom Strike counters it is because it has a short range, meaning you can spam it to instantly blink out of a Lightspeed. Try this with Eviscerate and you'll just end up using it before they Lightspeed.

This is unique to Phantom Strikes and Assault. Everything else requires anticipation, not reaction. If the Lightspeed user is good, you'll end up sending defensives into the abyss.

I'll make vids for you.
ur.com/vcmm6[Image: SwES7N6.gif]
(10-12-2022, 11:49 AM)Ashclout Wrote: All your suggestions suck. You haven't managed to find a single good idea in two pages that wouldn't cuck one way or another other trees unrelated to Light.

The problem to solve : Lightspeed can't be reacted to or anticipated.

The solution : Add a 2-3 seconds charge animation like sears before the spell makes you teleport.

That way, Lightspeed remains revelant and  people will know when it will happen and have time to prepare for an answer. Be it an invul, an aoe or a block. It really wasn't that difficult to figure out. Thank God none of you balance this game.

If anything, this would just ruin other builds like Kayla's, where they aren't using it for a free 30% off your hp because they don't have a whip beam combo setup to abuse. If there was too obvious of a tell that everyone could react to, then slotting a spell that does no damage to sacrifice dps to not even assure that you'll land something would be pointless, imho.

Edit: right, and to make my point totally clear, even lightspeed as it is currently isn't an assurance that you'll land the next spell. It has the same CD every time, so once your opponent learns your rotation, they can just as easily dash or invuln the moment they know you're going to press that button. Ask MuscleWizzard for a video of that if you don't believe me. Adding a charge time would completely invalidate its purpose, imho, and would make it pointless unless you're running a whip/beam combo in the first place. Are you trying to make it only useful for whip/beam combo builds, the entire reason lightspeed is an issue in the first place?

I think the original post was right, stuns should be put on gcd the moment you use lightspeed. It would be a free hit from psmash, or shadow dive, or maybe even an aoe, but that's still worth the tradeoff of replacing more dps on your bar with something that literally only sets up for an attack. Lightspeed meta is awful, but making the spell useless isn't going to solve anything, it's just going to catch melee/light users in the crossfire.

Edit: and whatever is done to nerf it, bring back it's original range, too. It's the best anti-kite spell in the game and I think it deserves that range.
Time for the unpopular opinion. Bring it back to its original state with 15 range, and make it a master.
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