CurledSpiralAround the Wheel, Together.
[Image: G7I48cD.png]

An invitation goes out to the friends and family of Lauritz and Chiry Gozen. Inviting them all to attend a celebration of love eternal and the binding of two lives for this turn of the wheel.
Written within each invitation.
Quote:"I'd like to invite you, my friend, to join Chiry and I durin' a pivotal moment of our lives. Your presence would honor and delight the both of us. The ceremony will be officiated by King Rued who shall conduct a Silvanas ritual, a blood pact to be precise, to consolidate our dedication to one another. Though, our good friends Daliah and Lore Mooney will be takin' the role of Maid of Honor and Best Man respectively. That's right, now's the chance to see them dressed up and out of their armor!"
"Food and drinks will be provided and the weddin' will take place within Serenity's Temple. We look forwards to seein' you there."

A marriage between two of the Twins', Saekanis and Asena, devoted is to take place within Serenity on the following date and time.
Date: 5/26/24
Location: Serenity, Temple on the Hill.
Time: 6 PM EST till 8 PM EST

[Image: fRh5UAF.png]
Maku would wait for some time before beginning, first opening up his sketch book and doing something rather odd. Neatly ripping out a page from the back of the book and placing it near on of them in the front. Maku pressing the page to another sketch and waving his hand over the two. Letting them sit tightly together while he moved to the back of the book once more.
Looking up to the scenery around him the man would take it all in for some time before placing the tip of his pencil to the blank page. His hand moved steadily across the page as he started with the crystal's that stood on either side of the front of the ceremony hall. The moment that Maku wished to capture had not come to pass yet. Though he knew it was fast approaching. The lush greenery of the room was next, leaving the front where the two who were to be wed would stand. Their figures absent from the page.
As other's would continue to file into the row's of seat's that were once empty he would draw them, making sure to take his time in order to be able to witness the moment he envisioned in his mind. Moving to now draw the water and the back entrance, Shading parts of the water in order to give it a look of motion, small waves rippling down through the halls. The central pong shimmering brightly in the light, Maku making sure to slowly etch in every last detail of the way things looked in that moment.
Starting to draw Lore Maku would pause his drawing for a moment, sighing lightly as he would simply shake his head. The man smoking now of all times seemed like a bad choice in the artists eyes but not his call to make. Drawing a few twirl's of smoke drifting off from his figure Makuda would then move to the other side.
Starting with Daliah, Maku would capture her on the verge of tear's, her hands held neatly in front of her as she wore her red maid of honor dress. A pink bow holding up her hair to match the outfit. Beside her stood Masa, the short ookami girl in a dress of similar fashion only with a black and white color to it. The woman standing there idly, making sure to capture the way her hair had been parted to the small bow that she had ben wearing in her hair.
The man sitting at the top of the stair's, the king of Serenity. Standing over his proud subjects on this lovely day. His fur lined cloak adorned in black. The scar that was clearly visible over his face and head. Maku doing his best to paint the man in a radiant image. Rays of light shining down onto him as he lead the ceremony.
Putting the finishing touch's onto drawing Rued the artist then took a small break, looking around the room once more. Seeing if any other's had silently snuck in while the oath's were being said. To his surprise Flown and another had managed to sneak in. The man being more preoccupied with his drawing then he initially thought.
So far Maku had drawn out the scenery as well as all that were currently in attendance. Making sure to leave the open spaces in the pew's for now in case other's did in fact make a late arrival. Who currently in the sketch were as followed. Nyx, Basil, Rosemary, Mbokomu, Flown, Vae'Yn'Ra, Raikami,
Iounn, Makuda, Charlotte, Daliah, Masako, Lore, Syjin, and Lokhos.
With Rued giving the directions for the ritual to be finalized Makuda would finally start drawing the two stars of the show. His sapphire gaze would come to rest onto the woman who was a very dear friend to him, his own words to her long ago now playing thorough his mind. A soft smile coming to his face as he could not be happier for the woman. Her hair as white as snow, the kimono's golden laces and trim shining brightly in the light.
Her hair flowing behind her as if it was being gently blow in the wind, the single blue flower resting perfectly in her hair. Her hand interlocked with the ookami male across from her. A small trail of blood moving down each of their palm's and mixing with their intertwined fingers.
Lauritz would stand tall as he normally did, towering over the woman. His ear's perked up slightly as his golden iris's would look down onto the woman. The moment Makuda had been hoping to capture now at hand. Lau moving in for the kiss. One that would solidify their eternal love between them. Lau holding her one hand in his own and sliding a ring onto her ring finger on her other hand.
Rays of light shown to be shining down onto the two in this very moment, letting the love and happiness in the air be shown upon the page. Looking around once more he would quickly sketch in any that had ran into the hall last minute.
Taking his eraser to some of the more definite lines of the image he would erase them to the point where they were barley visible. Setting the image in a more brighter scenery then most of his pieces. At long last the man would lift his hand from the page, the moment he wanted to capture for the two safely recorded on the page.

After a successful wedding of Lauritz and Chiry Gozen artwork sketched by the local Artist Makuda Nightwalker was published within Serenities local papers.
The city is abuzz with excitement and plentiful work as repairs were made to the temple following several after-party scuffles.
Nothing major.

Just Gozen Things.

OOC: Thanks for everyone who came! Hope you had fun and enjoyed the chaos! See ya'll around!
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