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Charade's End (Gloomlight Grove vs. Midpoint)
On the very eve of war, a likely surprising announcement is issued from Gloomlight Grove:

"Through the good offices of Azalea Aubreen and the Order of the White, diplomatic negotiations between the Final Frontier and Gloomlight Grove have borne fruit.

Our conquest of Midpoint for the sake of its cleansing is officially canceled.

Despite the many unwonted accusations circulated by the admittedly imaginative citizenry of Midpoint –

allow me to clarify that, no, we are not in fact working on a continent-conquering superweapon fueled by the screams of captive witches-

Gloomlight Grove's only intention in this matter has been to see the work of Athelios done: to root out witchcraft and other Fel practices, rather than allow them to flourish.

The sudden annexation of Midpoint had raised many questions that we initially did not feel were adequately answered by the Final Frontier's responses. However, after many hours of discussion, we are now fully satisfied that the excellence of the Ares Unit's policing and the Church's renowned expertise in matters of salvation will see the matter through.

As many in Meranthe have reason to know, I am a peaceful person by nature. It is a glorious day when diplomacy can avert bloodshed.
We look forward to witnessing what Midpoint can become in the Frontier's capable hands."

These words are accompanied by a flurry of activity - soldiers recalled home, preliminary fortifications disassembled, supply lines reallocated with all haste. No mere front, it seems. 

A small note affixed to the statement adds:

Quote:"All related bounties that do not concern individual specific offenses will be stricken down pending Midpoint's agreement to do the same."


A rare appearance. In person, Katryovno Dryden makes the next announcement - Bearing the typical black trench coat expected of the Ares unit, he still seems puzzled; The same sort of confusion seen when someone just woke up to odd news.
Quote:Yes, I still don't get how this happened. I explained why the war should go on, where it came from, refused everything and they backed off. At least, Midpoint's self-governance and more importantly, profitability is no longer under direct threat.

That's it. Let's make money.

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