Construction & Conquest
Name of Establishment: Klaus Ebner Memorial Orphanage

Building Purpose: After Klaus Ebner's death, Viktor decided to fund the orphanage and name it after him, as a memorial and a wedding gift to the Ebner's.

Area Description: I'm not sure what to write here, really. I just want a place that looks similar to the Waystone inn from the outside with a few lots indoors for dorms, a small clinic - you know, whatever you have laying around in an orphanage. I have a plan for the reasoning of building this memorial building, though, I don't wish to say it publicly - so if this request gets approved I'll DM you with what I had in mind and possibly add onto the price after.

[Image: dikY25q.png]

I want it here, at 254, 755 (Right above of Achyon, near the sewer thing.) 
Characters Involved: Viktor Delisle (Funding and Building), the Ebners, Andromeda, John Sylva. 

Map Progress / Plans: Will be DMed if approved.
[Image: unknown.png]
Coords: 216 509 1

Name of Establishment: The Silver Grove Dojo (25.000 coins) or more if need it.

Building Purpose: After many years living in esshar, Phalanx was very disappointed with the lack of famous unarmed fighters and in their skills, there were just few who had fame. thinking that  was a issue in the quality of training, lack of discipline, and a proper place to bloom. he made a decision, he would take care of the few ones that followed that path. 

Phalanx raised enough funds to build his own martial arts training dojo, open to help all the unarmed and other people he could in their own development, while spread the Silver Sentinels ideals, ways of train and traditions to the ones interested in that culture, of the strongest unarmed cultivators.

Area Description: Born out of the desire to improve the fighting quality of all the esshar fighters, the silver grove dojo carries the silver sentinels culture and offer his hand to any fighter, or people who seeks to improve his ability in battle, to the most refined point possible.

Characters Involved: Phalanx plus our kind friends: Chaska Alder, Lucas Alder,

Map Progress / Plans: I dont have any progress done... just a few drawns on paint how i thought it would look like.

[Image: unknown.png]
I know is really weird but try focus with me, in the exterior look would be like one of that common dojos, like the sensei one on club penguin

In the interior would be a huge area, a place to keep shoes if want and with 2 places to fight, one on the left part other in the right marked as red retangles, with cicles marked as chairs to people sit and wait, in the middle would be a reserved part for me observe them, and also some chairs maybe some tea tables other cool stuff to be like a rest zone after much combats. would have 2 simple rooms, one to store stuff and do potions, to help my students, do their gloves etc.... the other will be more a my room, the one phalanx would sleep, this is a dojo not a apartment, so only i would live here. (maybe in future some changes?) maybe something on wall to write if im doing any written classes or something, the blue part would look like tatami or at least a dif color and the red ones would could be too. 

Also the zone fights will have a point in middle to mark the point where the people who will ask the Battle be, to match the perfect size of the arena its a 27x27 so is in 14 blocks walking to the border line then 14 blocks walking to the center, the center is a 13 tiles every direction square.

*Room 1 would be the multi use room, for do gloves for my student, store stuff and etc a simple and not much big room
*Room 2 would be the my room to sleep and take  care of dojo, same as simple room

*And a small kitchen on the green area, people need to eat right? good that phalanx is level 100 chef.

*Maybe a small farm tiles to plant food for make food for them. 15 tiles?
Phalanx Landarke: Unarmed saint|Piers glaidd: The monk|Flown: ???
The day unarmed stop exist, so do i.

Name of Settlement: Aesirheim
Area Description:
The southern peninsula of the Shadowed Savana where the Vanirhallan Outpost has rested for decades,
with the recent reinforcements and supplies from the fleet itself the area despite it's harsh nature has began to thrive.
Buildings and infrastructure slowly began to form in the time since,
and it would only take a glance to know it was only going to keep growing still.
Aesirheim was born in the name of the fleet that had sheltered it's settlers,
the beginnings of a new home of the Vanir who held true to their values.
Laws: What one would generally expect.
Religion: The worship of the Triumvirate
Active Characters Involved
 Revna Rune
 Kaun Beiskr
Hati Kveld
Skoll Kveld
Ragnhild Gunnr
Ace Morgan
Fride Gunnr
Vigr Dyr
Gren Beiskr
Frekr Gullmunr
Ylva Gunnr
(16 total)

Funding: 60k coins!
Map Progress / Plans

I would like to add three to four new houses in the general area of the Outpost,
as well as a tower/small fort of some sort to use as an official building.
I have absolutely no mapping experience and would really really appreciate any help here,
my discord is LittleFirebird#6735 if anyone is interested in assisting!

Even if it's just to help me learn how to do it myself,
I'll take whatever I can get!

[Image: unknown.png]
Name of Establishment: The Antirrhinum Garden

Payment: 60,000 + The Fae Globe

[b]Building Purpose[/b]: New houses to the fairies, with fae powder spawn within the Mire and some other natural reagents if possible? And farm plots? Since..nature, yay.

Area Description: The only place within the Mire where the corruption haven't spread, a place where the light appears to be blessed by Nyx. Different from all dark corners of the Shadowmire, this is a true visage of what it once was and also a Memorial, to the greatest Fae of the Mire.

Characters Involved: The Entire Cult of Nyx and Mire.

Map Progress / Plans: O'high and mighty mappers. Help us.
[Image: Set-Sail.jpg]

Name of the Establishment : Scylla of the Achyon Navy

Building Purpose: Housing Ship for the Achyon Navy, (Ship home), meant for navy sea battles, major expeditions, diplomatic missions, as well as a hub for the crew.

Description:  Scylla sits in the port as one of Achyons premier Naval vessels. Through the ingenuity of Achyons many minds a vessel has been created according to the Sirenian officer Lotans requirements. The vessel houses those of the navy and acts as a hub as well as a gathering point for major expeditions. 

Characters Involved

Lotan (Planner & Captain)
Nidaz (Investor)
Eurydice Vanreth  (Crew
Ciro (Crew)
Asura Nomont (Investor)
Augustus Vorenii (Investor)

Funding: 30,000

Map Progress/Plans

I would like this in the Achyon Port around coordinates 136,705,1. A mapper can place it out a bit further to sea as long as the water to get to the boat is walkable? I have no mapping experience whatsoever and appreciate any and all help/tips. If you want to contact me please feel free to do so, my discord is Charon#2228 for anyone looking to assist!

Thank you!
Quote:Name of the Establishment :  Burly's News Tower

Building Purpose:  A home for Esshar greatest reporter to work and be able to access easily through all the lands.  To continue his work and support his crew.

Description:  When those who pass by hear the music playing. They would see a building towering in the area that radiates with life. News crew people would be moving about. Camera men would be talking among one another. And merchants seeking to be known would be speaking to the people.

[i]Characters Involved: Burly Aldes, Mizuki Lunaris, Marisa, Lyn, Yuki Hamada, and Yara Wu

Funding: 30,000

Map Progress/Plans:  The former muscle maiden now will become the Burly's News Tower. I like to add two or three more rooms to the place. One if likely can be a garden area. I have arrangements for a office and guest rooms and everything else. And maybe sign that tells others of what the tower is. Alot plans for people to come do interviews or droop off request for things. Even rumors can be drop off here hmmmm.

[Image: latest?cb=20150225031330]
^you could probably commission ema to give you a spot in the waystone hq with a unique sign/news posters outside the room, that seems most fitting to me!
(05-08-2021, 10:58 PM)Charon Wrote:

a boat house for 30k would be fine!
Name of Establishment: Scarlet Road (link to relevant thread found here.)

Building Purpose: The purpose is a way to bridge together the newly formed Kingdom of Asphodel. Two halves will make a whole, though the Crimson Court shall serve as the primary center/capitol.

Area Description: It will serve as a naval trade and travel route between Asphodel and Aesirheim, to allow for more a better method of existing as one faction. In addition to this, I would also like to request a spawn point be put in for Ashpodel as a whole, given we have 30+ PC's, and are continuing to work on expansion. The text of which can be decided between the two, though it will be located within the capitol, given we have merchants there already.

Characters Involved: Many characters, both in the Asphodel/Aesirheim guild there are nearing 40 or so.

Map Progress / Plans: Ideally I'd like a dock and boat teleporter south of Asphodel, as well as another south of Aesirheim. Pictured below here!
[Image: 63185b0ded3a9f86fa9eb5af957ea190.png]
[Image: 0a02c5fd3125befcd5fc756dcacbf1bf.png]
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