RodUnarmed thread #22
I played Unarmed in day 1 of E3. I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it so much I advocated for some of its nerfs. Why? Because there was a reason a vast amount of players went unarmed. It was grossly overpowered. But, I did not want it to turn out the way it did.

Unarmed has been put in the ground so much, it has lost its identity. And just like any other game, if a tree is weak, you see less of it. Just the nature of human beings, I'm fine with that. But now its to the point you shouldnt go Unarmed, as Armed is the more not op, but optimal idea.

A few problems I hear about Unarmed , is that is comparable to Armed. And I feel like that shouldnt happen. It should have its identity, and I saw Unarmed to be a lower CD weaker version of Armed. Highlighting aggression in replacement of damage. But now? Now Unarmed is just not worth it , in a game where you have to spend so much time to get stronger. The effort isnt worth it.

Let's compare the 2 trees.

Jab / Dash strike: Although people will cry from the heavens dash strike is better, you are smoking something if you think a instant homing teleport is sub par just cause its slower if you're slowed. I feel like Jab wins here.

Iron Stance / Armed stances : I feel like Armed wins here, based off of utility. I'd take Ifrit and Garuda over Iron stance any day. The slow chance is low / Unseen, the damage you get isnt a big deal, cause a Armed / mage will out damage you in the end game

Flying kick / Fatal : Flying kick is so bugged, I dont even use it. Because it functions like a Fatal with no homing, it will sometimes bug out and go the old direction that a tile someone -was- in. Now if this homed, like Fatal, which doesnt suffer this bug, then we'd be talking. But for now, Fatal beats out flying by a mile.

Axe kick / Cleave : I say Cleave is better, not only because Cleave's damage is bonkers, but it has more range, and almost as good as homing as Axe, while out damaging it. Sure Axe kick is GCDE, but with lack of Unarmed skills and the clunkyness of it, meh. Cleave is still the more consistent , longer ranged safe attack.

Weighted punch / Powersmash : Unpopular opinion here, I think weighted punch is better. Way lower CD, so much so that the damage being lower makes up for it. Powersmash though comes out not too far behind being just how easy it is to land.

Assault / Phantom strike: Both pretty much the same spell, so much so that-- this is another side of unarmed not having a identity. And Assault is worse, because end game, someone who is Armed and with more options for enchants, will do this harder and faster than the unarmed user.

Lariat : Damage is awful. I understand its a set up move. But 20 rpp for a CD this high? Pass . Armed doesnt have anything like this, use to be galeforce, I suppouse. But both spells are pretty bad, in my own opinion(especially galeforce, damn that thing is trash)

I didnt mention CDs, other than some choice spells, because of how similar they are. So right now you have a tree, thats pretty much Armed, just with less damage, just as much, if not higher CDs (Because unarmed has such a lack in ability to raise crit or agi),  and really, it feels clunky. I dont know if its the delays or animations of attacks. But unarmed feels so slow compared to Armed. I can do an attack with armed then dash away. Armed, its like a pause inbetween that, its so strange.

How would I fix / make unarmed viable / Give it an identity:

Much lower CDs
lower damage to compensate
Make flying kick semi home like Fatal

Im not the unarmed who screams from the heaven its trash or ' public unarmed stances when'. But , after the timeskip my first character was Unarmed, RPL 155 and the highest at the time was 158. Unarmed was and still is so clunky / lack luster/ inconsistent / so parrellel worse version than Armed, that I just went Armed. And the experience was so much nicer. Infact, I entice all my unarmed users to go and try out Armed. You will see what I mean and when you come back to unarmed-- whew, you'll be in the boat I'm in. It's something you have to feel out to understand where I'm coming from.

I'll give unarmed a few days. So far looking like I'll just be going Armed again, cause it just takes too long and too much effort to get higher rpl, and then see how much more behind you are. And I'd rather not torture myself playing something thats weak. Bad enough how strong mage is right now.
Lariat could use a damage buff or a lower CD, yeah. Weighted punch would be better if it had a mild aoe like powersash does. Cleave also slows! Axe kick does not. (but trades that slowing potential for gcd... still the cooldown is pretty meh.)

Jab also has this weird thing where it's range is also cut down for a moment when slowed. I don't think it should be slowed. Due to Jab already having half dash's range as it is to begin with.
My discord is Vi#6600
Honestly, I feel like one of the biggest issues with unarmed comes from the fact that, comparitively, mages have the choice of four different 'stances', armed has the choice of three styles, and both can have weapons.

Due to the introduction of item rarities, the original concept of, a player with a legendary weapon would likely outclass an unarmed of similar RPL has become everyday life. An unarmed character will always consistently have less overall 'Pow' than an armed player, and due to the variety of blade styles (Including Hiddens) available to armed, it even has more utility than its unarmed brethren.

Mages have also eked ahead due to the same item rarity business combined with the introduction of stances, which essentially gives every mage their own blade style on top of previous benefits.

In its current state, the only thing that unarmed has going for it is purely RP flavor, and this is going with the assumption that Unarmed and Armed skill's are equal, which from what I've understood, unarmed's skills fall a bit behind Armed if we're talking on a 1:1 rate.

My suggestions?: Give Unarmed some more accessible stances, buff the overall RPL Pow % given by martial stances, to balance the introduction of magic stances & Weapon rarity.
Also, if its intended for unarmed/armed to be able to access Marksman and thief styles. Allow them to stack with Unarmed stances. Armed might be willing to sacrifice a blade style for a different flavor of blade style (Maybe.), but no Unarmed player will remove their stance for a Combat style, that %pow increase for your RPL is too valuable.
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