ChanceDM Chance
Who did you play?: Layla
Which Event: Dyaus brings six children to a deadly jungle to die.

Overall Rating:

[Image: image.png]
Character: Elizabeth Montelione
Which Event: The Yearning of my Tempestuous Heart

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): They were very responsive! Narrations were quick, and where narrations weren't needed, they used NPCs to quickly communicate and keep us engaged.
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): Battles were difficult, hectic, but fun. Despite having the powers to deliberately delete someone if they so desired, the DM instead was pretty fair. I never felt outright targeted, and the few times I did go down? -I- had made an error.
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): This was the highlight. This was amazing. I adored every part of it, seeing things that made me ache for old Valmasia, and filled me with nostalgia. Filled me with possibilities, too!
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?) I like to think so. The rewards were great, and especially for their implications. I didn't think the punishments were too bad either.

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: This was really, really... Amazing. I loved everything about this. Thank you.
Character: Lyco Corbin
Which Event: The Yearning of My Tempestuous Heart

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?):
They were quick as can be, and seriously impressive with how many people were part of this group. Everyone had their moments and the writing was enjoyable, it was somber yet up lifting at times and it was chaotic when it had to be, I really enjoyed the NPC's as well. I will forever wonder what happened to the Captain when we told the Coast Guard to fuck off, and somewhat ruined his ship.


Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?):
The only weeping remark I'll make is this man chased me down and sniped my ass when I was running, other than that. No issues. It was hard, and well-earned.


Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?):
It was a ton of fun! For some who played likely in earlier Eternia they had been telling me all about this and the memories that came from it. I learned a bit of lore and history about the game with some people I want to go back to in my own personal events truth be told. There's a lot I don't know about Eternia but I do know the stories that come from it do affect the world at large as we saw tonight.

9/10 (I wish I could relate more!)

Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?)

As far as I'm aware yes. I saw some insane loot.

Overall: 10/10 had fun, look forward to the next.

Any other comments:

The double take you had on me, I felt that in my soul, and when you downed me. I wept. Water Whip Water Whip Water Whip Water Whip Water Whip Water Whip Water Whip

Bonuts... Zippy...
Character: Ysayl dul Vique
Which Event: The Yearning of my Tempestuous Heart

Responsiveness: Short to medium length between narrates, never long enough that it felt the event lost momentum, with plenty of time for inter-party chatter so that we didn't feel rushed.

Balance: This event had three encounters, two of which were regular fights with ECs and one of which was a remarkably creative survival game versus a bunch of mobs. Neither fight felt too easy, and I saw several party members go down in each-- I enjoyed how instead of simply repeating the first round, both ECs changed up in a subtle but meaningful way for the second.

Storytelling: Ysayl went into this expecting to be able to just ask around and find an old core amidst some ancient ruin. This is far and away beyond what she expected, and she is a far more fulfilled person for it. I'd say yes.

Fairness: Honestly, part of me leans towards saying you were generous, here. You certainly didn't hold back on the fights, but the items provided are all uniquely powerful, connected to character ICs, and clearly designed with the party in mind. Love them.

Overall: I went in expecting a fun night, but this kind of made my evening? It was, absolutely, one of the most fun things I've done on this game so far. Thank you for hosting it.
Character: Arlyss
Which Event: The Yearning of my Tempestuous Heart

Responsiveness: Very quick and snappy. Reasonably detailed, painting the scene perfectly without a bloat of text. I very much appreciate this writing style.


Balance: The balance felt pretty good for the most part. There were several knockdowns, but it never felt oppressive. The last fight was tailored to be difficult for me given the IC circumstances, so it felt especially difficult. I have no qualms about it, and I did feel a bit of pity was spared my way in the second round. It did put me in a spot where I felt guilty if I played too passively. It would've probably been fine, if my entire offense didn't revolve around melee based combat.


Storytelling: The story was great! I enjoyed it, thoroughly. I loved Caspian and Zippy. Fun characters make events much more enjoyable, I feel.


Fairness: The rewards were great, but also in proportion with the difficulty IMO.


Overall: 9.5/10. Loved it, definitely looking forward to future events.
Character: Loramelian

Which Event: The Yearning of my Tempestuous Heart (My first event! Yay!)

Responsiveness: Insanely swift and yet detailed. Loved how all the long narration was typically pre-written but then adapted well to what we did. 

Balance: I think this was extremely well tuned - it's astonishing to me that the NPCs were the right difficulty despite several last-minute additions and changes to the cast. I didn't go down in the first fight when I played it safe - and I did go down in the second when I didn't. So that feels remarkably spot-on.

Storytelling: Very nice and tightly done - a straightforward plot to keep things moving forward, with a couple entertaining moral choices thrown in to keep it from being too simple.

Fairness: If anything I felt like this was generous, though I've no real sense of comparison - some pretty awesome rewards and not as high a chance of death in reality as I expected from the engagement rules. But those fights were absolutely insane (in a good way!) and we did make it through three of them. So probably this is good? I'm not gonna rate it here because I frankly lack the knowledge.

Overall: Had a fantastic time! It was a real pleasure to participate in such a neatly-run event, and has given me a lot of inspiration for when I DM later myself. Wonderful job giving us so much to react to and incorporating PCs' actions and decisions in the flow.
Character: Na'Ria
Which Event: The Heart of Man

Responsiveness: Extremely quick and very well thought-out, considering the various level of Fuckery our party is capable of. I'm impressed!
Balance: Both intimidating and silly. I didn't expect to be hit with a 25k crit shockwave from a lv200 Chuggums called Loramelian's Mom, but otherwise, all other balance was appropriate for the risk as it was entertaining to play against.
Storytelling: In thematic, it was very strong. Everyone had a moment to shine, and it was greatly penned. It felt appropriate for a defining, climactic point in a character arc.
Fairness: The punishments were really rough, but nobody got TOO messed up. I didn't get any injuries from the event, and nobody died, so that's fair enough for me! The rewards were really neat, and have a lot of uses for them. Already theorizing what to do with these.

Overall: 10/10, felt great to be in.

Any other comments: Chance, please stop asking for my cloak Sad
Character: Matthew Ueda
Which Event:

Responsiveness (Were their narrations posted within a reasonable time-frame and were they quick to respond?): 10/10
Balance (How entertaining were the battles, and any obstacles/traps?): p.fair
Storytelling (Did it feel like an adventure, did the content of the narrations meet your expectations?): yea
Fairness (Were the punishments justified and earned, was the risk to reward ratio good?): pretty fair

Overall: 10/10

Any other comments: event happened in a timely manner(which is really big for me) and it was to finally get to close out this saga that's been apart of Loramelian and Matthew's lives for such a long time

cool boss battle

cool sprites

got to hit an ec with a dragon fist and got a sick reward, can't complain
Character: Loramelian
Which Event: The Heart of Man

Responsiveness: Insanely good. Both in terms of speed and in terms of really working with/rewarding us for doing interesting things. It was very nice to see player choice meaningfully incorporated even in places where I am SURE we went off the rails. 

Balance: Fantastic. Everything was terrifying yet it felt very possible to survive with careful play, and while we took a lot of wounds, it never felt like we were inherently set up to fail. The fights were really exciting and dynamic.

Storytelling: Everything I wanted, in every way. The perfect culmination of Loramelian's 35-year Nethradin arc. THANK YOU.

Fairness: Great rewards, great punishments, no complaints.

Overall: AAAH, THIS WAS PERFECT. 11/10

Any other comments: i got to use my mom's soul to free my mom's spirit from my mom. wicked
Character: Jaizara Ueda
Which Event: The Heart of Man

Responsiveness: Decently well! Responses were quick and rich in world building, characterization, or progression of the plot. The pace was well kept and made us feel like we were actively following the story rather than slogging through one thing and moving onto the next.
Balance: The fights were challenging, the non-combat challenges were an interesting thing to play around too. A Chuggums named 'Loramelian's mom' hitting me with a 25k shockwave in neutral was definitely a highlight.
Storytelling: Almost every post was loaded with content and lacked much fluff. (which is good!!!) The plot had a strong, natural progression and it really felt like us players were working towards the end goal. The twists were decently executed and played out in an enjoyable manner.
Fairness: Everything doled out felt earned. And, for my character, the injuries I got played well into the ic and will provide great opportunities for future dev. The rewards were lovely and, I feel, included most if not all of the members. I feel especially catered to with what I received. It's almost TOO fitting.

Overall: Very satisfied with how this went! And very happy with how everything progressed and turned out. Some of it definitely set my character in new directions that I'm going to LOVE exploring.

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