Spell Balance Suggestions
yeah this influx of shadow users shows me if anything, that cheese is too easy with shadow

eviscerate is one of the best homing in the game giving you free damage quick animation and spaces you away from the target thereafter

demons obviously with occult all have the potential to have this tree and in tandem the aura. easy Dr stacks between the aura E and occult shield, but it gets better

apparently in demon forms, if you shadow walk it doesn't make the demon icons transparent which could lead to quick confusion

tl;dr Cheetos cheeta cheesey
(02-07-2020, 04:33 PM)Hated Wrote: apparently in demon forms, if you shadow walk it doesn't make the demon icons transparent which could lead to quick confusion

Can confirm this. Happened to me in a spar. I think it is a matter of the shadow demon icon overlapping the shadow walk icon, but not 100% sure.
Okay that demon form thing being broken isn't good, though the influx of shadow users isn't to show that shadow is cheesey.....

But everyone thought demons would get +5 occult pow so they went shadow because you know...... Shadow scales occult/illusion.

edit: Which they kind of did end up getting, just in the form of uniques :n
[Image: GLORIOUS_GIF.gif]
Shadow just needs higher cooldowns considering how safe the tree is right now, it's quickly becoming Sand Second Edition and needs some slight taps.
This is why I don't use demon form to avoid confusion. Those who do and stay in it think they're the gods of verbing and will use any excuse to always use it. Plus, using that wonky icon isn't fun to verb in anyways. Plus, no Kaioken Snake? BORING!

Serious note: I suggest this be fixed where the demon shift icons don't overlap the other icons. You can cheese shield because that also doesn't shop up.
[Image: cLqE2F8.png][Image: 6a80e83f676006462821fa550d8d8339.png]
Spell: Melodic Repose
Suggestion: Make it heal not only caster, but also allies in spell radius. In group battles sound user becomes valuable as healer; in RP context it may look like a Grand Concerto, I guess.
spell: titan of light

suggestion: make it 10% ap. it's an exalted.

"but milly it has a heal!"

yeah, one that ticks for roughly 600~ health and is super inconsistent with it's timing. Sometimes i'll go a full on minute without a heal, and other times it'll be 2 heals in the span of 10 seconds.

"but milly it's a toggle!"

ok and?

thanks for coming to my ted talk
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
^^^^ I'll also point out that intermediate bladestyles offer more than this between elemental scaling, more AP, and are much easier to get.
Give Magma AOE mud or burn. The tree is lacklustre compared to holy, occult or cosmic. Worse, it's an advanced tree so it costs more but is still dog.

Move either cleanse or mistform to water intermediate. There's no reason not to, especially with the intermediate requirement being lowered. Leaving it the way it is right now just gives free utility to people that don't invest in it.
The aoe doesnt need either of those. The water changes arent bad though
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