Spell Balance Suggestions
With time slow being 25 seconds long, I think we can justify this change. Keep the effect is has now while fighting multiple people they all get slowed, but, versus a single target make them be slowed for longer. In. 1v1 (which most fights are) the slow doesnt last too long and the cd is longer than any other slow AND it doesn’t do damage. Pls consider
Throwing Knives

I'm not sure if this counts as being a spell suggestion or not, but it takes up a precious hotbar space, so screw it!

Make throwing knives actually useful, and fix their tooltip. The highest tier throwing knife (Mythril, taking 5 Mythril chunks to create) does 1.7x Power damage, but this is listed as 1.3x or 1.7x depending on whether you're melee or magic, which has been removed. Knives are not homing and they're on a 5s cooldown, with a 1x1 hitbox and a fairly slow movement speed. It costs 0 mana, so I guess that's a benefit?
Right now, Mana Ripple, a free spell that you get right out of character creation, is not homing, is on a 7 second cooldown, has a 3x3 hitbox and moves fairly quick. It deals 7x Power damage. It ALSO costs 0 mana.

For something that you have to expend resources to use and which are extremely limited, throwing knives are pretty damn useless. They shouldn't be too strong, but maybe you could make them actually worth slotting over literally anything else? Give them a boost in damage, maybe, and make them homing? I'm not sure.
Spell: Ingrain

Suggestion: Compared to alternative sources of Sustain, Ingrain falls behind a bit too heavily for its cost and expenditure. While I doubt anyone wants to see a perma-fight sustain meta, Ingrain's 15dam heal with a 35 second CD and a root is extremely lackluster.

Using a similar but more obviously useful skill, Ygg has a 60 second CD, does 11 ticks of 2.4 dam over its duration (26.4) in a cast, costs 10 RPP, and while it -can- be killed, it does not root or punish the player for using it. In that same vein, the Teraphim skill Crystal Heart also heals for 15dam during its duration of 15 seconds, and gives its user 5% AP as well, as a buff.

Lower Ingrain's rpp cost to 10 and remove the root, or buff its numbers and remove the root.

Ingrain is just very weak for a 15rpp intermediate skill that roots the player to heal them. That is all.

Edit: As an alternative if we just want to completely rework Ingrain. Raising its cooldown to 70 seconds, keeping its root and raising the heal to 40Dam (30 would be too low, and anything above 40 would be too high) would make it a very viable part of any sustain kit without making it truly broken. In comparison, the average melee combo (Dash Strike into Sweeping Cleave/Double Slash/Fatal Strike) does a low-end of 9Dam to 16Dam with an average cooldown of 5-20 seconds for a combo. with the ability to crit. Many magic skillshots do much more in terms of scale.

Again, this is just an idea I was thinking of to try and make Ingrain more viable, it isn't necessarily a good one, its just an idea.
(04-01-2020, 09:08 PM)Method T Wrote: Spell: Ingrain

Suggestion: Compared to alternative sources of Sustain, Ingrain falls behind a bit too heavily for its cost and expenditure. While I doubt anyone wants to see a perma-fight sustain meta, Ingrain's 15dam heal with a 35 second CD and a root is extremely lackluster.

Using a similar but more obviously useful skill, Ygg has a 60 second CD, does 11 ticks of 2.4 dam over its duration (26.4) in a cast, costs 10 RPP, and while it -can- be killed, it does not root or punish the player for using it. In that same vein, the Teraphim skill Crystal Heart also heals for 15dam during its duration of 15 seconds, and gives its user 5% AP as well, as a buff.

Lower Ingrain's rpp cost to 10 and remove the root, or buff its numbers and remove the root.

Ingrain is just very weak for a 15rpp intermediate skill that roots the player to heal them. That is all.

Edit: As an alternative if we just want to completely rework Ingrain. Raising its cooldown to 70 seconds, keeping its root and raising the heal to 40Dam (30 would be too low, and anything above 40 would be too high) would make it a very viable part of any sustain kit without making it truly broken. In comparison, the average melee combo (Dash Strike into Sweeping Cleave/Double Slash/Fatal Strike) does a low-end of 9Dam to 16Dam with an average cooldown of 5-20 seconds for a combo. with the ability to crit. Many magic skillshots do much more in terms of scale.

Again, this is just an idea I was thinking of to try and make Ingrain more viable, it isn't necessarily a good one, its just an idea.

As someone who used both ingrain and yggdrassil, I believe I can speak about it:
While yggdrassil heals you for more overall, that is ONLY if 1)you stand in range, and 2)after it fully matured, and the location stays the same.
For 1) The opponent can make the location unsafe by putting a ground AoE.
For 2) The known location can make your movements more predictable, and thus easier to hit with the right moves (Though, same for the opponent if you can guess correctly how he is going to play around it.

Overall, Ingrain and Yggdrassil are too different to properly compare it: One is an instant with the negative that you have to be rooted for a second while you are healed, and the other requires you to stand around the same cubic area for a certain amount of time.
Both can have their usages, though. For example, yggdrassil can work decent enough with a build that can essentially make "huts" for you to rest on, such as ground AoEs and reliance on deadly blossoms near the tree (the latter is what I used when I had given the chance to set it up, though it takes time).

That said, though? Comparing ingrain to the teraphim ability is valid. Both are long CDs I believe (though I don'tk now how long the teraphim's CD is), and both overal heal for the same amount and without being reliant on where they stand to get it like yggdrassil. However, crystal heart does not come with any negatives. Instead, it comes with the added bonus of AP for 15 seconds.

As a side note: I should also mention that healing abilities aren't boosted by +% abilities don't increase healing abilities (Which are only buffed further by direct increase to the power stat, like a weapon or the fire aura). Now, this coding for healing is intended as far as I know, but it does mean that none of nature's auras affect ingrain, since they are either +%AP or +%DR (Both the basic and the hiddens).
(04-02-2020, 01:00 AM)Detective100 Wrote: ...

While Ygg and Ingrain are different in their application, I felt it proper to compare them given they are two heals coming from the same tree, with the difference being that one is a 10 rpp basic spell (A fair price for it, all things considered), and the other is a 15 RPP intermediate, which you'd assume would put it at a tier higher in terms of overall usage/viability, or at least- it should.

While Ygg does have a limit on range, it is performed over a period of time and therefore can be zoned, given the spells of the Nature skill tree, I feel like those downsides aren't severe enough to attribute the two skills as being impossible to compare. (A player placing a ground AOE will not last the full duration of Ygg, and by that same result, the player can do the same to try and claim the zone himself.)

That being said, I will admit Crystal Heart is a racial, so it'd be expected that it'd be a very good skill ideally, but yes. Ygg is 10 rpp, Crystal Heart is 10 or 5 rpp, from what I understand, and Ingrain is a 15 RPP intermediate.

At the very least, Ingrain's root should be removed and its rpp cost lowered to 10. I just don't think anyone will grab the skill otherwise, unless they're going full nature for flavor purposes.
(04-02-2020, 01:11 AM)Method T Wrote: That being said, I will admit Crystal Heart is a racial, so it'd be expected that it'd be a very good skill ideally, but yes. Ygg is 10 rpp, Crystal Heart is 10 or 5 rpp, from what I understand, and Ingrain is a 15 RPP intermediate.

That's an awkward debate, frankly. When I brought up that feral swipes was underwhelming long ago, I was told that it is meant to be a "filler ability" to fill a bar, since it's 0 RPP (I personally disagree with it, considering humans get to start with extra stats for 0 RPP for example, and possibly -5 on RPP cost for alcheimst/artifcier if they go for agility).

That said, I don't know the RPP cost of the new races' racials, so it is harder for me to compare racial to racial right now, or even racial to certain magic skills.
Ingrain could be rather easily countered by well - by simply sticking to your enemy. To use ingrain you generally need to back off. The spell is a click heal, yes, but it's rather lackluster. Perhaps it could be changed to something different? Or just buffed to compromise for its heal. It was OP when we could use 3/4 trees in our build and go full sustain. Yet now we can't really do that so it'd be nice to have a stronger heal. One of very few.
Spell: Ocean's Fury (Riptide Aura)

Suggestion: Get rid of its -dr, or if that stays bring up the lifesteal chance a smidgen. It just feels pretty pathetic compared to something like Crystals 30 Pow 10 Vit 25% Stun damage reduction.

I know that the lifesteal was actually super cancer late Eternia/early Agartha though, so that's ehh.

Spell: Dour Javelin

Suggestion: Make it fire faster, has a weird momentary startup time lag. Because of it, it's only possible to hit it against someone running at you and impossible to ever land it against someone just going away from you. Also what even is its hitbox, people keep phasing right through it.
Because my crystal post got derailed on like purpose and locked.

Honestly Im pretty sure the changes to crystal be :

Shardshot changes from 10 seconds to 19, damage to 4.5

Green crystal heal nerfed by 30%

And something like this is just absolutely missing the target problem. Which is a speed up move so accessible so frequently is absurd in a game like eternia, even worse with how slow paced designed e3 is

Whats more annoying, is this isnt new news. Havent we gone through this before?
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