Spell Balance Suggestions
(05-16-2020, 10:30 PM)Mali Wrote: That's kind of silly to say that a 50% dr shield on an E is ass....Especially, if it's already on a low cooldown. You're chopping off 50% of someone's damage, friend...Especially, if they're preparing to combo you. Shadow's aura, as of now, is quite amazing. It'd be less so if they nerfed it back to its original cooldown.

shields do this for twice the amount of time, succ.
Shadow tome should also give you three swift passives imo
Why only three?
you made it seem like a good place to stop idk

(05-16-2020, 10:24 PM)Left Brain Wrote: [Image: 2426fe3483bc1cc0f519953d9baf2075.png]

Lmao why trent complaining about shadows when this is in the game

excuse me. unlike most people i have a GORILLA GRIP on my despairing tendril. I only hit it at 1-3 tiles range unless I am using it to smack Connor's big fat juicy coochie in dojo. You can call me a tramp, a whore, a slut, a gypsy, a degenerate, a faggot, or any slurs in the world. But you can not call me a cheater.
[Image: giphy.gif]
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
how did we even get here
I don't know what kind of point you're trying to make, or who you're even talking about but for the sake of the Spell Balance Suggestions thread I will not drag you here, nor in public. You are dismissed, Pilou.

My demands are clear. Nerf thief
I'm also on the fix thief train.

Nerf my aura though and I'll buy camo. You have been warned....
as a person who plays shadow, you guys are tripping.

shadow aura is okay, the only thing that makes it worth having is the impressive 'e' that lasts two deconds and has a 40 second - 60 second cd; id rather use camo or occult aura or crystal over this.

shadow walk can be chain stunned, slowed, and rooted; try fighting cayden or anyone with roots and stuns and realize how horrible it is for my asshole. even if i shadow walk a metal grasp or eviscerate, im in this condition where im getting fucked with bdsm chains of quagmire and getting giggidy-giggidy dead after its over because of the stuns or roots.

and thief? the two second immunity that is just like shadow? lol; i agree that the combination gives you a total of five seconds of not being damaged, but the punishment after is there, and you get punished in if they have anything to slow you and stop you. Light users who play it well shit on shadow users if they play really well

and claw requires you to get in their face; idc if it gets a cd nerf because the only utilization it has is mainly against people who melee, twister, or lightning embodiment.

if you want to give it additional cd on eviscerate would do it fine; the damage used to be actually insane before the nerfs. 11 spell damage on 30-35 seconds is okay.
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