Spell Balance Suggestions
up the cd on stardust explosion...
no dont please
lol just run after them
You clarified sustain as invulnerability when it's not.. invulns

I bet most of these people are more frustrated with DR abusing drakanites/ shield stacking, rather than healing

Try once more!
Nature genuinely isn't that toxic of a tree. Deadly Bloom, no matter the numbers on it, opens up a toxic archetype of damage that does not require effort or GCD usage. This can be coupled with a lot of abilities that offer very little counterplay.

Which is the core theme, and why there is so much rage against invulns--counterplay.
I completely disagree. Completely.

Nature has very obvious weaknesses and ways to fight them so you CAN win. I've discussed this heavily with multiple people. Is nature strong? Yes. Is it unbeatable? No. It also has NO STACKING whatsoever. It offers 2 heals. That is it. 1 of which is easily punished, the other can be stopped and prevented. There was this thing that people used to say was the three ways of fighting in Eternia.

Sustain - Burst - Kite.

The three builds you can have. Sustain beats kite. Burst beats sustain. Kite beats Burst. This is a generalisation of course but a vast majority of builds currently in the game are... well. Kite. So that is why we have this problem. When I had nature, and fought non-kiters, I got completely demolished. While people who did kite me, just gave me lots of time to set up and ruin their days.

Idk. People ALWAYS will complain about sustain, because at its core it'll always be anti-meta because most people are kite builds.

When I say burst builds, there are builds you can go and people DO GO with such low cds that it gives no time to set up or heal. There are ways to work around this. Stop nerfing something that has been nerfed to the ground already.
Combining dryad with nature was a bad idea that's all
I would rather fight a Drakanite with 3 shields and fomorian than even send a rpb in the general vicinity of a nature/sustain build at all, any day of the week..
Spell: Holy / Occult Aura

Suggestion: SAVE US - Both auras compared to other basic ones within the public trees are just inadequate, unacceptable and break my heart every time I realise that the cool flames that come with the occult aura will be never used by myself, or the holy boys out there that use the holy aura are masochists that don't understand the trouble they've placed upon themselves. 

Justice for Holy, Justice of Occult.
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