Spell Balance Suggestions
Quote:(Reminder, this spell also Silences and Does damage on enemies! It isn't just a heal!)

[Image: a0adda2cdda24cbd77cb75c91d54e900.jpg]
(08-23-2022, 01:31 AM)Oyster. Wrote: Godspeed provides zero speed. Sad

(its also on gcd and has a cooldown so high that energy wings r a better stat buff)



iceshadow moment

also i agree with the buffing plasma leap comment if all is true (which i saw in discord but not here but im not looking for it), how tf is an intermediate going to do less dmg than dash strike with 3x cd and a fancy trail
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
faeborne togglebuff
master togglebuff for 5rpp and 1 mastery slot which grants +20 agi, nerfed from 10% AP to 7% AP

giant togglebuff
basic togglebuff for ->0rpp<- which grants +10 pow, +15 vit, buffed from -20 agi to -10 agi

[Image: characters-2-smaller.png]
How ANYONE is complaining about sustain and summons being a problem but not giant's FREE toggle buff is actually psychotic.
two things

an /exoskeleton command to see how broken a bug's exoskeleton is so we don't need to guess what our number is at

make exoskeleton have a "lower" number. it caps at 15, it minimizes at 5. that way even if we aren't capkilling everyone we meet we aren't getting ENTIRELY fucked over

healthy for bugs, healthy for gamestate
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
u all raise very valid points and i understand your particular stances on the current gamestate and how it can be improved

i do not mean to dismiss these points when i post the followign just trying to make a p;oint

buff melee
make cleave make you do a quick time event for +100% damage

[Image: unknown.png]
Mud GCD indicator on abilities so we know when our spells are locked out. Please. PLEASE.
Either lock all Toggle buffs behind a APP or nerf the ones remaining like Wintermute: 20pow/20crit or even 15pow/ 15crit.
In the case that toggle buffs stay in the master token category perhaps add other ones like Shinobi Surprise to Illusion or Mist.
In defense of giant toggle, that was supposed to be an rpl 200 master and they just fucked it, right?

But if they haven't changed it back and intend to keep it as is, then it probably needs a nerf.
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