Spell Balance Suggestions
Chronos stasis went from 4SD per tick to .25 SD. Honestly it could be fine at .5

[Image: nudd67u.png]
[Image: Ou20Kwc.png]
(09-09-2022, 02:26 PM)StarMann Wrote: Chronos stasis went from 4SD per tick to .25 SD. Honestly it could be fine at .5

Could be that like most healing spells, it only scales off of base power.
I'm gonna be honest, explosive minefield doesn't need knockback or a slow. It's oppressive enough a spacing option as it is. The only possible suggestion beyond that is... honestly, it would be cool to see it re-skinned and slapped into sound instead. Explosion didn't need a buff, it's already amazing as it is (besides its mastery).
at this point its proven that unless the spell is utterly and absolutely gutted, minefield is not going to be a spell that meshes very well with the community at all. this spell could quite literally do zero damage and only knockback once and people would still say its toxic for the game and have (honestly, reasonable) arguments about it. so seriously, please.

remove it from the game and rework it. turn it into a Field of Ice style spell that explodes when people step on them. literally just drop like 10 traps down around people that if they step on them sends them backwards and does damage. healthier bc its easier to play against, makes more sense because its a MINEFIELD, and the armed players will have to finally accept the truth when i post the skill issue emoji at them for losing to it
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
Here's my quick thought. If minefield is to be given a hard nerf, it should be changed to:
a) spawn around the user rather than only up above the user in a line.
b) Have it so that friendly NPCs/PCs won't make the explosive mines disappear upon touching it. This isn't even a buff, just a bug fix.

Most people I've seen that comment their frustration about minefield, are the ones who keep walking into the range of the spawning line of explosive mines and get tossed all the way back.
Having it more spread out would diminish the potentially long push on initial hit, while letting it be used by the caster without having clear blind spots once the spell gets nerfed.
[Image: 21edb6aa15afc3586eecce4d536fdcb4.png]

maybe the real minefield were the forums posts we made along the way
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
here is an alternative suggestion

instead of reducing the downtime, make it so the orbs don't do anything for the first couple or seconds they're up. this would effectively make it have the 'downtime' nerf but also give it the ability to be played around so it didn't just hit you instantly and knock you across the universe for standing north of your opponent. add the two seconds back if you want, or don't.

after that, nerf or buff appropriately.
[Image: edbae8adc4cdc657c7307971b838ad95.png]

if anyone asks i got banned for sending /messages to people
add 50 projectiles to minefield
give fire a 25 fire pow temp buff like old dragons head from e1
give minefield a stun, slow, curse, drag, and confuse effect
make it kill my dad irl and rewrite the will to give the inheritance money to family i don't know exists
okay, its hot as fuck and im mad as hell that shiluk overexagerrated a bit too much (a lot) and people are being rude like usual, but please:


Make Whims of Wind a wave spell that introduces a new CC, Airbone, and have the tiles inflict a slow,
Airborne will knock them up for 1s ir 2s in place, thats it.

It'll be the size of blazing wave, but on a lower damage because of the slow that is put on it.

Following this, Wind Flurry, objectively the most potent slow in the game can have the slow reduced and the time it has to slow reduced, and half of its damage gone.


Preface - Idc if crystal keeps its rng numbers. Idc if shardshot is fast as fuck. Idc if it breeds my bitch and cucks me like arrow did in spires bc i was new. but it needs a cap.

put red crystals stack to max of 10/15% AP
put a limit of how much green crystals can heal (its based off rpl if i refall correctly)
lower the amount of crystals that the skill, Crystal Formation gives.

please and thank you ill do whatever is needed
Mal desperate to gut my build the second he alts.
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