Spell Balance Suggestions
nerf TK stun
nerf supernova dmg
nerf uptime of glacial lance aoe
nerf blizzard dmg
*galaxy nova
Buff Primordial flame.

I should not be having 30+ pow more with the BASIC FIRE AURA than the actual master token one. This is actually absurd.

Edit: Checking through the menu stats, it's actually 5 points difference worse than the basic fire aura. And Plasma shroud is only 5 less as a similar AP buff...As a basic. Give this thing some love it's depressing that one of the coolest looking auras locked behind a master token is worse than the basic aura in its own tree and only /slightly/ better than plasma's basic AP aura.
Wind magic enthusiast here.

Fix Tornado and Banshees howl, they will bug out if you try casting it while you're defeated.
Side note: Tornado spell can use a bit more love tbh. Thats all Im asking for.
Lower obelisk damage.

Their healing and total HP is in a good place, to where they need multiple spells to take them down. But they do a little too much damage for something you have to actively waste time, spells, and energy on, during which you're getting pelted for 5 SD per bullet (which spam out at about 1 per second!)

Lower the damage to about 2 SD per bullet and I think they're set.
Make Calcium coil an intermediate
Make voidcutter an intermediate
I swear I'm not...
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[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Remove the ability for same AoE types to overlap. (ex, Fog Bank cannot overlap Fog Bank)
When an AoE of the same type overlaps, it'll reset its timer/duration (or the new tile replaces the old tile)

AoEs that currently heavily overlap (Star Rain, Final Toll, Magma Fist, Fog Bank) could get a tick damage increase to compensate for such a change.
Overall I think a change like this would make gameplay around such moves significantly more healthy.
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Is there something secret that boom burst does that I don't know about?

Suggesting a buff to Boom Burst since its a 10 (Attune) + 20 (Buy in) + 10 (Sound) + 10 (Sound) + 10 (Boom Burst) = 60 RPP cost spell just like Shockwave.

Shockwave being... 10 (Attune) + 10 (Air) + 10 (Air)+ 10 (Air) + 10 (Air)+ 10 (Shockwave) = 60 RPP to achieve.

They are functionally the same exact spell. Except shockwave has a knockback and does 3 more damage. What's up with that aha... :(
I swear I'm not...
[Image: 6d7a3f4d84055aacec42e9e916296a47.png]
[Image: f6b263cfa536c446e088c6c6a5d319e7.png]
I'm not owned guys.
Make Formation of Crystals a toggle buff.

Give it 5 Vit or 10 Agi, keep it as an intermediate and possibly increase the cost to 15, and make it spawn a crystal every 10s or so, favoring a crystal of your gem color if you have a master aura (60%/20%/20% as opposed to 33.3% for all three).

Also, make the master crystal auras recolor your crystal spells, like cosmic and the old master auras.
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