Mutant Appearance
make mutant names purple because purple is spooky

Or just automatically tag their short description with [Mutant] or something
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Imagine wanting to hide the fact you’re a Mutant.

Shameful, really.

Repent not for those sins you will commit.

Embrace them.
Mutants who are ashamed of their nature, or players who try to game the system make the Death Fae sad.

She didn't die for you to normalize the Monsters this way.
Love your inner Monster.

Be free. Just not so free you idle in cities.
(04-27-2021, 10:59 PM)Detective100 Wrote: Mutants that don't appear visibly mutant from a first glance should have the [mutant] tagline... Otherwise, I can't help but worry the race was picked to play as a monster race, and more as a higher starting rpl with benefits.

Something to make them more visibly mutants, which will allow you to pinpoint those who hide the fact they are mutant (knowingly or not)?

Would be a blessing.

Well they have the racial skin but its only a zombie wash rather then a tint. Usually you use [Mutant] .

The others are easier to see. I mean all the other monsters. Maybe make their skin not human color. Zombie blue, zombie green, zombie red

By that I mean the tint relly does remind me of Zombies. And you have to change appearance, do nothing. Change appearance again! Do nothing. One more time and you get the sickly green.

Just remove all human like skin colors and let us choose from pale zombie tinted wash colors that identify you plus the tag?
Fixed next update.
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