QoL Changes for Events/Event Forums
With the understandably big backup of event requests, I wish there were other ways to get dev items in the meantime...

(Though sometimes I just make things up.)
(12-16-2019, 06:34 AM)drea Wrote:
(12-16-2019, 06:02 AM)Milly Wrote: I think Kale and I discussed these. I came up with a few ideas.

30 Day Subscription - 3 DMP
Illusion, Energy, Gravity, Time Spell tree - 3 DMP
75% Rebirth - 5 DMP
If you earn 7 DMP or more, you get Gold Patron.

If they re-add Good mods or whatever, could probably stick a

[x] Amount of Good Checks - 3 DMP

or something
The other ones are fine, but this one is OOC in IC. How are you going to explain your character suddenly knowing Time Magic when the focus on builds being very IC and higher magics like this needing to be apped for/developed when you got it for doing an event that had nothing to do with that character?  This goes into the same issue of RPP being a problem. Good checks I would also argue are an issue because it, still, makes your current character more powerful because you did something not related to the character OOC.

I would argue it's the same as characters who apped for roles and got to start with a spec tree. I.E: I got to start with Illusion (or rather, any spec I wanted to).
On the same hand however, I know that's for roles to get the game started/set up/whatever. So there's a purpose.

These are just rough ideas, anyway. Maybe a reward could be something related to being able to change the sprite on a weapon? Something small, I don't know.
[Image: qt6dQlw.png]
[Image: Fn81wCh.png]
(12-16-2019, 12:26 AM)The Friggen Sawbones Wrote: Because someone did events for a few months, stockpiled points, started a new character, and got to rpl 200 immediately.

Or, like I said, I gained 40 rpl in a single day. You're getting STRONG without actually existing to other people. It throws things off a lot, especially if you use that rpl to be an antag.

Honestly? That sounds... perfectly fine, actually. Right now there are plenty of people in the 200 RPL bracket and while no small amount of them are getting up to no good and getting hurt and etc, dealing with Syndies or whatever have you, some just hang out in the park. Someone doing events for "a few months" is entertaining easily a good 30+ players for a few months, putting quite a bit of time in and is being rewarded appropriately. And again, if it's becoming an issue for higher RPL characters able to get boosted, just make it based off checks or something. (Or, if need be, an accelerated modifier like good etc)

This is especially useful to people who want to be an antagonist, a character that is traditionally gone the moment you fail your capture roll. Where RP doesn't come so freely! You are still playing your role; entertaining several people at a time, bringing life to the server by having something to rally against or, in general, do your shounen fightin'. This should be rewarded! The only real, tangible reward people care about is RPP, as money has... questionable use, and any manner of items are strictly unnecessary for most characters.

DMing is difficult. It takes a lot of creativity, mostly because you don't actually have a brevy of tools - both you the DM and the players participating. (There are no hardcoded skills, etc, just combat mechanics.) With that and the fact that the players participating in it are being rewarded, both in whatever the event is giving them and RPP points for engaging in the server as per usual then DMs should, too, be getting RPP for engaging in the server.

Think of a method to make the RPP gain less abusive if it was an issue, but keep doing it. Heck, there's paid DMs for DnD, not paid players.
Magik Wrote:...

Luckily, in accordance to Chance's previous post, with his new DM guidelines set down, all DMs are now rewarded 500 AP per event per week, to reward them for the act of hosting an event, while limiting the max gains from DMing too many events.

Now, if only we could get that cancelled/completed event sub-forum to clean up the wad of events in the current Forum. That'd be useful.
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