Spell Balance Suggestions
Spell: Shockwave & Inferno

Suggestion: Revert Inferno back to its old range. Right now, it's 3 tile AOE to all directions (7 tiles total if you measure horizontally from one end to another, including your own character's tile). This is far too small and you have to be basically inside their guts to actually land it in the middle of a fight. I'm not sure this change was intended - it's not in the changelogs.

Just look at it. It's so tiny.

[Image: J6O5o9M.png]

Now onto Shockwave.

As for Shockwave? What is this range literally. I just found out the range it has and I'm actually dumbfounded how this is a thing. 17 damage, 23 seconds cooldown, and the range display is below.

Range Display

The range is incredibly large + it hits diagonally. It's 17 damage on 23 seconds cooldown. It doesn't have to be this extremely beefy, when with such range it's basically auto-hit in hands of anyone decent in verb.
Make spells like Earth Bomb not hit summons, especially in a world where everyone and their mother is nature..

Also make summons not break Field of Ice, 15 rpp spell that's already entirely avoidable at best doesn't need to be made even worse because of multiple summons running around.
Curse / Life Drain

All other 'homing' spells got their range updated to 10~ in the conversion of E2 to E3, but these still have their old E1 ranges of 8/9.

A touch up to 10 would be a nice QOL for them as for right now it feels quite short.
(05-04-2020, 12:44 AM)Peep \Puff' Topia Wrote: Curse / Life Drain

All other 'homing' spells got their range updated to 10~ in the conversion of E2 to E3, but these still have their old E1 ranges of 8/9.

A touch up to 10 would be a nice QOL for them as for right now it feels quite short.

Mind Flay and Darkness have ranges of 8/9
Hemo only has a range of 9
Illusion Flurry has a range of 9

Buff these to 10 too. Thanks.


As a reminder. Bang is literally just 12 range mind flay lol
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
Real Dimmie Double Post Hours.

Flood: AoE, Heals (smoll heal), Intermediate that requires 50 RPP spent in water, costs 20 RPP. = 70 RPP
[Image: 33da5a7fa26e5190b38c88d9b33f65b8.png]

42 second CD, 4 Damage, 7 Range

Melodic Repose: AoE, Heals (Big Heal), Intermediate, requires 50 RPP spent in Sound and wind attunement, 15 RPP. = 80 RPP
[Image: 6f7b527f4ecd07044a32a42d8defe34a.png]

40 Second CD, 13 Range, 6 Damage.

#Buff Flood. Thanks.
Probably only buff its range tbh...
More water.
Let me DROWN people.

Idk This is probably a bad suggestion actually after being told how repose works.
i’ll keep the post up as a reminder not to assume tooltips are right...
Even if a bigger flood would appease me like nobody’s business
[Image: a1c5821151379249915fc28ad734e73f.png]
flood scales off RPL, too
[Image: nR3lU0X.png][Image: unknown.png]
Vriska Wrote: yeah having an MCU loki icon is pretty cringe huh
Lightning Burst was a good, reliable spell before the most recent balance patch. Alongside Bolt (also got a 50% cd increase, but fair) it stood out amongst an array of unreliable, generally very mediocre or just bad spells like Shock (its art is longer than the hitbox), Lightning Javelin (2 damage?), Lightning Trap (doesn't even stop melee most of the time), and Lightning Embodiment (enjoy getting slowed and doing nothing).

With a long 19s cd for 11 damage and no utility or zoning potential, for 15 rpp in an advanced tree it just stopped being desirable.

My suggestion is to partially revert the cd increase to put it around 15 seconds instead.
(05-04-2020, 08:41 PM)EoD Wrote: Lightning Burst was a good, reliable spell before the most recent balance patch. Alongside Bolt (also got a 50% cd increase, but fair) it stood out amongst an array of unreliable, generally very mediocre or just bad spells like Shock (its art is longer than the hitbox), Lightning Javelin (2 damage?), Lightning Trap (doesn't even stop melee most of the time), and Lightning Embodiment (enjoy getting slowed and doing nothing).

With a long 19s cd for 11 damage and no utility or zoning potential, for 15 rpp in an advanced tree it just stopped being desirable.

My suggestion is to partially revert the cd increase to put it around 15 seconds instead.

I think what would be better is actually making other spells not such trash, i.e slow immunity on lightning embodiment (but a bit less damage - because it'd be insane otherwise), or doing something about other spells.

Lightning burst did have very high DPS. For comparison, AOEs that proc similar way (such as Inferno, it has same damage, but +6 seconds more cooldown) have become worse in every way comparing to Lightning Burst (even post-nerf) - both by higher CD and less reliable way to land it. 

As it stands, everyone goes lightning for bolt, lightning burst and piercing strike, and sometimes lightning trap if they want antimelee and have nothing else. Other spells should be made more desirable. 

Rebuffing these spells only supports the problem of everyone going lightning for certain spells, leaving everything else aside.
Every spell in lightning, bar Shock, is good. Rebuffing other spells won't make the biggest difference. While I agree that lightning embodiment has very little use against slows, and should get some slow immunity in exchange for a fraction of it's damage, EoD isn't wrong.

There are eight spells in lightning. Almost every single one of them is good. Lightning Burst has summarily become one of the worst spells in game because of this CD nerf and increasing the cooldown by seven seconds was a complete overcompensation. 

Revert the cooldown to 15 seconds instead of 19, and then lower the damage by one or two instead. It's not a good spell with a high cooldown. Do you remember when Overload was increased to 45 seconds and went unused for the remainder of Spires because it was just that horrible?


also while i'm here can we nerf lightning javelin's 13 second stun after the last tick haha a fuck you en
Spell: Shockwave
Suggestion: Since you have the diagonal hits now, it's whats making the hitbox so ridiculous. Lower range to 3, should be fine.
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