Entering a City as an Enemy
You should put faction limits for wars in while you're at it. A max of two on one side. It's clear some ppl can't be trusted to stick to IC and otherwise you're going to have some giant peace treaty umbrella like is happening rn.

It seems p.ridiculous that three factions, each strong in their own right, with rare races, esp with Teraphim being gods among men, drakanite dr builds, etc, choose to band together. Or even need to choose to band together. Like you're clearly strong on your own, have some IC confidence/pride. If each race was more closely balanced, I can see this being more lax but as it is, it is clear some builds/races are stronger.

The IC of them joining I won't get into because people will justify whatever they want. But you should put something in place for the future or it'll promote this weird ooc meta.

mind you this is not personally aimed at anyone but it'll be silly if every war from now on is a world war.
(05-14-2020, 09:28 PM)ilio Wrote: ...

while fair, couldn't the same be said when osrona+ilburg+myll joined up against theria?

or it was something like that anyway. i don't think a good answer to alliances being formed against the perceived strongest is to restrict people's options OOCly. there's a lot that could be said about that subject in general, and it mostly boils down to lukewarm decisions that are 'easy' rather than interesting, and it's sometimes tough to be the person taking a stance...
(05-14-2020, 09:28 PM)ilio Wrote: You should put faction limits for wars in while you're at it. A max of two on one side. It's clear some ppl can't be trusted to stick to IC and otherwise you're going to have some giant peace treaty umbrella like is happening rn.

It seems p.ridiculous that three factions, each strong in their own right, with rare races, esp with Teraphim being gods among men, drakanite dr builds, etc, choose to band together. Or even need to choose to band together. Like you're clearly strong on your own, have some IC confidence/pride. If each race was more closely balanced, I can see this being more lax but as it is, it is clear some builds/races are stronger.

The IC of them joining I won't get into because people will justify whatever they want. But you should put something in place for the future or it'll promote this weird ooc meta.

mind you this is not personally aimed at anyone but it'll be silly if every war from now on is a world war.

That's always the way it's been. It's unfortunate, because it does lead to ridiculous all on one wars like this one. But that's just the way it is.
I'm not the most objective person in this context, but yeah, IC over OOC. If a faction makes multiple enemies, its only logical that if there isn't something significant preventing them from doing so -which in this context there isn't- they'll band together. Why fight alone when you could increase your chances through diplomacy, and what not.
(05-14-2020, 09:39 PM)Theori Wrote: I'm not the most objective person in this context, but yeah, IC over OOC. If a faction makes multiple enemies, its only logical that if there isn't something significant preventing them from doing so -which in this context there isn't- they'll band together. Why fight alone when you could increase your chances through diplomacy, and what not.

I mean, in this case. The alliance is.... kind of silly? I mean Myllenoris and Osrona BOTH fought against Theria. As did Alabastre. I can't say anything about Illburg and Myllenoris, but we went from.

Theria & Illburg vs Myllenoris & Osrona.


Theria vs Myllenoris & Osrona.


Theria vs Myllenoris, Alabastre & Osrona.


Myllenoris, Theria, Alabastre, & Illburg vs Osrona.

To Myllenoris, Theria, & Illburg vs Osrona, with Alabastre still being part of the 'league'.
(05-14-2020, 09:43 PM)Enginseer-42 Wrote:
(05-14-2020, 09:39 PM)Theori Wrote: I'm not the most objective person in this context, but yeah, IC over OOC. If a faction makes multiple enemies, its only logical that if there isn't something significant preventing them from doing so -which in this context there isn't- they'll band together. Why fight alone when you could increase your chances through diplomacy, and what not.

I mean, in this case. The alliance is.... kind of silly? I mean Myllenoris and Osrona BOTH fought against Theria. As did Alabastre. I can't say anything about Illburg and Myllenoris, but we went from.

Theria & Illburg vs Myllenoris & Osrona.


Theria vs Myllenoris & Osrona.


Theria vs Myllenoris, Alabastre & Osrona.


Myllenoris, Theria, Alabastre, & Illburg vs Osrona.

To Myllenoris, Theria, & Illburg vs Osrona, with Alabastre still being part of the 'league'.

I can see how it'd seem that way to someone unaware of the internal context!
(05-14-2020, 09:45 PM)Theori Wrote: I can see how it'd seem that way to someone unaware of the internal context!

That's how it seemed to me from a Therian context. I mean we had raiders from Myllenoris attacking people the same week of the war dying down between Theria and Osrona. And I'm not saying there's no motivations or fluff behind it, I'm just saying that the context isn't obvious without some way of making it known.
(05-14-2020, 06:31 PM)chance Wrote: "Being deep in enemy territory (without a valid reason) means you may be subject to fight a 1v2 instead of a series of 1v1s, unless there's someone present who's comfortable in handling you. This isn't always the case if the IC has been built up and grounded well, but moreso applies to people just 'strolling in' to enemy territory. Additionally, there is no limit to the number of interventions allowed on a capture if deep within an enemy city."

edited a bit

Might be a good idea to add in possible examples for "deep in enemy territory".
For example, the outskirts of the cities (Such as Osrona's bridge, or outside Myllenoris' gate). I can see the possibility of people arguing whether they count being deep in enemy territory.
If you can see houses. Chances are you are deep inside enemy territory.

This doesn’t count areas like the Quarry and The Bridgehouse.
There was a holy war that Myllenoris was apart of against Theria, I still on how we forgive that the next year IC? This is the thing that would fester for years anytime you saw someone from Myllenoris.
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