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Bug Reports
dexterity does not have an outline highlight around the spell icon when barred and active
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Pond does not gain benefits from the Medic Class passive party healer.

Steps to replicate:
1. Obtain Pond
2. Obtain Party Healer passive
3. Weep as it doesnt apply to pond, but will to everything else.
Bug: For some reason when you use scarlet circle, and someone has shadow walk... They go completely black and now you can't tell if they are invul.

How to reproduce: Buy scarlet circle, drop it on someone with shadow walk, now play the guessing game as you scream in agony.

P.S: Please by the love of god... Fix this, you don't understand how hard it is to tell when they actually hop back into it or not or if their even invul to begin with. There is no way to counter it ;-; very uh... heart breaking to see that in a real RPB with a cap setting.
Bug: Magic Beasts don't appear to have their racials.

How to reproduce: Select 'Magical Beast' as your race in the Wilderness spawnpoint.
Outlaw status not shown with new profiles.
[Image: AP5QeXE.png]

I am rank 5 and these are the only options at the faction shop.
Bug: Gremlins don't have a 'Hovering' state, so they just turn invisible instead.

How to reproduce: Levitate or use Twister or some other thing that makes you fly.
Bonking into a Rush Dungeon entrance repeatedly can sometimes let you into the warper without paying.
[Image: cf04d5.png]
[Image: 2GTsHi7.png]
you can rp as other player characters
[Image: MYqnJtt.png]
Describe the issue: Chronos Aura Space Teleport not working

How to reproduce: Toggle TP and watch as you dash toward the opponent rather than teleporting.

Looking into another strange bug with the aura's interaction, will report when I have more information.

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