DandeliQuill Chronicle & Tavern
The writer of this Newspaper, Melionette Meanderwalk, has found herself resonating with the origin tale of the deep sea;
ridiculous as it may be, she would like to ascertain whether Miss Leucothea's tortured spirit remains tethered to this realm.
As an Anguill, I claim her not as my Mother, but as my originator all the same; without her, I would not be.
As such, I would like to attempt to commune with her essence, should it still persist.
Hallowed Spiritmancers, and all else who can pierce through the veil of the physical;
I would like to talk to you and attack you with a buffet of questions about how to reach someone of the other side.
Please get in touch.
My repayment will be a live performance.
I can play the flute, banjo and ocarina, and can sing in contralto.
I can sing for you, your wife, your children, your birthday party and your funeral.

Melionette abuses the convenience of her own newsboard.
Quote:[Image: 2Zqz9CB6fQ3ixfcNJsGRae5x4dd2kagtYkrzmq7h...65FjnmCUZ4]
[Image: AJoDVV8dOeMbCUhHZHhi6HjTB7EqTsX8fGOvfHc6...vsvGM1w_CI]
Need a release? Need recovery from your sins? Need to turn your dark heart pure white?
Melionette is offering the chance for you to confess your sins: don't worry, I won't need your name, or address, or anything really.
Release your inner torment and send your sins to me - no need to get into specifics. I'll ease your pain, precious Meranthe.
people may submit their sins through Melionette's 'letterbox' here:
[Image: dei4fdt-4c52fedd-7078-4fcc-b9df-a15fbe07...gXj7A-WyKA]
Chapter I:
What is Wayfinding about?
 It is a school of Traversal magic, the same magic that the Primordial Chireus used to travel accross the realms to deliver messages in between the Pantheon.

[Image: dei4elh-166a1d59-428c-4717-a578-0197e914...XVKP2vlekw]
Chapter II: What are the origins?
Those who have explored the Mount Pavonis or the Tower of Aetius may have noticed those gates that transport us into other places. These gates were discovered first by Marinka Irille, one of the first groups that explored the Tower. Her decryptions of the runes written on these portals helped to understand Chireus' magic and grasp it, creating the school of "Ergo Diareste", the origins of Riftmancy.
Although, this process was much more dangerous, unstable, deadlier, limited and required trial and error and putting risks. To solve this issue, the bibliosoph Remus Vilio and the scholars of the Cloud Citadel refined this art to create the school of Ergo Tropos, the origins of Wayfinding.

 [Image: d9xvb94-6ebe68f1-3e67-4e81-9164-e1842f14...bFDLyhMYHI] 
By studying the world's anatomy and refining the incantation of runes to ensure the stability and the safety, wayfinding has gained more popularity with its wider potential thanks to the method of Runecasting.
Although, such school requires a lot more of focus, concentration, and studies to understand.
[Image: dajdjez-b2638de8-8d4f-47b3-853b-a7bbe271...3aXcNsEaUw]

Chapter III: What are the intricacies of Wayfinding?
 As for what means Wayfinding, it is important to understand the main tenets of such : familiarity, transcendence and meticulous planning.
Wayfinding is about understanding how the world is created and how it works. And like Chireus, this passion into world encourages us to explore it. But most importantly in such, it is about the familiarity of locations. Places with strong memories and experiences helps us to travel through the world accross those important locations dear to us.
And once we figure how the magic works, it is possible us travel beyond the physical confines of our realm, by travelling through the Lifestream as a shortcut to reach these destinations. Studying wayfinding, is understanding how the world extends further than what our eyes see, seeking way beyond.
[Image: dei4elh-166a1d59-428c-4717-a578-0197e914...XVKP2vlekw]
Chapter IV: How hard is it to master Wayfinding?
It takes at least one generation for a wayfinding to say they can master it. And such art is not available for the frails magi, as it is mana intensive in consumption. But as we gather more knowledge, we can do much more than simple portals to travel into places. Our art can even be used into objects, or even be employed in combat.

[Image: dei4fdt-4c52fedd-7078-4fcc-b9df-a15fbe07...gXj7A-WyKA]
Chapter V: Why did Svengalf Sandsker become a Wayfinder?
It was first to travel safely in between settlements, as a wandering priest and physician. At the time, Meranthe was prey by Gluttony's Maw, before becoming Sheol as we know its ruins today. Witches and demons roamed the roads, attacking and kidnapping passerbys. I wanted to help those innocents to reach the towns safely, like a ferryman.
[Image: 2MLAtgPmZIis-WM6kQKAZATaLbshz3tuAUHoFw_E...aEwiFeCn2o]
Melionette appends a page to her board via the conscription of a local NPC.
Dear Esteemed Readership,
Regrettably, it appears I've been remiss in my duties as the keeper of ink and parchment. 
My apologies for my recent absence from these pages.
It seems I've been sinfully preoccupied with endeavors more exciting than tending to the humble Quill.
However, fear not, for an opportunity arises!
Do you, dear reader, possess a teeny-tiny inclination to become a scribe of happenings and events?
Step forth and join our ranks as a gatherer of news, for it is a noble pursuit, which offers:
1. The opportunity to establish bonds with your fellow man.
2. The opportunity to immerse yourself in Meranthian discourse.
3. The opportunity to tether yourself to the present.
4. Highlight humanity's issues so that they may be dealt with.
Any Dal'thalan Leafblade and Monarch is automatically given free-reign to send in article requests that I will press onto page.
Keia Meanderwalk and Fionn are also extended that privilege.
Anyone else, please send word of your interest via mail.
Yours in ink and parchment,

[Image: THftzjYvfpauzx51-_i9lKPhUL2AAAAlr2CINhUX..._LtKqnHNt4]
A damning article is pressed in thick ink.
It is I, Melionette.
I have recieved a missive.
I do not preach what they have said as certain truth.
I extend the right to reply to the synthetic named 'Krahe', or their Moniker '621'.
621, or Krahe, stands accused of being an Atrellyan agent.
Their sister is a synthetic called Kanari, who has ties to Xuefeng and Aegis due to allegiances in the Ashikgaru.
Their relationship has since declined after being captured by the Atrellyans.
In exchange for their life, a bargain was struck, a recognition and agreement to servitude under a pretense of a 'deal'. 621, or Krahe, agreed to serve as the new Ascendant of Crescent Fortress' agent. The job description is simple: to serve as their eyes and ears, spread discord and decieve enemies to further the abomination's plots.
The synthetic has been imbued with an occultic infestation as a sign of their covenant.
Closer inspection should, in theory, unveil this mark to anyone who is wilful enough to scrutinise deeply and thoroughly enough.
She proclaims her acts are done in the names of others, but they are in the service of the Atrellyans.
This missive's author has not sent this in alone, 
choosing to include specific details about the ongoings 
within the Crescent Fortress in an attempt to verify 
their standing.
These stories include the 'Demon Sage' consorting
with Ingolf's successor, who is an abysmal
night-creature borne of the torn flesh of man and
serves as as servant which acts in accordance to
Ilysander's will.

Ilysander is said to naturally favour a slave to a rival as
the head of his forces as they would not challenge the
man; it is claimed Ilysander fed a relic from their
repository to their slave-abomination to guarantee
victory over Ingolf.
Furthermore, a second tale talks of the wolves trying
to weed out the informant in a sudden trial, making use
of black circle pacts to try and force the truth from those
they suspected. Yet it is said their efforts found no purchase.
A final headline soars.
It is a recreation of a missive sent to the Quill's tavern.
Quote:To the Editor of this paper,
You do not know me. But you should. And all who read this paper, should also know of me. For I am the one who did what the grand servants of the Mori before me, could never do.
I have taken the Trident of Galene.
The very weapon used to seal the Mori.
And given it unto him.
The Dark God of the Seas will be free again.

And as his chosen Champion?
I will spread his will across this land.
[Image: six0_lvhwMktDTeiWswovebtYTUUZKax7rQayiER...UUOBBB7Bv8]
A revelation is enclosed in a headline.
It is I, Melionette.
I have received elaborate information about how the Trident of Galene has been seized.
Mnemosyne has been defeated in the depths of the Deep One's domain and claims due to the dint of sheer stupidity of those that went with her,
a magical beast taking the shape of a spider named 'Wicked' gave into whispers and promises of power.
He defeated her with the powers of the wretched patron and wrenched the trident out of her hands.

[Image: B626eckJno19WQpd94GEvHSsT-YaJCNgSBjQPehC...ScCUrd-SD0]

An artist's depiction of a spider, if anyone forgot what one looks like
Mnemosyne shares an important sentiment.
Her will to fight is not yet gone despite the ravaging of thought and mind.
She will be paying a minimum of  100,000 for anyone that defeats Wicked and brings it to her.
Context is important for you, my reader.
In Atlantean culture, Mori is synonymous with the Deep One, a malevolent creature of carnage.
Though its appearance was brief, it led to a dangerous cult that nearly caused the downfall of all Siren-kind.
Thanks to Liveyal's intervention disaster was averted.
The Trident of Galene is what kept the creature sealed.
Depictions of the Deep One 
portray it as a giant squid-like being with a burning eye and many sharp teeth.
Its tentacles can destroy ships and buildings, and its voice can cause harm.
The most concerning power it possesses is its ability to manipulate minds,
particularly tempting those who venture into the forbidden zone of Kerdanhel 
with promises of power and freedom.
Some theorise that the Deep One is believed to be a reincarnation of Inki,
embodying his hatred and anger towards a world he felt had abandoned him.
[Image: NsCQVuhv4N4FqxpWUxjuZwqgCzsrKxBMgVPoDbh9...2lRADejuC8]
A Word With His Majesty
Written by the Quillbearer PURPLE MOTH
Bringing to you. . .

Interview with Lumin King Camino of Delphina, Lord Caewynn, Luminary of Nemea. Dor'alanor. 

He will be called King Camino, or Camino for the rest of the interview.

In this interview with King Camino, this interviewer has asked the question burning on everyone's minds.

Q. What do you think about the recent uptick in magical beast attacks.
A. "From the beasts in particular, I'd say it is nothing we have not seen before since 
their rise to prevalence in Meranthe. In the years following the Invocation one could 
hardly tread the open road without coming across a meddlesome Gremlin or three.
Now the myriad of creatures is less numerous, though more potent individually.
Regardless, my stance remains the same as it has been. Though unlike Demons 
they can claim a certain place within nature, should they invoke the hunt upon 
Delphina's citizenry... then the hunt shall be returned to them.
It is simple as that."

Q. What are your thoughts on the recent chapel that Melionette has opened?

A. "A charming place. I am happy for her, in regards to the journey which has 
lead her to founding it, and wish her well in its continued steps ahead.

In a broader scope the respects of Gala have been modestly prevalent within 
the Realm. Not so chiefly as Nemea's own, naturally, but I do not find Her 
will to be that the nation of Her mandate be oblivious to all names save Her 
own in strict exclusivity.

Though indeed She is owed Her due.

Yet Her kindred's ways and even those of other deities are perfectly welcome, 
so long as they do not pose any anathematic nature to nature itself, as She wills
 it. Needless to say I do not expect any issue on that front out of Starhaven."

Q. Any words you want to share with the people of Dal'Thala?
A. "I have spent a lifetime sharing words with the people of 
Dal'Thala, and Delphina as whole. At length and in brevity. 
By storm and by calm.
As of this very moment... it is calm. An enriching chill ferried 
by a still Winter air. Some may call it bleak, and yet it surely it 
is peaceful. Beauty may not always be a thing of comfort or 
ease, but nevertheless there is a beauty to be found in each day.
A gift tailored by the winds of the seasons, a blessing and lesson 
worth its respect and remembrance. That, I leave you with."
"...It is a beautiful day."
[Image: b9SmskNvCsANlwTQXRR3_J3gReOxbUlzuDH1g5wl...nq-T1IsYIs]
What's this?
An announcement of temporary farewell?
Gather around, folks.
It is I, Melionette.
Bearer of tidings, I come to bear the news of one elusive Mitsuki Prithvi.
The accredited Cloudstrider and Sage of Joy has decided to go on a journey to the Spirit Realm for a whopping three long years!
My sources say he is on a quest to uncover the secrets of his heritage!
Thankfully, for all those that will miss him so?
The Quill Chronicle stands ready to serve as your earthern messenger service.
Simply send us the messages you desire to send to him, and we'll make sure your missive finds its way to him! 
Ensure you write his name on it.
You wouldn't want me, Melionette, digging into your personal discourse, would you?
A tragedy, turned into an opportunity. This investigator, wouldn't believe such kindness, if they didn't see it with their own two eyes. Yes, purple moth here. A moment, where a group of kids, the oldest no older than 15, had broken into a house.

Scared, threatened, and scarred aswell, from living outside. These kids, did what no one else should be forced to do. Breaking into a house for shelter, and nothing more than a warm bed, food an survival, they went in. At that time, a young woman who shall remain anonymous had come in to find them sitting in her house.

Rather than be angry, she had calmly spoke to them, and seeing their potential, and their heart. Urged them to stay in her home, with only one condition, one somewhat selfish one. 'Please don't enter upstairs'. And not only that, they were offered the opportunity to even WORK.

Bless our days, not all is lost, even as magical beast attacks rise, cults get more bold, and casualties pile up.
For now, as the kids are under 18, they will be anonymous.
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