DandeliQuill Chronicle & Tavern
Fresh headlines grace the news of the day!
This year's annual 'Rising Hero', as decreed by the Archmagi Association, is Magnolia.
Now, who is Magnolia?
They are of the Golden Ram, and hail from the lands of the distant North called Enobora.
The threat that has surfaced on the face of Meranthe is an enemy to themself and their people.
"The title of 'Rising Hero' given to me by the Archmagi Association came as a surprise. This path I walk has bore trials, more painful than triumphant. The scars of battle to both my body and beyond have worn me to the brink. I seen how easy it is for a person to fall into despair, and yet in the shadow, I found that a flicker of hope ever remains. That little flicker, which persists through the guilt of feeling inadequate in ones efforts, in failing to meet expectations, in feeling the burden of lives that need to be guarded weighting incomprehensibly upon one's shoulders. It is crushing, and yet it fills me with the determination I need to awaken each day.
I often feel so weak, and yet I am made to know that I am strong in the moments I need to be."
"The essence of being a Golden Ram lies in ones oath to defending the people and their loved ones. In Enobara, the Golden Ram travelled from village to village, hunting demons and shielding the little people from the Arch Enemy. But my purpose extends beyond just protection- it's about cherishing those precious bonds made with those I hold dear. My actions are not driven by any want for glory, but alone my commitment to safeguard what matters most."
"I follow the legacy of my father, and I have found his ways in the Golden Ram to resonate truly with my heart."
"My values, ambitions, and goals are all within this cause.
It is my purpose for living- every sacrifice, hardship, and pain endured, to be swept away in knowing that my actions may have saved one life."
Two lives. Five Lives. Ten. One-Hundred.

"I find solace in this, knowing that pain endured may illuminate the way to sanctuary for those who need it. Just as I do, they too know love, and they deserve to fill out their days with it, until the ultimate end that will guide us onto the lands of the Lady of Death."
"If you chose to share my words, I ask you to carry forth the creed I live by."
'Love unto Death'
Be steadfast in the face of darkness.
Magnolia of the Golden Ram



Loramelian announces she and others have developed a method to free witches from their patrons and save their souls.
This invention has been aptly named 'The Staurogram Key', which represents 20 years of work.
It utilises a method which Loramelian calls the 'Fivefold Cut', intended to sever the connection between shard and witch.
The first cut frees the mind.
                                          The second cut frees the heart.
The third cut frees the spirit.                                             
The fourth cut frees the self.
And the fifth 'cut' is the utilising of wayfinding to search the link for it's absolute weakest point and sever it.
Loramelian would extend the possibility of being a candidate to those earnestly seeking a fresh start. 
"As you may guess, I cannot do this for every witch in the world. And I will need to discuss a method for proceeding with the other nations of Meranthe, as I know full well everyone has their own opinions on what is justice."

"...but I will say this: Any witch that voluntarily turns themselves in, seeking a fresh start in a mindset of true penitence, will at the very least be considered as a candidate."
Loramelian would also announce her desire for an apprentice.
"-I'm looking for an apprentice, an eventual inheritor of the Key. They must be a practitioner of metaphysical magics, with a willingness to learn a great deal of esoteric arts. And more importantly - a strong devotion to the freedom and liberation of souls." 
"Any and all are welcome to apply to me, if they believe they fit those criteria. Even if only one person will ultimately be able to receive the Key, the training should be its own reward."
"Some witches have escaped their contracts via going to Helheim and physically retrieving their soulshards, 
or via deals with djinns, I've heard. Svengalf Sandsker also was able to sever a witch from her contract
once through the power of faith, I believe, but she was... from what I understand, there was irreparable
damage to her mind and self resulting. "
"That is part of why this method is so complex - doing everything possible to weaken the tie before severing
it is essential. The difference between ripping a limb out of the socket and a surgical amputation, if you'll
forgive a gory metaphor." 

"...This is not a secret to many people, but. My mother was a witch."
"And she conceived me as a gift to her Nethradin. As an ideal vessel. Yet when the time came to give me up...
she could not do it, in the end. Instead she saved me, at the cost of a fate worse than death. But it was only
a temporary deliverance; I spent the next twenty-five years or so of my life desperately scrambling to escape
its pursuit. Time and time again it would catch up enough to overshadow me with its presence - to turn me into
a roving nightmare of Helheim's own darkness and misery."
"Yet in all that suffering, I was granted one unexpected silver lining-"
"-the gift to see people as they truly were, by how they saw me."
"Some people viewed me as suspicious person, tainted and hence untrustworthy, to be doubted at every turn and
rejected the moment I put one foot out of line. Some saw a monster, a thing that should be slain out of hand,
another footnote in the long list of their heroic deeds of valor."
"But some people... Some people could tell I was simply a person who needed help. And it is because of those people
I am still alive today. Many of them had been distrusted and feared by the world themselves, and often for good
"In enduring horrors that most people thankfully cannot imagine... I have also witnessed beauty beyond compare.
Kindness from the most unlikely sources."
"Many long years ago... this scalpel was given to me by another child of a witch, another victim of their parents' sin.
I sought her help to see if she could cut me free of my curse. She could not, but she hoped I could turn the burden
she had inherited into something useful. That I could continue her quest toward liberation of all those who suffered
beneath chains no mortal key could unlock."

"Perkalas... I cannot imagine you are still among the living. But if by any chance you read these words..."
"...I kept my promise. I'm sorry it took me so long, but I never forgot you, and I kept my promise."
Arcadia: Peaceful village or hot spot for danger?
It has only been a few years since the foundation of Arcadia, a peaceful village that has its population expanded by the introduction of the Wolken to the shores of Meranthe. Pastoral farms with good people. Trying to live their life's simply and connected to their farms. However does it hold a more secret danger? Report after report leaks from the domains this village encompasses. Wolf demons, Night creatures, assassins with rift magic, bandits, and other Fel creatures. Is the land of Arcadia cursed? Was some grave sight dug up during construction and this has caused a blight to spread? Has some Primordial cursed the land for their Arrogance? 

Questions that are being asked by the citizens of its neighbors. Will Arcadia be able to hold its domain? Or will it fall upon the onslaught of Fel forces? Will a new hotbed of evil forces be in the middle of the Nation, blocking trade routes from the west to the east?

All this reporter knows is the people of Arcadia need all the aid they can get. If you are able to fight, help patrol around Arcadia. Donations of food and clothing to the farmers losing their homes. For if Arcadia falls, which nation will be next?
Founder and only member of the epic hat club
Remember, if the plan makes you lose your hat, then it is a bad plan.
An interview with Pittwald! A magical beast who frequents the streets of Dal'Thala. Let's see what a magical beasts' vision of the world looks like, okay?
Q."What is your name, and gender?"
A.I am Pittwald. I think I am about eighteen years old, but I am not entirely certain. I am more or less certain I am a male.

Q."How is it living in Dal'Thala, as a magical beast?"
A.As for living here, I do not. I visit this place frequently, but I do not consider it my true home. that being said, my experience here has been...mixed, good and bad in equal measure"

Q. "What do you think about the recent uptick in magical beast attacks lately?"
A.I was not aware such an uptick existed. I do know some of my kin lean on their animalistic side, and I do not judge them for it, but I hadn´t noticed any particular difference in the demeanors of others. unless...no, that is an unfounded speculation, apologies.

Q."So, can you describe some of the better, and worse moments you have deal with, when you visit this location?"
A."On bad days, I am shooed away like a stray dog. on good days I make new friends"

Q."...And what will you tell the people of the world? As a parting message for this interview?"
A."I suppose...stay true to yourselves, whatever your self end up being"

And that's all! Some interesting insight from the other side of the wall.

This has been another interview from Purple Moth
Good day, humble reader.
It is I, Melionette.

[Image: ivdFBpH_FDtY2qFJaF2-QpfIyZrQCl_CZHVb0Wm4...nGkb1e6fno]
The victor of which will receive 30,000c, the title of 'Best Meranthian Medic', a custom-made trophy and a serenade from me!
What are the win conditions, you ask?
Cure a malady!
I have met someone recently who has been blighted by the occult in such a way that it's ruined their circuitry nigh-completely.
As a past holy mage, it would seem the occult influence has come to blows with their own body in a way not unlike an allergy. This description is, of course, not entirely apt as I'm not a qualified medical professional, and as such they would require your own evaluation.
This is an issue for them, as it has compromised their dreams! (I, Melionette, have confirmed they are a very good person!)
The case is an extreme example of occultic progression.
If you are interested, get in touch by mail for more details.
( Occultists, Demons and Unredeemed Murders Of The Innocent are not eligible participants. )
Oceiros Dawnseeker has been murdered by Morana.

Morana stabbed Oceiros through the abdomen in front of the Torii Gate of Death.

She chucked him through the gate, and then soon after it shook, and left, enshrouded by a smog of black clouds which travelled toward the Volcano.

All that was left was a puddle of Oceiros' blood.
"Bare witness to that which all things must eventually come to learn of." were Morana's words.

One of the Three Sisters, Bronach, asserted: "He wished to get in touch with death."

"If you wish to ask who made him think it would be a good idea to try, then it would be 
that image of his father, which can't escape him. He did it to get in touch with his 
father's spear, in order to try to wield it.. To embrace death, and accept it-... The 
best way to do so, is to experience it in full."
John Ward claimed Morana also 'killed him'.
"Morana killed me the night I hosted a supper party. It consumed me, it lit me
ablaze, and though I do not share her blood, My sister granted me my wings."
"When I died, I was congratulated, they clapped and cheered, for the old me
died, and the new me was born."
"My sister is embodiment of Mourning, and the third word of my father. That
death is a gateway to something greater."
"Await, That Door will open again. And what will come out of it will show
you the beauty of death."
"Your questions, your prayers, will be answered then."

"Of course it was a choice, He chose out of all three of us to aid him, the violent 
death that took his father. It makes sense, truly. After all, Mortyl's Spear is a weapon.

You may rest easy in knowing that Oceiros crossed the gate in the most peaceful
manner she could, as violent as she was allowed to be." 
 Hold on, what's this? A shameless advertisement in the Quill Chronicle? 

[Image: Preview_143.png]
Quote:Melionette and Friday . . .

. . . will be holding a beach party and concert for anyone that isn't evil!
The Fel, Occult and Demons are disallowed! (The Quill extends their kindest apologies.)

Dress Code:
The colours and motifs of your favourite diety!

[Image: d52xua5-36d2b196-ab61-47af-b3b3-063526b6...NN-OH4jpDE]
They will be debuting TWO NEW ALBUMS!

A leafy ballad about the land's many Pantheon. . .
[Image: dcz4mt2-27c0e00c-981a-4037-a9e8-a13b8852...7sY6xw1akY]
[Image: d7yqvjq-43816c1c-8a93-4445-a633-4dd4ffbb...84DVglMHng] & [Image: d7yqvjq-43816c1c-8a93-4445-a633-4dd4ffbb...84DVglMHng]
A watery symphony about the sea's many creatures. . .
[Image: dbt3tov-b26fc8fd-6db7-4eaa-b2ca-a16bff70...0soYFmMV5o]

Attendance to the concert is FREE!
Copies at the event will be buyable for a mere 7,500c!
These bad boys include a once-in-a-lifetime aura enchantment that will change your life!!!
[Image: dcpajas-e76b06d2-55d7-4b4c-bfa9-8af45095...iWlFRhbB9A]

4:15PM EST
Melionette reaches her publisher through dubious means.
Friday and Melionette's concert concludes.
And all those who attended know there was no shortage of agony.
Strife ensued due to an important talking point:
Is it, or is it not improper to revere the Gods of Land within lands claimed by Sirenia?
Tensions between Xuefeng and Nereides sirenian were high, but partially quashed after the offering of a singular Thousand Year-Old Acorn, and the demand for a Pinky-Promise.
However, the sound did not fail to disturb the deep.
"Noise.. Much of it that disturbs these waters."
"You mortals and your sounds. Disorderly. Speak not, for you have disturbed our slumber."
Oceanic beasts rose, their forms contorted into something vile, as though deadened, fetid flesh.
Disturbed creatures, definitely hailing from the depths.
Faraway, there was a grumble.
But of what?
Coralee said: "I-- I think we need to... Um.. I think we woke one of them up..."
"Th-th-the monsters... Um... The ones told to us..."                                
                                                             "That would eat us.."
Gurop said: "Stormcaller.."
"Flood Herald.."
The sound brought Gurop to tears.
The sound, theorised by those of Sirenia, is said to be derived from the  Leviathan, often explained in legend to be the offspring of Jormungandr.
This massive beast, surpassing even the largest ships, predominantly lurks in the ocean's deepest abysses.
They are known for killing Sirenian and destroying their homes.
Rare sightings of the Leviathan coming to the surface is considered to be a terrible omen, and typically heralds a huge flood.
[Image: Leviathan.png]
An artist's rendition of the foul beast.
On a more lighthearted note Shenlian of the East - The Great River Flood Dragon could be seen chatting 'happily' with Kscenyia C. Montelione, who has been at the butt end of tensions with Dragon's Nest, Alluvium the Verdant, Son of Fahdlrex having recently publicly decreed her an "Abomination".
"The way your scales glisten in this afternoon sun is truly captivating. Might we watch this concert together?"
"My jade beauty."
Shenlian and Ksceniya could be seen leaving with one another in high spirits.
A giant of the east was also found left in a comatose state after the festival. 
Sources claim a lack of an autograph was the cause.
 [Image: w9ZSL1loqA0OXPIl3_rkDrfflEgCNmbFxa6EfUpj...cG1OBGKpUc]
There is a very bold column amid the daily humdrum of dull and daring news.
I am the man that mans the printing press at the Quill.
Embarrassingly, my employer and by extension head editor has just posted me a slip of paper.
It reads:
'Hello, I will be going on a pilgrimage to appease my adoptive Mother and Deity
so that my tome may become an encyclopaedia of Her Children's many beauties.
And so I can make sense of my place and mind.
I know this is all very sudden. I have left you 10,000c for this inconvenience so
that you may survive in the times I do not commission you for your services!
Thank you for all you have done for me, Burton.
Inform Leafblade Captain Kakku and Tatsuya Amamamamamamamamiya that they have legally inherited all adoptive-parent responsibilities in my absence.'

While it's improper, if you require news in the meanwhile, I humbly suggest The Daily Leaf.
[Image: MARKERLE.png]
To those that swam before us!
[Image: dau8974-93413181-acce-43b1-a974-a34f56cb...y8RXfruHOY]
“The forerunners that came before us we owe for myriad reasons. 
To Yama, our lives, the water spirit. To Inki, the very lands, the very salty brine. 
And to the sisters three, Galene, Scylla and Leucothea, our aspects, our cultures, our individualized beauties.”
“There is nothing more important than the unification of our kin. Frayed bonds have brought our kind into ruination time and time again. 
We must stand united, so we never stray from our camaraderie. We must stand united, in the face of threat – beast, Leviathan, or the Deep One.
“Come, Sirenia.
Let’s celebrate what made us what we are today.”
Melionette and Mnemosyne invite all those that would revere Sirena and its progenitors to a festival on the sandbanks of The Traverse! 
A helpful guide has been appended to outline the chronology of the festivities.
[Image: d9y7g8x-d1e449fc-eb32-48cf-b957-f2570d07...1-C-RAaagY]
I. Sermon
The festival will begin with a sermon and shared prayer. Everyone will be given the chance to share their individualized appreciations and share any words they desire. People are encouraged to bring their own offerings: stones for Yama? Clay for Inki? Pearls for Leucothea? Anything and all is allowed, as long as it isn’t a clam-bomb!
 II. Festival Games
The festival will then proceed with a few festivities inspired by Sirena’s many progenitors.
I. Stone-Gathering Competition
Collect as many stones as you can before the time runs out!
Prize: A sea-glass crown!
  [Image: UtWIV_iyEzi2gihPGCU3-oODszqBBgCUr9-NfRTj...-81yPTLnp8]
II. Sand-Sculpture Competition
Make the best sand-sculpture!
Prize: A sea-shell crown!
[Image: PAclZsV5J0bawCxTx1VYN02Kw0adgrOlk3boRBZR...zfeKEoIuJ8]
III. Free-Style Song Competition
Sing the best song on-the-spot!
Prize: A coral seaboard!
[Image: FvQVeWCDkqhbzZp_hUM-MqH77KDcus4uhZCAmyH8...jO77yWm5mc]
IV. Team VS. Team Battle
May the best team win!
Prize: A trophy and shark helmet!
[Image: JxUbIPTpRQMZurD6eEO1OTrs51FDecgpgumjqToI...9nhbE_f9lw]
V. Who Can Dive The Deepest?
Will the Anguill win this race to pick up the relic on the seafloor?
Prize: A deep-sea coral crown!
[Image: Mc_sguvt2zoHJuwUu92prVM6qs2bEqVrGasq5XFs...yc_DqLgu04]
III. Closing Ceremony
The festival will end with a word from Mnemosyne and Melionette!
The Traverse
02/06/2024 - Sunday
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