Spell Balance Suggestions
Flurry slash inflicts bleed on a hit.
As for flurry slash as a skill, though? It is an 18 SD +bleed if you land it, for 20cd. Not the optimal move to use first as a ranged attack, but works well in close quarters and if the opponent is slowed.

Honestly, it is quite decent damage and CD wise, the only catch is that you need to be able to land it.
As for galeforce, though? ... Yeah, high CD, for not so much reward. There is a reason why I switched it out for flurry slash.
Spell: Aera

Complaint: This spell is so bad, that absolutely no one ever bought it . Ever.

This entire time, it hasnt even -worked-. Thats how bad this spell is. Absolutely no one ever used this and put it on their bar to find this bug out .

If that isnt a sign to buff something, I dont know what is. The biggest problem? Its -35-(25) seconds. No one wants to wait 25 seconds to use a 10 second buff of only 10% . 

I saw lower that **** to 25, for 15% more damage. Cause right now it is trash, and the playerbase said it without saying it.
(04-06-2020, 01:37 AM)Rod Wrote: Spell: Aera

Complaint: This spell is so bad, that absolutely no one ever bought it . Ever.

This entire time, it hasnt even -worked-. Thats how bad this spell is. Absolutely no one ever used this and put it on their bar to find this bug out .

If that isnt a sign to buff something, I dont know what is. The biggest problem? Its -35-(25) seconds. No one wants to wait 25 seconds to use a 10 second buff of only 10% .

i don't know if it speaks a lot about how much research you've actually done or about how kind of bad it seems for a spell to be broken for this long, but it's been reported multiple times by multiple people. the reason nobody buys it is because it's been broken since it was put in. you could probably find 3 or 4 reports of it being broken if you'd bothered to look for a while.

Every single player, that has ever wanted to get the Wind buff, went out of their way to search X amount of pages to find out that wind buff doesnt work.

These multiple people really need to speak up, or link me their topic from November


Go with me on this,

They saw a 10% Buff, for 25 second CD,

And knew what not to do
It worked pre wipe, and it made shockwave 10k. What?
Spell: Metal Lance
Suggestion: This spell is an interesting one, and I understand the want for new trees to be exciting and to do well, but honestly this spell is a little too overtuned. The magic number is 12. 12s Cooldown, 12 damage, 12 range. It also applied a 5s slow. The slow alone, is pretty scary. Especially with such a low cooldown. The user pretty much has 7 seconds, without the slow time up on them, which in my opinion isn't awfully fair considering CDR. Damage is solid and so is the range(The range should be cause of the spell type.) Think it needs some numbers adjusting though.

My Suggestion: 12 Spell Damage, 12 Range, 20s CD, 3s Slow. With a lot of the other slows being cut, it seems silly to leave the slow at such a high number. Not to mention, with how the cd is.
Spell: Crimson Vapour
Suggestion: This spell is either not working correctly, or just doesn't do an awful lot at all. 8 Spell damage on hit, seems to apply a bleed, good range. But in truth, it seems super lackluster-- To the point where it doesn't seem worth a bar slot in truth. Think it's probably just a number thing, unless it's not working correctly. For an intermediate spell, which costs 15 rpp for it to be only hitting about 1.7k at best, really isn't impressive.

My Suggestion: If the spell is working correctly, I'd suggest changing the spell damage up to 13 - 15, Main reasoning for this, is comparing it to a similar working spell such as Tesla, which has more than double the damage. Needs some love.

Spell: Sandstorm / Blizzard
Suggestion: As far as I can tell, this seems a little silly in comparison to similar spells such as blizzard. Not necessarily saying they should be a clone of one another, damage and cooldown wise. Although, one being better in all aspects, seems a little funky. To put into context how out of wack having such high spell damage on this kind of spell is; tornados currently do 3 spell damage, you are only given 3 of them after a charge up. Sandstorm, gives you a lot of them, which each do 2 damage. So it definitely needs a look at.

2 Spell Damage, 35 Cooldown, Same duration(10?), 15 RPP - Sandstorm
1 Spell Damage, 40 Cooldown, Same Duration(10?), 15 RPP - Blizzard

My Suggestion: If you want them different, then commit to them having different aspects. Otherwise make them the same. For making them different, I'd keep Sandstorms damage higher at 2 Spell Damage, make its cooldown 40 - 50 seconds. Blizzard I'd keep it's spell damage at 1, lower the cooldown to 30.

That way, bigger damage means bigger cooldown, lower damage means lower cooldown. Think this helps these spells a lot, although personally I'd prefer them to be the same stats.
Spell: Lariat

Suggestion: Give it some more damage, make it slow after it hits.

It's now just a 15 rpp intermediate "skillshot" (It basically isn't a skillshot because of jab instahit) that does an absolute garbage amount of damage and can no longer combo at all unless its something like Lightning Burst.

With 239 Power, it does about 2.5k worth of damage. Checked with using the health bar numbers, because it ticks so fast. 44,688 -> 42,194
(04-06-2020, 04:31 PM)Cpt. Prinny Wrote: Spell: Lariat

Suggestion: Give it some more damage, make it slow after it hits.

It's now just a 15 rpp intermediate "skillshot" (It basically isn't a skillshot because of jab instahit) that does an absolute garbage amount of damage and can no longer combo at all unless its something like Lightning Burst.

With 239 Power, it does about 2.5k worth of damage. Checked with using the health bar numbers, because it ticks so fast. 44,688 -> 42,194

It’s a guaranteed stun with follow-up. That’s the same reason why water whip had it’s damage nerfed. Plus, 239 power aint that close to end game which is usually 270ish (or in my case 300 when I was unarmed). The damage will go up. And again, it’s a stun that barely misses, you said it yourself
(04-07-2020, 12:13 AM)Joshua Wrote:
(04-06-2020, 04:31 PM)Cpt. Prinny Wrote: Spell: Lariat

Suggestion: Give it some more damage, make it slow after it hits.

It's now just a 15 rpp intermediate "skillshot" (It basically isn't a skillshot because of jab instahit) that does an absolute garbage amount of damage and can no longer combo at all unless its something like Lightning Burst.

With 239 Power, it does about 2.5k worth of damage. Checked with using the health bar numbers, because it ticks so fast. 44,688 -> 42,194

It’s a guaranteed stun with follow-up. That’s the same reason why water whip had it’s damage nerfed. Plus, 239 power aint that close to end game which is usually 270ish (or in my case 300 when I was unarmed). The damage will go up. And again, it’s a stun that barely misses, you said it yourself

Hi. Avee here and I approve of this response.
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