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Aphros, the holy kingdom of Athelios and followers of the Ordinance that lies in the center of Meranthe. Famed as a primary facilitator of trade and negotiation, renowned for its rich culture from masquerade balls amongst nobility to the many public religious festivals, but also known as Meranthe's center of espionage and intrigue. Aphros is a burgeoning kingdom of both fame and infamy, many find success and profitable ventures in their dealings with the kingdom, others remain wary and vigilant of the notorious lands believing that involving oneself with them puts them on the radar of their shapeshifting assassins, the Faceless.

Founding and Philosophy[edit]

When Athelios feared the spread of his mistake within Helheim to the world he once walked, he sent the first of his Faceless to Meranthe. They were tasked with the creation of a bastion for humanity against any incursion from the violators of cosmic order. Within the central lands of Delphinia they would begin to rise through political and military ranks. Be it by exemplary work, or by replacing high ranking threats. They worked to spread the Athelios faith far and wide, gaining loyalty within those central lands and working from the beginning to secure the conditions for later separation from the greater Delphinia. Once they’d secured the beginnings of Aphros, the Faceless took on an advisory role as the rest of Athelios’ faithful whom they’d gathered marched further into their kingdom to expand what they’ve built.

Functionally a theocracy, the kingdom of Aphros is lead by the 'Oracle of Athelios', a figure chosen to preside over most vital affairs and one tasked with leading the populous and the world at large to a proper balance of light and shadow within themselves. Upholding the dogma of the Ordinance, and spreading its influence and enacting its doctrine may be Aphros' main priority, but beyond that it still necessarily functions as one would expect a kingdom to. The lives of their citizens from peasantry to nobility vary greatly, some more faithful than others.

Furthermore, given the tenets of the Ordinance and Athelios supporting the exploration of humanity's sins and shadows as well, Aphros has a complicated relationship with law and crime. The land must not fall into chaos, and so clearly the nation still operates with rigid laws and hierarchies, along with strict punishments for disrupting that order. Despite this, explorations of the extra-judicial are not uncommon for the kingdom. The Faceless operate as spies and secret peacekeepers, they are known to kill and replace for the benefit of all. Similarly, though crime often nets punishment, operations that prove themselves to be useful enough aren't completely written off and eliminated. Occasionally, organized crime is subsidized and secretly put under control of the government when it proves useful and malleable enough to become a net positive for the civilization as a whole, though punishment is quickly delivered should they ever stray from that status.

Of Astra and Umbra, Under the Oracle[edit]

"The dual factions of military within the Kingdom of Aphros represent far more than differing military tasks. The differing philosophies oft pervading the two grant insight into the many schools of thought within the Athelios faith. The factions named of light and shadow seeking to maintain order amongst themselves are the prime representation of their deity of duality."

Order and balance reign above all within Aphros, though neither are necessarily achieved through appeals to virtue alone. The recognition that the darkness of humanity holds both value and danger, as well as the drive to explore that side of the coin all naturally lead to Aphros being known as the city of duality in tune with the deity it follows. This has lead them to on occasion allow what most would consider evils for better results. Rather than drive occultists out or execute them, Aphros monitors and typically attempts to recruit them into its military for example. There are hard lines of course, witchcraft and black magic are clear devotions to the enemies of cosmic order, and so it is expunged when found. Though one is not necessarily forced to eliminate a necromancer unless their offenses mount beyond their worth, necromancy remains wholly outlawed within Aphros lands due to its violation of the mortal cycle and the negative consequences that often follow excessive practice.

Though its acceptance of darkness is what Aphros is often most known for, it does not change its status as a kingdom of balance. Virtue, benevolence, mercy and redemption are all still core components of Athelios that followers seek to emulate. Though darkness exists within Aphros, it is the populous and government's duty to balance that with the light of mortality as well. As such, Aphros splits apart politically and militarily into two factions that must work in tandem. Astra and Umbra, Astra foremost maintaining the justice and light of Athelios faith and the ordinance, Umbra prioritizing exploring the darkness and guile necessary for greater ends. Despite the difference in priority, both must maintain their balance internally, both must function as opposites that bring about a greater whole within Aphros proper, all under the Oracle's guidance.

The Oracle[edit]

The oracle of Athelios, leader and maintainer of balance within Aphros. At the top of the hierarchy for the bastion of order, the unifier of light and dark, they have the duty to maintain the balance between the Umbra and Astra factions as they decide upon the direction and priorities of the kingdom.

A nephilim or their chosen champion is typically drawn to this position, or one holding this position is likely to attract a nephilim to declare them their champion. Athelios’ Oracle is not only a leader, after all, as the name suggests they act as an Oracle that must understand, spread, and enact the beliefs of order and balance within duality that Athelios embodies.

Regardless of whether they’d belonged to a faction prior to their ascent, the Oracle needs to be aware of and complicit in the philosophies of their factions. They must govern Astra’s applications of justice and worship, but they also must be aware of and have a say in the clandestine operations of Umbra, such as the mobilisation of the Faceless, Athelios’ devotees. Adopting a dual personality similar to that of Athelios depending on whom they manage is not a strange practice to the Oracle, who necessarily becomes closer to the masked deity based upon their role.

There are times where the Oracle acts more as a holy figure, dictating the evolution of teachings and rituals, managing the growth of faith within the kingdom as advisors and military leaders keep them safe. There are other times when the Oracle is more of a king or governor. Consolidating noble houses for campaigns, and managing intricate clandestine operations in times of turmoil. Roles ebb and flow through the path of history, as light and shadow would throughout the day and night. The best Oracle seeks to strike perfect balance.

Of Astra[edit]

The welcoming face of Aphros that shines and basks within Athelios’ warm light. Astra functions as the military faction and political & philosophical ideology that hopes to spread the benevolence and light of Athelios far and wide. Spreading the faith and maintaining the peace, while rallying those that seek to bring order into a world so wrought with chaos.

Aphros citizens quite politically and philosophically inclined towards Astran practices will often proudly display that affiliation by dressing in white, Astran knights will typically don shining armour and act as the city’s welcoming white knights often represented in story books as legendary heroes. Charismatic, friendly, and at times quite merciful, those of the Astra persuasion more often work to attract converts and recruits. Astrans also highly prioritise the strengthening of their faith and attachment to the gods, namely Athelios. Often managing church practices and conducting festivals and rituals for unity.

With varying degrees of forgiveness to offences, Astra foremost is defined by their belief that they need be emblematic of that light and order Athelios sought to bring to even Helheim. Redeemers that work to turn those that dwell too far within shadow back on a path of balance, seeking out evil and vanquishing it before it corrupts. Though order and discipline must be maintained, to delve too far into tyranny would abandon the happiness Athelios sought to spread.

The world needs to be brought into that balance, word must spread and their hearts must open to this new order of Aphros. Astra takes it upon itself to inspire and protect, and as such many of them take the roles of holy knights and higher ups within the church, deepening the world’s connection and faith.

Peacekeepers: Though not necessary, Astran knights of Aphros fashion their armour to make their status as holy warriors quite clear. More often than not, that status rings truer than just appearances. Their dedication to keeping the peace, order and balance as well as their deep attachment to Athelios’ teachings, plenty of Astrans develop holy magic.

Plenty of noble Astran houses prioritise the spreading of the faith, the recruiting of men and women far and wide to their causes. They snuff out dissent and rebellion where they can, and those too vile to let live still face their righteous wrath.

They can’t afford to look purely outwards, of course. Though they understand their duty to work with Umbra, and though the two factions do not inherently hold malice to one another, Astra needs to be in constant awareness of when shadow threatens to spread beyond the balance. Aphros’ methods of peacekeeping can be questionable at times, Astran higher ups understand the necessity at times… but they still must work to ensure none stray too far. Astra tries to keep a close eye on Umbra to ensure none believe acts such as forming pacts with Helheim would ever be acceptable.

Proselytizing:Faith is an almost vital part of existence within Meranthe, a truth Aphros recognizes very well. With the main faith of course being to Athelios, worship and respect of other deities is welcome. Some within Astra look to Enarr as well for guidance in their leadership.

As a kingdom of faith, Astra takes that dedication to heart with many choosing to explore the rituals and practices to their extremes. It’s no strange occurance for those with an affinity to Astran policy to take to the organised churches, performing many of the necessary rituals and festivals.

Astran merchants take to acts of generosity and kindness, earning favours in nearby settlements to make trade with Aphros more preferable, attracting allies and converts. Those within the churches take not only to teaching of their faith, but learning more of it. Explorations into the philosophies involved, seeking ancient holy scripture, meeting with those of other faiths for discussion and better ties. It’s not out of the ordinary for Aphros to conduct holy rituals of various kinds, Astra’s often involve some festivity.

Order is necessary, the peace must be kept and discipline adhered to. Despite this, life has room for that alongside mercy and harmony when possible. Some Umbrans believe Astra to be weak at times, unable to do what is necessary to maintain order and balance. Those of Astra remember and hold dear to their heart that all the conflict they partake in is for the pursuit of those times of peace, rather than more conflict.

Of Umbra[edit]

The cloaked Athelios is said to shift to a second personality with the setting of the sun. The same too can be said of Aphros, for within the shadows those of Umbra ties and philosophical persuasion work to maintain the kingdom’s order and Athelios’ balance no matter the cost.

Aphros denizens are always varied and carry their own differences, but those who wish to proudly display their affinity to Umbra will often dress in black, their armour may be fashioned to be more menacing and fearsome. Despite assumptions, charisma is an incredibly important tool to Umbra as well. Espionage capability and social control is valued highly among them, if not fearsome knights they’re often charming shadow advisors and scholars that always know a bit too much than others may be comfortable with.

Umbra & Astra are not one note groups or philosophies, there are subsects within subsects of thought on when is too much, when is too little. Despite a foreigner’s assumption given their proclivity to the shadows, Umbra is not equivalent with evil. They work in tandem with Astra to staunch the tides of chaos, the defining difference however is that Umbra recognizes that it can not be done if one only dwells within the light. Cruelty is occasionally necessary, so is the exploration of the very same forces they fight. One must be smart, and sometimes manipulative to prevent chaos from festering within.

Order must be maintained at all costs, lest Aphros be tossed in that same chaos they push back. Athelios sought to bring about order to even Helheim, that can not be accomplished without the acceptance of shadow and change within that infernal environment. As such, some Umbra knights fashion themselves as combatants that bear Helheim’s fury. Firmly believing Athelios’ goal of bringing about order to Helheim to not only be achievable, but a destiny even they are meant to bring about.

Warfare: Though not a steadfast rule, there are sects of Umbra knights that adorn their armour with fearsome imagery, sometimes invoking the imagery of demons or devils of Helheim to strike terror within enemies.

These knights are occasionally among Aphros’ sanctioned occultists. Taking a vow and oath to Athelios to his influence to control and staunch the chaos of the occult, to channel it into righteous fury dedicated to maintaining order.

To Aphros, the occult is only a threat in the hands of those that practise in secret, and those that can not control it. If one can handle the influence without falling out of line, they are kept under supervision, but welcomed for their capabilities within Umbra especially. Their existence needn’t be kept secret, so long as they do not cause trouble. Astra knights are typically known to be the holy mercy granters, while those of Umbra occasionally believe themselves to be Athelios’ fearsome executioners.

Strategy: Umbra doesn’t operate exclusively on the battlefield. Like Astra, plenty of them manage the faith side of Aphros, but most think of their capability in the fields of strategy and espionage.

Charming political advisors, scholars that explore subjects that must be kept secret, it’s Umbra that is quickest and most likely to incorporate use of the Faceless. Occasionally, dissent may brew within Aphos, and clandestine means of keeping the peace are often looked for by Umbrans. The Faceless acting as Athelios’ assassins keep the peace by removing bad apples and taking their place, occasionally within enemy nations as well.

Umbran nobles are fearsome merchants, pursuing scholarly projects for the nation that need be kept secret, while keeping tabs on the faceless and their enemies both politically and beyond their borders. Umbra & Astra must work in tandem, but due to Umbra’s proclivities, there are times where Astrans become suspicious of Umbra delving too deep into the dark. Umbrans may occasionally believe that it’s necessary for them to delve this way so that those of Astra can enjoy the warmth of their light.

The Culture[edit]

The appearance of the city of Aphros, which is moderately industrialized, is architecturally prone to designs of a gothic nature. Often featuring hybrid designs mixing imposing dark rooftops held up by lighter shades of stone, its status as a city of duality is reflected in the presentation of its buildings and, often, by the clothing its citizens wear. The dark colours of Umbra are primarily worn by the population, as opposed to Astra's white. The obvious reason being black stains harder, but most members of society make it a point to wear something light with their clothing to reflect the duality of their culture. Those who can afford it tend to wear finely tailored suits as their casual attire, regardless of gender, often upping themselves during special occasions by adorning outlandishly lavish statement pieces.

In regards to how religion intersects with the lives of Aphrosians, it is looked poorly upon one to not participate in the weekly prayer. There is a sense of unease about not doing so, as though the rumoured faceless might target you for being unfaithful. However, often you will simply be scolded by family and friends for not giving thanks for all Athelios does for the people of the holy city. Schools focus much of their curriculum on the study of balance, often interweaving religious studies with other subjects. From math to literature, all are taught from a young age about the importance, if not the outright requirement for there to be a balance in all things. Similarly, many are taught that their unfortunate lot in life is simply a reflection of their society being in a state of equilibrium. The poor are often informed of why their misfortune is a boon to humanity as a whole, leading to the pacification of many of their grievances.

As for the two halves of the city itself, they are split down the middle by the river 'Parity', which separates the wilting western forests from the corrupted shadowlands of the east. Although one might believe the city built in a poor location, the corruption rarely tends to breach far into the western half, often finding itself stayed by some unseen hand. The common belief is Athelios himself wards back the Shadowlands from consuming the rest of Meranthe. As to whether there is truth to this or not, the church is quick to jump on the common belief and reinforce it as proof of divinity.

And though there may be a divine hand guiding the population, Aphros can be a rather unfair place. For one to be rich there must be a greater number who are devoid of wealth. Where a society might seek to render all equal and paint the world in shades of grey, Aphros instead operates on the principal of stark contrast in all things. For there to be balance there must be night and day, not an unending sunset. The wealthy in Aphros tend to live lavish lives in the western half, indulging in finely managed gardens and cultural celebrations, while the eastern half falls to decay under the weight of the hostile environment and a lack of social services.

Resources were always strained within the eastern half, but since the eruption of the tower of Aetius much of the damage has gone unrepaired. These days the poor who are driven out of the western section find themselves in the decaying eastern section, suffering antisocial attacks and growing crime rates. To help combat this religious groups often organize relief efforts, providing amenities that can be spared to families in need. The view from the Umbral side of the city is naturally a far nicer one than Astra gets to look at. While the noble houses have been known to donate to have services provided to the region as an act of goodwill, often towards volunteer organizations, the vast majority of their donations go towards upkeep of their own personal districts. As dire as the situation may sound, much of Umbra's activities in this region involve the moderation of crime, as opposed to the eradication of it. Often, through careful manipulation, non-compliant gangs are forced into situations where they cull each other, returning stability to the region with minimal policing required. However, this system is imperfect and is insufficient for bringing an end to complex social issues.

Due to all of the above and many more unnamed scenarios there is an underlying sense of 'other' between the two halves of the city, which some believe may as well be their own respective nations in all but name due to the starkly contrasting situations.